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contest June - Burger Royale

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Im in, getting ready now, just trying to tempt my Vegetarian friend to take part. Just need a really big bun.....
Thats still vegetarian rightGot some proper ideas, should be good fun, something different
Well, I had grand plans for the veggie burger TD, but it involves grilled pineapple....

...now that I see how THAT played out, I'm not so sure anymore....

HAHAHAHA - just teasin' on ya LDHS!!!!! ;)
Will settle for solidly mediocre. :dance:

Webster's definitions-
Mediocre- the best of the worst, and the worst of the best. Comonly known as the cream of the crap.

Edit- I think that is a Duncan's definitions, not a Webster's definitions,

and the edit gremlin is still crawling around my puter
I'm trying to get in on the veggie burg. I have a good idea just got to get my internets back on. If I can't Yall might have a chance at this one.
We are all going to have such bad gas after eating more veggies than were used to.

Wd wants to get the triple crown.

I have no friggin idea what I'm gonna make yet.

Boss, to clarify...
Eggs in the buns? (not a strange sex reference, and I swear i haven't tried it. Yet.)
Dairy? Butter?

Just wondering so I can start planning.
Eggs in the buns? (not a strange sex reference, and I swear i haven't tried it. Yet.)

ROFL! I think I've seen that movie before.

But seriously, does the entire sandwich have to be vegetarian, or just the patty? Like Frydad alluded to, are eggs/dairy acceptable? This is uncharted territory for me. I intend to field an entry, no matter how it turns out. :P
NOT just the patty! Come on now!

And I said vegetarian not vegan. Vegetarians eat dairy! Eggs, cheese, milk.

No lard or bacon fat.

If you don't know what vegetarianism is just look it up. They will eat products from the animal if the animal is not killed; eggs, milk, cheese. But not by-products of slaughter, so no fats, etc.

There's always different interpretations of everything so for this TD go with that.
THP beat me to it. There's a limit. Veggie burgers can be outstanding - vegan adds a whole new level of "ughh, really?" to it.

My question is this: will people be allowed to use meat substitutes? Beef-flavored textured veggie proteins or "facon"?

If you don't know what vegetarianism is just look it up. They will eat products from the animal if the animal is not killed; eggs, milk, cheese. But not by-products of slaughter, so no fats, etc.

So by your definition if I perform liposuction on a pig, but don't slaughter it, I can use the fat to fry my veggie burger in?

You people don't stand a chance!
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