• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

So this is my first year growing hot peppers, sure I had grown some Jalapeno (2) and Cayanne (1) last year but this year is diff. I had bought those plants at the store when they were buy 1 get 2 free deal. They were already about 2 ft tall and were producing peppers. The only knowledge I needed was how to put them in the car, take them out, dig a hole, put the plant in and then put some dirt around it. Whew hard work, but those plants got me started with peppers. From there I met JAG and he gave me a bunch of super hots, Scorpion, Fatalii, Ghost, Douglah and many more.
I got the seeds from them pods and saved them for this year with the thinking I am going to grow my own plants.
Which brings me to my first grow log.
I had started some seeds in a planter back around Thanksgiving but they all grew to about 2 inches tall, never got bigger, never produced leaves and eventually died. So I started some more and started asking questions about what I can do/try etc. needless to say the info has been invaluable.
These first pics show what i started with early this week


this next pic is what I had a day after the above pics and after potting up some seeds I had germinating in a wet paper towel
WalkGood said:
Could be time to sharpen up on your rabbit recipes, I can just smell jerk rabbit on da grill smoker ^_^
Now, here, I don't have a rabbit problem but where we lived before, I tried everything. The smelly stuff, and it does reek, but not a deterrent. So, neighbor and I sat outside on his deck with pellet guns near dusk. A few nice heat-shot kills; we cleaned, dressed 'em out, about 10 wabbits each. Had a block party grill! "The Golfer" went on and on about how good that "chicken" tasted (we soaked them in milk and water to get gamey taste out and we got some chicken quarters to throw people off). It wasn't until several years later when he was saying, "Been a long time since I had rabbit. Mama used to make it in stew." I just couldn't help myself. "WHAT!?!" My goodness: over-reaction, methinks. But a cheap pellet gun--just adjust the sights some--is maybe as humane, but highly efficient for the grill--and if ya get some chix quarters, nobody seems to notice. Q'ed rabbit is GOOD! Also, great use for any frozen pods ya might have to make a bbq sauce :cool: But keep it on qt like Scott said. Be surprised how many people can't tell difference between chicken wing and rabbit leg :rofl:
And ya peppers look great! My orange Thai is finally blooming and brainstrains and yeller 7's DO get some tall! Good job, Rob!
annie57 said:
Now, here, I don't have a rabbit problem but where we lived before, I tried everything. The smelly stuff, and it does reek, but not a deterrent. So, neighbor and I sat outside on his deck with pellet guns near dusk. A few nice heat-shot kills; we cleaned, dressed 'em out, about 10 wabbits each. Had a block party grill! "The Golfer" went on and on about how good that "chicken" tasted (we soaked them in milk and water to get gamey taste out and we got some chicken quarters to throw people off). It wasn't until several years later when he was saying, "Been a long time since I had rabbit. Mama used to make it in stew." I just couldn't help myself. "WHAT!?!" My goodness: over-reaction, methinks. But a cheap pellet gun--just adjust the sights some--is maybe as humane, but highly efficient for the grill--and if ya get some chix quarters, nobody seems to notice. Q'ed rabbit is GOOD! Also, great use for any frozen pods ya might have to make a bbq sauce :cool: But keep it on qt like Scott said. Be surprised how many people can't tell difference between chicken wing and rabbit leg :rofl:
And ya peppers look great! My orange Thai is finally blooming and brainstrains and yeller 7's DO get some tall! Good job, Rob!
God I love your stories \o/ I just had to laugh as I use to do the same with fish ... back when I had a boat, my wife and I went fishing and as typical she put me to shame. She caught 2 sharks and I only one small one. So she says to me what are we going to do with them, I marinated them with a light version of mojo, grilled them up and we had all the neighbors over. Somewhere along all the fish chowing and beer some neighbors wife begins to tell me how awesome the fish is and how she hates shark her husband made her eat and how I should talk to him about this wonderful fish. So she says “what kind of fish are they?” To which I quickly replied great Atlantic White fish, hahahahaha ….
Rob listen to Annie ... go get dem rabbits, hehehe
WalkGood said:
God I love your stories \o/ I just had to laugh as I use to do the same with fish ... back when I had a boat, my wife and I went fishing and as typical she put me to shame. She caught 2 sharks and I only one small one. So she says to me what are we going to do with them, I marinated them with a light version of mojo, grilled them up and we had all the neighbors over. Somewhere along all the fish chowing and beer some neighbors wife begins to tell me how awesome the fish is and how she hates shark her husband made her eat and how I should talk to him about this wonderful fish. So she says “what kind of fish are they?” To which I quickly replied great Atlantic White fish, hahahahaha ….
Rob listen to Annie ... go get dem rabbits, hehehe
See? She bought "Atlantic White Fish"?! LOL. Oh yeah!!! Do it Rob, goRobgo-goRobgo-goRobgo!
Devv said:
I like that..."Great Atlantic White Fish"...you didn't lie hahaha
AND a bow and arrow is sooo quiet :D
True . . . on b&a . . . pellet guns, b&a . . . bbq . . . milk and salt and good 48 soak with chix--they might help KILL the rabbits, since I was always taught if I killed it, I ate it. (Exceptions are groundhogs and copperheads, only because both impossible to make taste okay OR safe--a copperhead would probably shoot every corpuscle of its bod with venom just to kill ya after it was dead. Bitchy snakes, tisk.)
I still remember my grandfather twisting the first wing off, me doing second, about to cry, off a dove I shot, but . . . then, plucking feathers off breast, open breast, peel. Clean in water, soak in milk, salt, bread and fry and EAT! I was 9. BB gun, thought I'd be cute: my grandfather MADE me do it, because he told me not to just shoot at anything for the sake of killing it. "Not lessin ya gonna eat it and now: y'are." That's a good lesson for kids. Teaches the sanctity of living things, with exceptions: spider mites, groundhogs, copperheads. Even tree roaches teach ya a lesson on I-35 South at 80 mph: make ya better driver! :rofl: (And roll ya windows up at night.)
Thanks all sorry for the lack of responses.
First let me say that it looks like a cat either got the last of the rabbits or chased them away. I haven't seen any in a few days
Second I will be posting some updated pepper plant shots later today once I get on the compiter.
Last but not least. Yesterday was my B-day
Was best B-day in a very long time. Found out I got a new job and should start next week or week after
Also found out my ex has to go to court because she has not been paying her child support. She has to pay 25 a week but is close to 300 in arrears now. Love the fact that karma is now coming around to my side for the job and to bite her in the ass. Job I got is about a 5 dollar an hour raise which comes in handy, plus it is like 10 min closer.
Let me start out by saying happy belated birthday Rob and congratulations on the new job \o/

