• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

So this is my first year growing hot peppers, sure I had grown some Jalapeno (2) and Cayanne (1) last year but this year is diff. I had bought those plants at the store when they were buy 1 get 2 free deal. They were already about 2 ft tall and were producing peppers. The only knowledge I needed was how to put them in the car, take them out, dig a hole, put the plant in and then put some dirt around it. Whew hard work, but those plants got me started with peppers. From there I met JAG and he gave me a bunch of super hots, Scorpion, Fatalii, Ghost, Douglah and many more.
I got the seeds from them pods and saved them for this year with the thinking I am going to grow my own plants.
Which brings me to my first grow log.
I had started some seeds in a planter back around Thanksgiving but they all grew to about 2 inches tall, never got bigger, never produced leaves and eventually died. So I started some more and started asking questions about what I can do/try etc. needless to say the info has been invaluable.
These first pics show what i started with early this week


this next pic is what I had a day after the above pics and after potting up some seeds I had germinating in a wet paper towel
Devv said:
Taking notes here...and I see Jamie is spreading his love....fantastic!
Glad to read things are progressing....but we need proof pics..LOL
Keep up the  great work!
Thanks Scott, hoping to get some pics here soon, have has some crappy weather here the last few days right before sunset so I cant get any good shots. Suppsed to clear up so might be able to get some tonight, if not then will deff get some this weekend.
Yes, Jamie spread some love up here to PA, should be getting them today. Cant wait
koskorgul said:
… have has some crappy weather here the last few days right before sunset so I cant get any good shots. …
Take your time, we understand ;) hehehe, we’re in the same boat, I woke up to sun and an hour later it was down pouring sky water. Now it’s sunny again and not sure if that will hold up … we’re in our rainy season for sure down south.
Devv said:
… I see Jamie is spreading his love....fantastic!
koskorgul said:
Yes, Jamie spread some love up here to PA, should be getting them today. Cant wait
Totally agree, a huge JA Big Up for Jamie (romy6) certainly the most generous member on THP, makes a mean powder and grows dem awesome peppers … which BTW is having a stealer production year/season … here’s to ya Mr. Jamie hat’s off mon \o_
Sick plant update and other pics
First is the not so sick Thai Fire. Tried to get a good side shot so you can see how it was a perfect biferaction of the plant. She has started to put out some ew growth so I think the worst if over for her.

More Thai Fires, I am really impressed with these little ladies. Flowers and buds everywhere, starting to turn into pods.

Close up of the largest pod on the plant, This beauty has about 5-10 pods on her already. Already told the gf that this pod once ripe will be eaten straight off the plant LOL

More in the buckets. Hoping the one on the right doesnt start to get sick like my other one. I used the same river soil but less of it when I planted her. Had to mid in topsoil, perlite and Peat moss to fill the bucket.

Here is the Brain Strain that i am starting to like more and more. This was one of the smallest when I planted out and is quickly catching up and passing everything else. The larger leaves here just started to turn a little yellow. Thinking it is because of all the rain we have had.

Death row. This is my 2 rows of Scorpions that i have. I do have another plant in the row beside this but couldnt get it in the the pic. Have a total of 11 Scorpions going.

Tellow 7 pot going strong. Largest plant that I have at the moment.

Next 2 are of my Choco Bhuts. These guys came out of the ground looking strong and after plant out they seemed to slow down but have since really started to take off. Not sure why they did this but new growth started at the bottom of each and basically turned into a new branch. So I have a stem that comes out of the ground about 1/4 inch and then splits. I did top the one in the 2nd pic but it still did the same thing. Will probably have to tie the stem together when it gets bigger so it doesnt split.

This is one of the Fatallis. This thing is going crazy with splitting right now. You can see all of the new growth and where it is putting out some flower buds.  

Have a few more pics but I hit my limit and need a bump to add the other 4 or 5 that I took.
WalkGood said:
Rob everything looks awesome brethren ... I love your "death row," great name and I can't wait to see them get huge and bushy! Congrats on the poddage! Hope you have a great weekend and don't forget the picture of you on the new swing set :D
Thanks Ramon, Not sure how many pics will be posted of me on the swing but am sure there will be a before, beginning and end pics.
So the last of my pic update
Carrib Red Hab. Doing very well, starting to put out some buds and split like crazy.

