• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

So this is my first year growing hot peppers, sure I had grown some Jalapeno (2) and Cayanne (1) last year but this year is diff. I had bought those plants at the store when they were buy 1 get 2 free deal. They were already about 2 ft tall and were producing peppers. The only knowledge I needed was how to put them in the car, take them out, dig a hole, put the plant in and then put some dirt around it. Whew hard work, but those plants got me started with peppers. From there I met JAG and he gave me a bunch of super hots, Scorpion, Fatalii, Ghost, Douglah and many more.
I got the seeds from them pods and saved them for this year with the thinking I am going to grow my own plants.
Which brings me to my first grow log.
I had started some seeds in a planter back around Thanksgiving but they all grew to about 2 inches tall, never got bigger, never produced leaves and eventually died. So I started some more and started asking questions about what I can do/try etc. needless to say the info has been invaluable.
These first pics show what i started with early this week


this next pic is what I had a day after the above pics and after potting up some seeds I had germinating in a wet paper towel
WalkGood said:
Ding, ding, ding ... you are hearing me sounding the cow bell for awesome foodie mon! And the plants look nice, I wouldn't be too concerned on a little leaf damage, all of mine have a little of that. I look at it like this, the price we pay to grow outdoors. But do yourself a favor and start prepairing for anything worse like I currently have. Maybe do what Al recommended and spray neem once every other week before anything bad comes along and it might help keep little leaf biters away too. Mites suck and I wouldn’t wish dem on my worst enemy … well IDK bout dat ;)
Thanks Ramon, Got the pepper and onion idea from you, just added my own twist to it LOL. The sauce gave the chicken a nice flavor also.
I was thinking the same thing lastnight after I got home. I havent seen a whole lot of leaf damage other than some holes here and there. The worst is what i posted. I checked everything out lastnight after I got home and the plants are looking good. Some of the leaves turned lighter green/yellow right after I planted but are now starting to turn back to a deep green. A couple of the Carrib Red Habs stayed a nice deep dark green. Not sure if I didnt harden off right or what happened with that. I thought I had done it right. Would move them outside and then back in, not too much direct sunlight at first, bumped it up till they were outside all day and then all night. Either way they seem to be doing better now although we have had alot of rain the past week. Looking forward to a nice harvest. The Yellow 7 pot has a flower on it, well the bud for a flower and all of the Thai fires have 3+ buds coming in.

knucks said:
Wow I am very envious of your garden space. Also that food looks amazing and I am defiantly going to steal and use that BBQ soy sauce recipe!
Thanks Knucks, was alot fo work and time getting everything ready. If you really want to be jealous head over to Annie's glog and check out her space. Same with DesertChris, hell he has got over 1200 pepper plants. Walkgood, Pic1, Devv (scott) are just a few that I follow. Check out their glogs if you get a chance.  
Hope you enjoy the sauce, has a nice flavor to it. I was going to add some hot peppers to it but since the gf and her girls cant take to much heat I left it out. This was just something off the top of my head.
Been busy harvesting and trying to keep up, and doing a poor job at that.
Plants look great, glad to see they're happy campers. From here it's everything getting better!
Foodie's great! Gonna have to try the recipe.
Take care!
koskorgul said:
Thanks Ramon, Got the pepper and onion idea from you, just added my own twist to it LOL. The sauce gave the chicken a nice flavor also.
And a great twist at that kudos mon :) it looks looked delicious!!! Happy you deviated from the basic, that’s the best way to fly with sofrito starter IMO. I make a whole lot of different stuff from the sofrito starter, thus the “starter” in the name. I add garlic, matoes and all kinds of stuff depending on what I’m cooking. I’ve found that just the peppers (I’ve tried various kinds, even Jamie’s yellow CARDI) and onions last a long time in the fridge if you make a whole bunch at a time like I do. I don’t fully cook it because it’s normally going into another full blown sofrito at a later day. I controll the heat level by how much or little I put in and as you know sometimes I have to cook separately for me if I want super high heat :D That said, I've been able to take the light weights in our family from one spoon full to several without them knowing and sometimes #1 asks for mas, hehehe. IMO deviation is the best way to do recipes ^_^ Keep up dat killer work!!!
koskorgul said:
I was thinking the same thing lastnight after I got home. I havent seen a whole lot of leaf damage other than some holes here and there. The worst is what i posted. I checked everything out lastnight after I got home and the plants are looking good. Some of the leaves turned lighter green/yellow right after I planted but are now starting to turn back to a deep green. A couple of the Carrib Red Habs stayed a nice deep dark green. Not sure if I didnt harden off right or what happened with that. I thought I had done it right. Would move them outside and then back in, not too much direct sunlight at first, bumped it up till they were outside all day and then all night. Either way they seem to be doing better now although we have had alot of rain the past week. Looking forward to a nice harvest. The Yellow 7 pot has a flower on it, well the bud for a flower and all of the Thai fires have 3+ buds coming in.
Sounds good so we’re both past some damage

