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contest June - Burger Royale

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OMG WTF?!?!?! Y'all are just plum pyscho!!!!!! Not crazy, PSYCHO!!!!!!! (Should've had a comma there)

It don't bite??? I dunno if I even wanna test those waters! Guess you just have to be gentle????

Oh boy!!!!
Why does something seem to be awry when I'm thinking that SummerBoy just might be the sanest of all of us??? :lol:
I am sane!!!!! Well as far as Washington THPers are concerned :D

BTW this red barning will be..... how do I put it????


Sum is getting screwed and nailed(not in the good way either) he's definitely going to need a bear, that guy, hug........ he's gonna have crocodile tears.
You must be having one of those "moments of clarity" that cling-wrapping addicts have.
Hmm... either
a) You didn't read that correctly,
b) You don't know what "awry" means, or
c) You read that correctly, know what "awry" means, and I'm just too sleepy to get what you're saying!

Hey - if I can figure that out after waking up at 4am, working all day, then doing homework (mostly) all night, then you can, too! :lol:

It's all good - du vin en la main
Ok- here we go with all the replies-

Uuuumm... never mind-
JayT- geeme said something about waders and your next post was Holy Crap. waders-crap-----guess you had to of been there...

uhhh what else.............?????????????



Has anyone thought about what they'll need for protection this weekend? ;) the title says it all~~~~
Hmm... either
a) You didn't read that correctly,
b) You don't know what "awry" means, or
c) You read that correctly, know what "awry" means, and I'm just too sleepy to get what you're saying!



You gave me a back-handed complement. I was just returning the favor.

Loves Gee.
Boy am I glad beef is first... I wouldn't have been able to participate in the other two. Question, do we only get one entry or can we do multiple types of meat, completely different burgers for the second weekend? I have a few interesting types of meat I'm going to grind this week.
Just finished packing up Habbyheat Fam for trip this weekend to see the wonderful Salsafam and the fabulous SD&CJ!!!!


ATTACK OF THE NWPACK! BIOTCHES!!!!! SO FREAKING STOKED....... not sure if I will sleep much tonight :)

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