I’m a little disappointed in the cat, wanted to be reading on Monday that your BBQ’d or Smoked the rabbit and nothing but compliments were given to the chef :rofl:
Looking forward to seeing the updated pics, have a great weekend brethren!
OK first let me say sorry for being away so long and no updates. I make this promise to all my chilli head brethren that I will have a pic update this weekend. Been super busy with the new job and haven't have a chance to get on the computer. I have taken pics as I knew that at some point in time I would be getting back on to post some pics.
I want to thank you all for the Bday wishes. Was a great day to get a new job and find out the ex had to go to court for contemp because she didn't pay her support.
A little update first before I get to the pics. Everything is taking off. I have picked 2 Thai fire peppers and will post the pics of how diff they are. I asked JAG about them as he is where I got the seeds from but he isn't sure. I have 6 thai fire plants and on 5 of them all of the pods are point up. On one they are all pointing down. The pods on the ones that are pointing up are smooth, the ones pointing down are more wrinkled. Thinking they got crossed with something, not sure what though.
All of the other plants have peppers popping, The CRH are producing like crazy and am expecting a bountiful harvest. The scorpions are getting pods and again a bountiful harvest is on its way. Fatalli's are starting to put out some pods, 7-pot got its first pod earlier in the week. Chock, yellow and red bhuts are starting to kick into high gear and really looking forward to getting a first harvest from them.
That's it for now but I promise to be back on this weekend to post some pics of how things are going in death row and the rest of the g
Well my friend, I too have been busy, it's just that time of year...vacations and harvest times.
Looking forward to your updates..and hey, the state of Tejas reviewed my work place and gave me a raise...way cool!
Wanted to stop in and give somewhat of an update, let you all know I didnt forget about you. LOL
Have been busy with the new job so dont have to much time on the computer at home, plus it is slow as watching your first pepper plant put out its first pod.
Have had a decent harvest so far this year. CRH and Yellow Scorpion Cardi are the most prolific peppers. But then I have 11 CRH and 12 Yellow scorpions planted. Peppers are huge some are just smaller than a tennis ball.
Not going to promise but will try and post up some pics here in the next few days of the plants and pepper harvest. I have to say that I have a yellow 7 pot that is ove 7 ft tall right now. Not many peppers but it is huge.
Had to do a crawl though over the weekend and i would guess that I picked close to 100 peppers off of the various plants. Yellow Fatalli's are putting some out, same with the Red and Yellow Ghosts. Lots of peppers on the plants right now and can see that in the next week or so I am going to be inundated with em. Especially the CRH's they are everywhere. I usually pick 5-10 a day.
Gotta run, lunch time is over
Where's the beef pods, lol
Good to read your still with us brethren, Tennis ball size pods ... looking forward to seeing da update :)
Wishing you and yours an awesome weekend ^_^
So finally an update with some pics. Had to change internet carriers and change operating systems on the computer but here it is the update with pics.
First is going to be some pics of the plants, after a bump I will post some harvest shots. 
Have the freezer full of pods now so I have been making alot of powder.
First we have the ..

