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JoynersHotPepper 2015 Pepper Party

So far behind this year, have not even made a list for 2015. This shall be the week to shed the lazy!
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Going to have to bring up a whole tray from the grow area, dozen or more plants were touching the lights today and it is on the highest setting :) I'll take a picture of them in a bit.
Space station...

These guys are off to the sun room until plant out.

Chris is your sunroom heated? I have had mine in my sunroom since Saturday. Mine is not heated, so I put a portable heater in there as overnight lows could get into the 30's the next few days.
tctenten said:
Chris is your sunroom heated? I have had mine in my sunroom since Saturday. Mine is not heated, so I put a portable heater in there as overnight lows could get into the 30's the next few days.
Actually it is not really a sun room but a morning room and it is 100% part of the house and south facing so yes it is heated and cooled but has windows on 3 sides. 
Mine very similar except it is not heated. It has windows on three sides also. On days when I cannot get them outside, is that enough light for the plants?
tctenten said:
Mine very similar except it is not heated. It has windows on three sides also. On days when I cannot get them outside, is that enough light for the plants?
It should be fine as Ozzy stated. I had my whole grow in the room last year since the basement was too cold. This year I got a cover for my whole grow and put a portable heater in there. I kept it roughly 85 with 50% humidity and this is the best my plants have looked before plant out ever. 
grantmichaels said:
I'm confused, I guess, but don't ya'll have UV filtering glass up yonder? ...
I forget the specs on the glass, but it probably does block some of the uv rays.  But what I have noticed is if I do not open the windows, it is creating a greenhouse effect.  First time growing this many from seed so it is much easier for me to get them out side from my sunroom than my basement.  I do have the ceiling fan on 24/7 to circulate the air.  So far so good, but I am noticing that the plants are staying wetter due to the higher humidity than in my basement.  I probably shouldn't have all of my plants in there, incase it is bad procedure. 
grantmichaels said:
I'm confused, I guess, but don't ya'll have UV filtering glass up yonder? ...
Depending where you live Low-E glass is just now being used more often. I know in FL it's been a must for some time with all the sun. Around St. Louis it's just become more popular in the last 5 yrs. Especially, in the IL side of the river. It's a state law in IL to be energy efficient now. We have really had to change the way we build homes, which is a good thing. It's just more costly and a pain in the a$$ sometimes.
Sorry to hijack your thread Chris lol.
Yeah, because of hurricane strength requirements, and sun-poisoning etc, you won't find too much non UV-filtering glass in Florida ...
Plants don't fare well behind the glass, here ...
Looking good. Is it safe to plant out up there? I'm holding off until around the 15th. I was debating putting a few test plant out though. Ones I wouldn't cry over if they perished.
tctenten said:
Chris will you be putting some plants in the dirt this weekend? Forecast finally looks pretty good.
I always wait until Mother's day, I plan to start hardening off then plants tomorrow. 
D3monic said:
Looking good. Is it safe to plant out up there? I'm holding off until around the 15th. I was debating putting a few test plant out though. Ones I wouldn't cry over if they perished.
I'll start the process but they plants won't hit the dirt until 5/10 at earliest :) I could easily do hoop houses with the square foot gardens but I'll just wait. 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I always wait until Mother's day, I plan to start hardening off then plants tomorrow. 
I'll start the process but they plants won't hit the dirt until 5/10 at earliest :) I could easily do hoop houses with the square foot gardens but I'll just wait.
Normally I wait til Mother's Day, but I am going to be at a dance competition all weekend. If forecast holds I may start planting some on Sunday. I have been hardening them off gradually, had them out for 5 hours on Saturday and they had no ill effects. I have 5 Mystery Wines that are looking good, will try to drop a picture tomorrow.
That thing is insane. I gotta go study your style and hope for half of that.

Love the led setup too, plants look like they're at a 70s disco party. Need to put some roller skates on those bad boys and get some Donna Summer going.
     Those trays look great. Nice dark green growth. Those ought to be good and hardened off by plant out. I've been making an effort this season to be more aggressive and thorough with my hardening (that reeealy sounds wrong...) and so far it seems to be paying off. They deal with 35 mph gusts and day long direct sunlight and just lap it up.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Those trays look great. Nice dark green growth. Those ought to be good and hardened off by plant out. I've been making an effort this season to be more aggressive and thorough with my hardening (that reeealy sounds wrong...) and so far it seems to be paying off. They deal with 35 mph gusts and day long direct sunlight and just lap it up.
Yeah my backyard is direct south sun all day long so it can be very brutal. I was just out back looking at 2 of the grow areas I still need to amend and what not and there are a few thousand volunteers...toms and peppers :) 
This so far has been my best year growing from seed as far as healthy plants. I hope they produce equally well.
Best of luck to you and thanks for dropping by