Last but not least my cherry mater plant. Had some winds the other night that knocked her over so i grabbed a piece of bamboo and propped her up for now. Going to get 2 more pieces to make a triangle around her for now. When I planted, this plant was about 12-15 inches tall. Wish my peppers would grow this fast LOL. have about 3 or 4 maters on her now but am planning on that changing here, drastically, very soon.
romy6 said:
 Looking good Rob. Your plants are greening up nicely. 
Thanks Jamie. I was a little worried after plant out when they started to turn yellow. I stayed Calm and Chived on, everything started to put out new growth and turn a nice green. Just wish I would have started earlier in the year with sowing seeds so they would be bigger now. Most of my plants are between 6-10 inches tall right now but they are all starting to really take off.
Sorry ramon, no foodie pics with this update, maybe next time.
Now I did make some onion rings last night with some breaded chicken. Nothing special about the chicken was just simple patties pre breaded. The onion rings, I used sweet vadallia oniions, and Aunt Jemima buttermilk pancake mix. In the batter I used a little less water than what they said so it was a little thicker. I then added some smoked powder I got from MuskyMojo. Just enough to taste it but not enough to make screaming hot. When I took the first bite I could feel the slightest bit of a burn in my throat, just enough so that I knew there was something there. Was delicious. Will be doing this one again and will post pics then.
I know, I know, pics or it didnt happen. Well all I can say is for something that didnt happen ... it was damn good LOL. Sorry guys will remember next time.
Plants are looking nice and healthy Rob!
Just love Death Row!
You mentioned the lower branching, most of the hots I planted did that. I don't know why? I've seen the same type of plant someone else is growing grow 8 inches and split but very few doing the multiple branches from lower on the plant...
Devv said:
Plants are looking nice and healthy Rob!
Just love Death Row!
You mentioned the lower branching, most of the hots I planted did that. I don't know why? I've seen the same type of plant someone else is growing grow 8 inches and split but very few doing the multiple branches from lower on the plant...
Thanks Scott,
This is my first year growing peppers so not sure what to expect. Never seen any plant split so close to the ground before, like these two. Like you said most would be 8 inches tall or better before splitting. None of my other plants did this
WalkGood said:
Whoa dem looking even better than the other pics ... .loving da garden mon, great job Rob :)
Thanks again Ramon.
Still nowhere near what your is but I can hear the plants whispering to each other. They are saying that when they grow up they want to be like Ramons plants. LOL
Regarding that lower branching, I've had that with a few in the winter and your weather is a lot colder than mine. Could be if the ground was really cold the upward growth slowed down a bit and they branched early. I'd look at what Rick (stickman) is using (solar multch) for next year, that might allow you to go into ground sooner and keep that earth warmer. IDK so I'd ask him to make sure.
WalkGood said:
Regarding that lower branching, I've had that with a few in the winter and your weather is a lot colder than mine. Could be if the ground was really cold the upward growth slowed down a bit and they branched early. I'd look at what Rick (stickman) is using (solar multch) for next year, that might allow you to go into ground sooner and keep that earth warmer. IDK so I'd ask him to make sure.
That makes sense, Thanks Ramon I will have to shoot him a PM then.
I do know that about a month or so after I pull this for the winter I will be starting new seedlings for next year. Want to get a nice head start on everything. Have a lay out that I am hoping that I can do in the basement for a grow area.
Busy Busy weekend at the Koskorgul Homestead. Not much for pepper updates though.
Started out saturday morning with a drive to Toys R Us to look at swingsets, Didnt see any there so we went to walmart. They dont even carry them, you can order online and have it delivered to the store or your house. Wanted to get it setup and ready to go that day, so walmat was out. BUT..... they had all of their plants on sale, buy one get one free, so we picked up 2 cayanne, 2 red bell, 2 yellow bell and 2 orange bell pepper plants.  Picked up some more perlite and peat moss while we were there also. Next stop Kmart to check out swing sets. They have the one we want and wouldnt ya know it, Out of stock, good news, more plants onsale buy one get one. Start checking them out but nothing I watned to add to my grow. We asked the sales person if the store in Enola had them in stock. They have 4 in stock so we pack everyone back into the van and head back to the store that is 5 mins from the house. We called ahead so they already had the swingset up front at the registers. In and out in 10 mins, and yes they had their plants on sale also buy one get one. I did a quick once over as I was only looking for some lettuce.. Get back to the house, change into something more stylish and strt in on the swing set. My son helped me getting everything together when we realized that the little safety caps that go on the engs of the bolts just dont slip on, they actually go on the bolts under the screw, sorta like a washer, then flip over and cover the end of the bolt. We had been at it for about an hour or so when we realized this so we had to go back through and undo each bolt, put the cap on, and then re tighten the screw. FUN FUN FUN. By this time my daughter is starting to wake from her nap so I start pushing to get it done as I wanted it to be ready when she got up. Well I didnt have the slide on just yet but we brought her out and she couldnt get out of her moms arms fast enough to get to the swing set. We bought her a toddler swing seat and she ran to it. My gf picks her up and starts pushing her as I finish up on the slide. While putting the swing set together I fired up the smoker to start smoking some peppers, Had picked up some apple, pican, cherry, and some jack daniels wood chips. Between the swing and trying to smoke my batch of peppers I ended up over smoking the first batch. I kept checking it over and over again but it got to hot. I only lost like 5 or 6 of the peppers to complete ash, LOL. I threw some more peppers on it. tossed some more chips in and sprayed the coals with some water. 2nd batch turned out better but it still got to hot. Pulled them all off and finsihed in the dehydrator.