The other day I saw a new one and instantly crushed the little bugger, hehehe. I was looking at a leaf and all of the sudden it looked like someone had pushed a pin thru it, bam again and again in front of my very eyes. I saw a little brown thing and before my eye could focus on what it was I had crushed it between my fingers, splat! Was too far gone to identify but it was no larger than a pin head and I’ve never had that issue before, strange … Have a great Friday tomorrow \o/
WalkGood said:
And a great twist at that kudos mon :) it looks looked delicious!!! Happy you deviated from the basic, that’s the best way to fly with sofrito starter IMO. I make a whole lot of different stuff from the sofrito starter, thus the “starter” in the name. I add garlic, matoes and all kinds of stuff depending on what I’m cooking. I’ve found that just the peppers (I’ve tried various kinds, even Jamie’s yellow CARDI) and onions last a long time in the fridge if you make a whole bunch at a time like I do. I don’t fully cook it because it’s normally going into another full blown sofrito at a later day. I controll the heat level by how much or little I put in and as you know sometimes I have to cook separately for me if I want super high heat :D That said, I've been able to take the light weights in our family from one spoon full to several without them knowing and sometimes #1 asks for mas, hehehe. IMO deviation is the best way to do recipes ^_^ Keep up dat killer work!!!
Sounds good so we’re both past some damage

The other day I saw a new one and instantly crushed the little bugger, hehehe. I was looking at a leaf and all of the sudden it looked like someone had pushed a pin thru it, bam again and again in front of my very eyes. I saw a little brown thing and before my eye could focus on what it was I had crushed it between my fingers, splat! Was too far gone to identify but it was no larger than a pin head and I’ve never had that issue before, strange … Have a great Friday tomorrow \o/
Thinking that this weekend I will doing the sofrito with a meat pocket/pie with some heat since my gf's girls are at their dads. Not a whole lot in a few of them but deff some in mine. Just have to find the recipe that I seen on the THP.
Was out looking at all of the plants lastnight, little bit more damage so neem will be going on them. Did pull some yellow leaves off, figured they were going to fall off/die so why let the plant worry about em. Let it concentrate on new growth and flowers. Will have to get some better pics of my Thai Fire's They are getting flowers all over the place. Plus, my yellow 7 pot and a few of the Carib red habs are starting to put out some buds. Can say that i will be a total wreck once I see the first actual pod LOL party time :party:
Pepper-Guru said:
Looking good! Love the Thai varieties :)
Thanks Guru- looking forward to alot of peppers fomr them. Have 6 thai fires and they are all putting out flower buds right now. I use the peppers in a peach sauce.good stuff
Devv said:
Been busy harvesting and trying to keep up, and doing a poor job at that.
Plants look great, glad to see they're happy campers. From here it's everything getting better!
Foodie's great! Gonna have to try the recipe.
Take care!
Thanks Scott
Will be giving the plants some nutes this weekend to help out now that the rain and wind have stopped. LOL
you will have to post some pics once you give the recipe a try, am sure you will take better pics than I do. going to use the GF's camera this weekend and get some better pics to post up next week..
Rob, I can’t recall if I ever posted any pictures of the empanadas we make. We either use fish, meat or chicken but not all three at once, hehe. We also put some good cheese into them along with the stuffing. If I haven’t posted, I’ll try to do some soon as they are very tasty, especially if you add some sofrito starter in the ones for the peeps that like it hot picante ^_^ Don’t forget to post some pics. Click here for a basic recipe, I took a gander at it and their directions are for small ones, probably for h'orderves. But it’s not a bad one if you make the pie crust dough larger than the 3”s they suggest. We normally make ours around 8 to 10”s and if you don’t like making the crust some supermarkets carry raw pre-made empanada shells. So all you have to do is roll them out thinner, stuff them, press edges with a fork, pinch little holes in top w/fork to release internal heat, dust with some pan cornmeal and bake dem suckers up (some prefer theirs fried), either way they come out great! Hope dis helps ...
Thanks ramon,
went with that recipe, sorta kinda. They turned out great, will be posting some pics tomorrow, have to get them off of the GF's camera.
I dont get on the computer too much at home or on the weekends so I have some catching up to do with everyones glogs.
I did get some flowers open up on my Thai Fires, and have buds on alot of the other plants. I also found out what was getting at my peppers. A damn grasshopper. Needless to say I found him and he is not being used as some fertilizer for the plant I found him on LOL. Not sure of any others as I did not find any .......yet. Will try and post up some pics of everything here in the next day or so, along with the foodie pics.
Glad you found that demon grasshopper, Rob!
Chix and sauce look excellent. In NC, we take our damn q so seriously, to resolve a dispute between east and western NC Q, NC House Bill 433 passed in 2007 that prevented there being a SINGLE bbq festival that would define "the best" in N.C. Because, smh, there's eastern NC and western NC q with upstate SC weighing in as well to add to confusion and anger! I mean, books have been written about this and people have lost House and Senate seats in NC, based on one sentence about E v. W q. As in sheer hatred. I'm originally from western NC but prefer eastern NC q and sauce. People around here--family members? "You makin' Lexington or we'll just go out to eat."??? So, I make a Lexington sauce, an upstate SC sauce, and my fav: Eastern NC sauce. Thus, coming from civil war-bbq NC: LOVED your sauce recipe. I amend too. (Everything but Eastern :rofl: . )
Rock on and great to see poddage!
Thanks Annie
My son moved down to Charlotte a few years ago and has told me some of the stories of the BBQ battles. Not a preety site when you have to have legislation written up over bbq sauce.
Glad you liked the sauce recipe, never really read anything on how to make it. Just ingredients on other sauces and listening to others.
Made some Empanadas over the weekend, thanks Ramon.
Started off with the sofrito starter

