Just de-seeded tons of super hots bare handed

Call me crazy but I just de- seeded tons of bhuts scopions and douglahs without gloves. I've never really used gloves. I figure if I can let them touch my tastebuds, which can detect heat it can't hurt the skin even close to the same. Sure I get the odd eye burn or hand burn for the next 24 hours but its nothing like eating them.:mouthonfire: I don't get these guys during wing challenges eating hot wings with gloves.
Me too. I think I have just hardened my hands over time. I seem to always go to the eyes and just get used to it. Messing with these superhots this last year has bumped up the pain factor a little though. Years ago I did have an all-nighter with my hands in ice water (especially since I had to get to work at 0530) and thought I was going to have to go the hospital. That was not fun.
I must be a sissy, cause I grew some super hot jalapenoes this year (dont know why, but they were unbelievably hot) anyway seeded them bare handed and my hands were on fire for the next day and a half. Never had that problem with habeneroes. I would be scared to try that with super hots.
The only time I have had a problem with seeding bare handed was when I had a tear in a cuticle around a fingernail and didn't know it till the burn set in.

The other times I have had problems a glove wouldn't have helped. An hour and several handwashes after cutting peppers I rubbed my eyes and ran the back of my hand across my mouth. I thought I had kissed the stove, and was blind for a half hour.
I don't use gloves. I'm a deseeding pro. NOW don't ask me what happened to my daughter yesterday because of this. I've never seen her so mad at me. :(

The secret to getting the oil off your hands is using rubbing alcohol and salt(Kosher works best). I just half-way fill a bowl with rubbing alcohol, and about a half cup of kosher salt, and clean my hands in the bowl. Salt will not disolve in rubbing alcohol and acts like an abrasive to help remove the oil. It works very well.
NOW don't ask me what happened to my daughter yesterday because of this. I've never seen her so mad at me. :(


Been there, done that. Had a butchT scorp I pulled the seeds out of. Just one pod, didn't think too much of it. Washed my hands several times in the hour before dinner. Thought I got all the oil off. Picked up a corn on the cob and gave it to my 2 year old daughter. After a couple of bites, she says she doesn't want anymore, it's hot. I tell her no, it's good, then give her a spoon to eat some rice. That is picante too. I tell her she is crazy, and pick up the spoon and take a bit. Sure enough, it had a decent burn to it. Poor girl wouldn't eat corn on the cob for about 3 months because "it is picante". Now I wear gloves when I open up any pods as a precaution.

Never do gloves myself. Makes things too hard to do for me. Can't grip jack with gloves on, so I just don't bother anymore. Never had hand burn unless I had nasty cuts. Now eye and 'South of Detroit' burn. I know all about that. But it just comes with the territory.

My fiance hates me for it, though. She recently made a very spicy french onion soup as well as spicy chicken chow mein. Can thank my salsa making in the same pan for that one :) I enjoyed it anyway.
Well the cap from the peppers help my tired hands with the pain and stress from cooking all day. whenever i do handle peppers. Hehe
One thing I found that takes the cap oil off, at least 80% of it, is the orange hand cleaner that mechanics use. I have called that stuff "Agent Orange" for years, will never be without it.......
I use metho and a scourer and it works reasonably well. Only problem is for months afterwards, I touch something random, rub my eye...
If I'm doing a butt load I'll use latex and double glove. If I'm just doing a few I'll do it bare handed. There is always some part of my face that is on fire when it gets to dehydrating/grinding time. Always. Goes on for a good two weeks. I freaking love it!
If I'm doing a butt load I'll use latex and double glove. If I'm just doing a few I'll do it bare handed. There is always some part of my face that is on fire when it gets to dehydrating/grinding time. Always. Goes on for a good two weeks. I freaking love it!
Me too! I was afraid to admit to anyone publicly that I love the heat around and in my eyes. A nice face rush is cool too on a cold night.
I was changing my daughter's diaper. She starts bursting into tears crying it hurts. :( Talk about feeling terrible. I tried to tell her I know how it is and convincing her it goes away. She's crying saying Daddy don't touch hot peppers again. Lesson learned!!!


Been there, done that. Had a butchT scorp I pulled the seeds out of. Just one pod, didn't think too much of it. Washed my hands several times in the hour before dinner. Thought I got all the oil off. Picked up a corn on the cob and gave it to my 2 year old daughter. After a couple of bites, she says she doesn't want anymore, it's hot. I tell her no, it's good, then give her a spoon to eat some rice. That is picante too. I tell her she is crazy, and pick up the spoon and take a bit. Sure enough, it had a decent burn to it. Poor girl wouldn't eat corn on the cob for about 3 months because "it is picante". Now I wear gloves when I open up any pods as a precaution.

Boy Chris, that will cause a case of the guilties.

I wish I would have known about that when all mine were in diapers. "Sorry dear, can't change the baby because I was just deseeding peppers!" Might have worked once then she would have had me gloving up. Can't win.
I've had the same problem over the years Chris, My two grand daughters got to where they wouldn't let me pick them up or fix them some food as there was always some transfer from grinding or peeling roasted peppers. The first time I wore some cheap rubber gloves the oil went right through the gloves and my hands burnt for days. Now I buy the better ones that are like the surgical gloves only easier to get on and take off, I don't mind a mild burn, its when I have been dicing up the super hots that I put the gloves on as I just can't stand having my hands feel like I have stuck them in the BBQer and I sure don't like the edges of my eyes burning or any other place for that matter. I use Dish soap mixed with rubbing alcohol followed up with baking soda and cold water. This seems to at least get most of it off except maybe in between the fingers.
George W. :)