Yellow 7-pot, this thing is pushing 8 ft tall now. The white fence is 6 ft tall but is sitting on top of a 1x12 board.
Next up

These are the CRH's along with the Fatali's to the left
Death Row

Yellow Scorpions house most of the back 2 rows. There is a Fatali and a red scorpion there also. To the left is a Jalapeno and 2 Cayannes' to the right of that.
How about some Brain Strain

This was the first of the year. Have gotten about 10-15 so far now.

CRH's starting to kick in. I have 11 plants of these guys and they are mas producers. Came up with an idea of what I am going to do with the "extra pods". More detail to come at a later time 
How about a Red Bhut

Gotten so many of these guys this year that I am now making a straight ghost powder MWHAHAHAHAAHA. Going to smoke a few of these guys in the next few days, just because.
Can't forget about the Douglah

Have a bunch of these guys so started to make a powder with them also. All of my Douglah's came from one plant that I thought was going to die. He pulled through and is kicking ass
Last but not least. The TOMATO BUSH

all I can say is OMG this thing is huge.
Once I get a bump I will post some harvest pics
Sawyer said:
What kind of tomato is that?
It is a sweet 100 cherry tomato. I am keeping seed from this guy and going to go the Guiness Book next year for the tallest tomato plant. Will be pruning anything extra it wont need. I have seen this thing grow like a foot in a week. 
How about some harvest pics now.
This is from my first harvest this year. Not bad for my first harvest and first year growing

More from first harvest

Onto the 2nd harvest

More 2nd harvest close up, love this pic

Can you say huge peppers

7 peppers almost 14 inches wide DAMNNNNNNN

Last but not least 2nd harvest sorted
starting upper left corner
Red Scorpion
Not sure of the next one, looks like a cross of CRH's and Bhuts
Thai Fire
Brain Strain
Yellow Scorps
Red Bhuts
Only plants I did not have pics of were the Thai fires, in the buckets.sorry
MeatHead1313 said:
That's some crazy huge plants! I seriously need to either find a new place where I can plant in the ground next year, or get MUCH bigger pots! Awesome work!
Thanks Meathead, this was my first year growing so I didnt expect a whole lot. These plants exceeded anything I could have imagined