SB and FD4,
you have the old bylaws, the new updated bylaws read-
"Section 14.3.03 sub-section C2.A-
Crownholders (CH) must wait to challenge other CH until such time as The Boss deems all interested non-crownholders have challenged whichever CH they wish. If, after the appropriate time, The Boss opens the challenges to anyone, CH may challenge CH.
A CH shall not attach another CH unless that CH has been properly challenged and such challenge has been accepted. After the challenge has been accepted, CH are free to tease, make fun of, ridicule, bait, call out, or any number of other tactics to incite the challenged CH.
Section 14.3.03 sub-section C2.A1- All tactics used shall be free of malice and intended for the fun of all competitors. "
(I've been reading WAY too much NEC lately