So back to the grill. Pour in some charcoal, grab the lighter fluid, bone dry. Thinking quick I grab a piece of paper and a small piece of wax. wrap the wax in the paper, set it in the grill, pile some charcoal around it and then some small kindling. Light paper and watch as it burns down, melts the way and then starts to burn nice. Catches the kindling and soon I am starting to get the coals going. Well the only coals that were lit were the ones in the very center, not good enough. I grap the tiki tourch fluid and pour just a small amount around the edges, get a piece of paper lit and touch that off. Wait a few mins to make sure all of the tiki torch fluid is burnt off, throw the steaks on. Did i mention that the whole time I was messing with the grill I had stuff on the stove turned down low so not to burn it. Well that didnt work out to well. They got a little chard on the bottom. Basically it was a potato cut in half length wise, score like a checker board, salt pepper and some butter. Can then either bake or fry them. So dinner is finish I can finally relax. I grab a quick shower, head back outside and fire up the fire pit. Get a few beers in me when the neighbors come over asking if I had seen anyone suspicious. They had their double stroller stollen off of their front porch , along with their neighbors stroller and a bike from the house across from them. They eventually found them the next day, there were 2 little girls 7 and 9 playing with them about 3 blocks away. So that was saturday fun fun
Forgot to mention that I had to cut the grass before putting the swing set together. Get down to the very last bit and hit a tree stump. Bent the crap out of the blade so I had to use the weed wacker to finish up. After the swing set was done I took the blade off so I could get it replaced.
Sunday, we head out to the grocery store, another store, gas station, hardware store and the grocery store for some peppers for that nights dinner. Get back, unload the groceries, put the new blade on the mower, finish cutting grass. Sit down to take a small break and figure whileI am doing that I can mix some soil. So I grab my supplies, go to sit down and see a rabbit in my one garden. I go down to chase it out and see if I can find out where it got in at. He gets down to the end of the garden and actually squeezes through the fence. Not good. I had no problems with the rabbits as they stayed out of the garden. Now I have a huge problem. I go inside and grab my wrist  rockets and ammo. Head back outside to start in on my soil mixing. I look up and there he is. heading up the walkway, makes a 90 degree turn and heads towards the garden. I pick up the wrist rocket, load it up. grab a few extra shots, just in case, I am a decent shot but wanted to be ready. I head down to the yard, take aim, and let er fly. I hit it in the back, as it starts to try and get away I run up and put my boot on its head and give a quick little jerk to snap its neck. Yes I felt bad but if it wouldhave stayed out of the garden it would have been left alone. I grab a shovel and bury it.
So I finish up with making the soil mix, plant all of the peppers I had just gotten the day before and fire up the grill again, yes I had bought some fluid LOL. decided to make chicken, peppers and onions and my BBQ sauce. Sit down to eat and finally get a small break. I go out to smoke a cig and figured what the hell I can get an hour or so in the garden, I start to pull weeds, neighbors show up and talk for about an hour about how they found their stroller. Head back inside, grab another smoke and start weeding again. I finally finished up with weeding. Go back inside, grab a shower and get about 30 mins to relax when I have to go back utside and start watering everything. Finally get done for the day, it is pushing 9pm, time for the baby to go to bed. Get her in bed for about 15 mins and she is up again. have to stay up with her playing, trying to tire her out. Finally 11 pm rolls around and everyone heads to bed. Thankfully the weekend finally ended LOL
Yeah I made it Scott, Barely but I made it LOL
Thursday it is going to be my 19 yr old, my 27 yr old and his son, along with my 15 yr old son, the GF's 12 and 9 yr old daughters, my 2 yr old then myself and my gf all in the house at the same time. Gonna be a little crowded.
Whoa holy detaild account PodMon, hehehe ... sounds like action packed fun! IMHO the most important thing, daughters swing was ready to go, awesome \o/
Now where's the pic of you sliding down the new slide, lolz.
WalkGood said:
Whoa holy detaild account PodMon, hehehe ... sounds like action packed fun! IMHO the most important thing, daughters swing was ready to go, awesome \o/
Now where's the pic of you sliding down the new slide, lolz.
LOl had to get it all in there, I am sure I missed somethings though, was a busy weekend. I hear ya on the swing set, she loved it. to see her eyes light up like they did made it all worth it.
Ummm pics of me on slide uhhh the camera broke... yeah thats it LOL
So i am outside last night and wouldnt you know it, another rabbit inside the garden. Have no idea how it got in this time. I lifted the side of the fance and let it out, then restaked it. Going to let this one go as I do not want to take out another one.
The only thing I can think of on how they are getting in is that they are coming under the frence from the neighbors yard. Hope not as there is no way i can close it off.