event Kato's 2008 contest

Hey Duck, will you be Ametuer or Prof?

Cap, did you know the English chase me with a cricket bat. Fun for everyone!

Ad as far as IGG goes, I fear his hot sauce eating and, moreso, his drinking. I had a hangover just reading his exploits a the festival.
Well good luck getting your papers done. I know it can be a dogs behind to do anything that involves a gov. agency. You may want to push extrahard though, as I plan on making a mess of things again in 08.

Hey Mick, how do you plan on judging the rubs. My rub doesn't taste fabulous dry off my finger, but on my BBQ or a nice steak, it is a force of nature. Just wondering.
We have a little to share.
There will be a $25.00 entry fee for each product entered in each category ( example a product entered as a hot sauce is $25.00 that same product also entered as a BBQ sauce as well as a hot sauce will be $50.00) THP members will qualify for $5.00 off the entry fee. All monies will be used to buy trophies and ribbons not line our pockets. We are striving to make this contest huge.

The Hot Pepper will sponsor the peoples choice award and be a big help to us all.

As we receive more info we will share.

So for each sauce entered it is $25.00 and each additional catagory is $25.00 right? Like if I entered say 5 BBQ sauces and 2 Hot sauces + one hot sauce for packaging it would be $200.00 entry fee?

It is $25.00 for each sauce entered in each category. So you are correcet Dyce except there will be no packaging category this year as last year it was a hassle. Also since you are a member of THP for 7 products you would get $35.00 off.

Wow.... I might have to pick my best sauce and enter that one. $80 (with the discount) is a little steep for my pocket to enter four sauces.

Time to hit the kitchen!!!
Hey Dyce, time to give up the goat. I have just come up witha new BBQ sauce that I am naming "God's gift to BBQ" ! Best bet would be to get professional real quick!
Scared is probably his (and all the other ametuers) best bet! Tested the "Gods Gift to BBQ" on the clients (read: customers) yesterday. It's a hit! Had folks just giddy as small children at a Wiggles concert!
Call for entries will probably be opened in November, we just wanted to announce it early so people could work on their sauces.
We have a little news to share. The contest will be held on Saturday March 1 2008 and winners announced Sunday March 2nd This should lessen our stress this year. We plan to have the Peoples Choice on Sunday. This year The Hot Pepper is sponsering the Peoples Choice Award this year.
Also we have big hopes for this year! Still the only fiery food contest that not only gives trophies but also cash prizes!

Cash Is king after all. And your trophies rock!

Hey Mick, by the by, your Rajun Cajun sauce is a massive hit with the Chili Man fan base. I have deemed it the official sauce of Chili Man. Thanks for making the extra gallon size for me. I will be traveling down your way in October and will attempt to get by your neck of the woods and meet you and the Mrs.