Ingredients for the meat, that is 7 Thai Fires, dont have it shown but added a Carrib red Hab to the mix as well.

Everything added together and ready to start putting it into the shells

I cheated here and bought ready made pie crusts sorry LOL

Cooked and ready to serve

They were so good I almost forgot to take one of them cut open. I remembered after i was over halfway finished

Thought I had some pics of my plants but only have the foodie pics. Hope you enjoyed
Thanks for stopping by
A Jamaican would say meat patties, ya mon! And I say call them either patties or empanadas … they look fit for a king, awesome job mon! I couldn’t wait to eat before I took a quick look, now I’m off to eat or I’ll be starving … have a great day brethren!
WalkGood said:
A Jamaican would say meat patties, ya mon! And I say call them either patties or empanadas … they look fit for a king, awesome job mon! I couldn’t wait to eat before I took a quick look, now I’m off to eat or I’ll be starving … have a great day brethren!
Thanks Ramon, I ended up making 6 and well they are all gone LOL. I called them meat pies, but figured that wasnt quite right since it technically isnt a pie. Either way they were delicious.
Gonna need a little help from my friends.
Have a Thai fire that was doing awesome, was starting to produce flower buds and was looking great. It was/ still is nice and green, new growth, etc. Now I have 6 Thai Fires going in buckets. In 5 of the buckets I used store bought soil along with perlite and peat moss. In the 6th one I used soild that I got from the river along with the perlite and peat moss. After I planted in the buckets everything was going great, has been 2 + weeks since plant out and they were all growing at the same rate. Well within the last 2 days the one that is in the river soil has started to lose its leaves, they are not turning yellow or anything, you can touch them and they will fall off. I have 2 plants right beside this one and they are showing no signs of this. The only thing that I can think of that is diff is the soil.
My thoughts on the soil
Well since it just started happening my thoughts are that the roots started to spread out and are now getting into the river soil. Hence the reason it did so well right after I planted it. Have no diea what would cause it to just start dropping leaves like it is. I mean there are a bunch laying in the pot and most if not all are from one side of the plant. Not sure what a mite infestation would look like or how it would spread on a plant. Also, this isnt new growth it is full leaves that have been on the plant since it first started getting leaves. Come to think of it now the leaves started falling off from the bottom up.
Am going to transplant it tonight into the same mix as the other 5 gal buckets, minus the peat moss. See if that does anything and if I can bring it back.
Rob a picture or more would help peeps in identifying the issue/s ... sorry I can't hit "like this" on issues, oh what the hell I'll hit it anyways. I think you should transplant her into new, fresh good soil just incase it is that river solid mix o_O But you would know better than I ... good luck brethren ^_^
I agree, maybe that's not draining as well? Hard to say. I can say this dirt in the ground is different than dirt in a pot, drainage wise.
Loved the foodie BTW!
Sorry didnt get a chance to get any pics lastnight. What started out as a busy night turned into a hectic night. Got home from work and checekd on my sick plant, decided that I was going to change the soild so grabbed her and headed down to the shed. Pulled her out of her pot, shook as much of the dirt that was on the roots as I could. Dumped the rest of the soil out and put fresh topsoil from a bag into her pot. Got her nice and comfy in her new grow medium, gave some water and headed back inside for a shower. After I finished my shower I started in on dinner when, the stove blew out, I think it is because of all the hat and spicy food I have been cooking LOL.  