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Kids these days

Toleman said:
The problem in England is the prison sentences are too short.

Same here in Sweden, criminals sentenced to lifetime inprisonment (very rare!) serve on average 20-25 years. There are a few that has served longer and it is slowly changing. In the 70's and 80's many politicians, media people etc felt that we couldn't really blame the criminals - they where only victims of society... But as I said, it is slowly changing and maybe even criminals have to accept that they are responsible for their own actions?
I think we tend to let kids slide- especially here in the states it is really hard to pin anything on anyone under 18, the courts are pretty light on them and most of them do not get the wake up call they need. If they do not straighten up their act on their own (and some do) when they hit adult it is a different story.

I'm a parent. a single mom, in an urban environment. There is tons of trouble available, no need for anyone to go looking for it the way that suburban kids do. My 19 year old son has had plenty of opportunities to get involved in anything that I would disapprove of, probably without me catching him. He didnt. I taught him what i didnt approve of and why (not just a list of donts) and I taught him he needed to make his own value judgements. I also told him if he was ever STUPID ENOUGH to get himself picked up by the cops I might come by and say hello- but I would NOT bail him out. He would get full benefit of the consequences.

My brother and I were raised by the same people- but I had a personality that wanted to follow the rules- and my brother wanted to test them. And he was bailed out by my parents, lawyers provided by my parents when they could afford. At 42, with an eighteen year old daughter and one on the way he had no job and had made associations with folk that left him holding the bag and got him in prison. Dad didnt have the money for the lawyer that could keep him out. (He'd already tapped out my mom, sponging off of her).

I have watched my friends bail out their kids and I know its a mistake.
You do the best you can as a parent and you'll never know if you've done it right- and if they go wrong you can blame yourself but you will never really know. But our society and our parents need to teach children that there are consequences, and everyone needs to be responsible for the consequences of their own actions.

At least looking out of the window and seeing if they were doing anything worth calling the cops for might have been prudent, though!-sorry they destroyed stuff. That really sucks!
JayT said:
Most of the US is lenient as well. Except Texas. They don't screw around.

It all depends on what ya do around here. And Texas is more lenient than most people think, even though they do like to execute people, but only after they have been in prison for at least 10 years and some as long as 30 years. They give pedophiles probation and put people caught with a miniscule amount of pot in prison, which IMO needs to be the other way around.
Celeste said:
I have watched my friends bail out their kids and I know its a mistake.
You do the best you can as a parent and you'll never know if you've done it right- and if they go wrong you can blame yourself but you will never really know. But our society and our parents need to teach children that there are consequences, and everyone needs to be responsible for the consequences of their own actions.

Celeste, you really summed it up here. If more parents would stop bailing out their problematic kids and make them responsible for their misdeeds then I feel that society would definitely benefit.
rds040800 said:
It all depends on what ya do around here. And Texas is more lenient than most people think, even though they do like to execute people, but only after they have been in prison for at least 10 years and some as long as 30 years. They give pedophiles probation and put people caught with a miniscule amount of pot in prison, which IMO needs to be the other way around.

Here pot has just been upgraded to a B from a C. A few years ago it was down graded from a B to a C so I guess they changed there mind on it.

When it was a class C if you were caught with some on your possession which was only enough for personal use (maybe up to 1/4 of an oz in one bag as multiple bags could be seen as dealing) you would get a caution. It was literally a yellow card and if your caught again... probably something like probation or community service.

My friends little brother who is 17 just got probation for beating up a plain clothed police officer as he didn't realise he was a cop and thought he was being attacked lol.
Things won't change in the UK until we get rid of those old port swilling twats called the lawlords. They slouch on the benches in the House of Lords and fall asleep when a green paper comes around ( a proposal for the introduction of an act). Then they go to the bar and get drunk - and get paid. British justice - best in the world!