I was deep frying to tortillas to make some home made pizza, when I heard a loud pop and the stove stopped working. Luckily it was the last batch so it wasnt a big deal as far as finishing dinner. Checked the breaker and it had flipped, I flipped it back over and the stove was working again. Sat down to relax for a few mins before we had to leave and heard this loud electrical buzzing coming from the kitchen. Took off running to see smoke pouring out of the top of the stove. Pulled it out and unplugged it, could see a burn mark on the back of the stove and a smoke mark on the wall. Not good. Left it sit there in the middle of the kitchen and went about the rest of the night with my sons award ceremony. Called the landlord and he is supposed to be coming to replace it today. By the time we got home from the awards ceremony it was too dark to take a pic. Hopeing that replanting into new soil works.
I honestly do think that is what it is because none of the other plants that are less than a foot away are showing any signs of stress and they are planted in my own mix of topsoil/perlite/peatmoss. I am going to transplant her again this weekend as I just used topsoil at this point, pressed for time so couldnt make my mix. Will deff try and get some pics tonight and post up tomorrow. Will have some poddage pics along with my sick plant
WalkGood said:
Rob a picture or more would help peeps in identifying the issue/s ... sorry I can't hit "like this" on issues, oh what the hell I'll hit it anyways. I think you should transplant her into new, fresh good soil just incase it is that river solid mix o_O But you would know better than I ... good luck brethren ^_^
Thanks Scott. It very well could be drainage but dont the leaves turn yellow first? I did use reg dirt from the river plus the perlite and peat moss. Mixed it like the others that I used for the other 5 buckets and maters. Either way, I transplanted it just to be on the safe side and will be transplanting again this weekend into another pot (it broke lastnight). last night I just used topsoil from a bag, no perlite or peat moss. Would have done it lastnight but didnt have time to get drill out and drill holes into the bottom of the bucket.
Will be posting some pics tomorrow of her and also some poddage on the plant right beside the sick one.
Devv said:
I agree, maybe that's not draining as well? Hard to say. I can say this dirt in the ground is different than dirt in a pot, drainage wise.
Loved the foodie BTW!
Dang Rob! A wiring problem or faulty stove, takes precedence, imo, over . . . but any clay type soil, even topsoil, eh, not good for aeration of roots, if that's what the river soil was. Perlite and bark help with drainage in pots. Be safe with that stove, wiring hon! Empanada rocked!
Thanks Annie
I hear ya on the stove. Left it unplugged and they are supposed to be coming over to replace it tonight/today. He asked if i wanted a gas or an electic one, I personally like gas stoves better but the GF doesnt know how to cook on one. She has only every used electic. Since I do most (95%) of the cooking I was going to tell him gas, but ..... electric it is LOL
Could be toxins form something that was in the river. Might not even have been a recent thing if you got dirt that was down a bit. that's about the only other thing that I can think of that hasn't been mentioned already. Hope it recovers.
RocketMan said:
Could be toxins form something that was in the river. Might not even have been a recent thing if you got dirt that was down a bit. that's about the only other thing that I can think of that hasn't been mentioned already. Hope it recovers.
That is what I am thinking right now. When I pulled the plant to repot, the roots had grown over into the river soil.
My thinking with using the river soil was that with the run off and erosion the nutrients from up river would be in the soil here. Never really gave a thought to toxins. Lesson learned, as long as she makes a full recovery.
Hopefully she give me a bountiful harvest later as a thank you for getting her in some better soil. LOL