• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

So this is my first year growing hot peppers, sure I had grown some Jalapeno (2) and Cayanne (1) last year but this year is diff. I had bought those plants at the store when they were buy 1 get 2 free deal. They were already about 2 ft tall and were producing peppers. The only knowledge I needed was how to put them in the car, take them out, dig a hole, put the plant in and then put some dirt around it. Whew hard work, but those plants got me started with peppers. From there I met JAG and he gave me a bunch of super hots, Scorpion, Fatalii, Ghost, Douglah and many more.
I got the seeds from them pods and saved them for this year with the thinking I am going to grow my own plants.
Which brings me to my first grow log.
I had started some seeds in a planter back around Thanksgiving but they all grew to about 2 inches tall, never got bigger, never produced leaves and eventually died. So I started some more and started asking questions about what I can do/try etc. needless to say the info has been invaluable.
These first pics show what i started with early this week


this next pic is what I had a day after the above pics and after potting up some seeds I had germinating in a wet paper towel
Good step to repot Rob, I've had similar issues with some local dirt and repotting worked out well but our river is salt so I don't take dirt from there, lolz! Good to read you unplugged the stove anything else could have been dangerous since you were on your way out. Personally I prefer gas too and that's what we use, but they can be dangerous for persons that don't know the how to's, good luck on the new installation and looking forward to seeing some pics soon brethren, hehehe
Wow! Electrical issues can be scary, a friend had his house burn to the ground because of a fridge short. Lucky you were on the scene and unplugged it.
A few years ago our lights were flickering every so often. I took the cover off the breaker box and the neutral lug looked someone was arc welding. Luckily I was able to find one and replace it.
Good choice one the new range, gotta keep momma happy ;)
Ok pics of the sick plant and some of my flowering and healthy plants
This is the sic one. All the stems that you see on the right were ones that i pinch off lastnight. The browning of the edges on some of the leaves that wre pinched off is the first I have seen.As you can see it has affected only one side of the plant.

This a healthy plant that is in a bucket right beside the sick one, I mean the the buckets are touching. This is how the sick one used to look last weekend.

Here she is again with a side view, you can see how thinned out she is and everything that was pinched off.

A pic of the whole plant

Close up of the leaves, the brown spots just started to show up yesterday.

More brown spots.

The first leaves that fell off were completely green no spots or anything, you could just touch it and it would fall off.
Ok enoguh of the depressing stuff
First up Maters, I wasnt sure how these would do as I had heard stories going both ways of good and bad. Not to shappy so far, have about 4 or 5 maters starting already

Next up we have a Carib Red Hab, this is one that I had topped earlier. Not too worried about the brown spots on the leaves that you see. They came in giht after plant out, think it might be sunburn but she is recovering nicely.

Another carib Red with some flower buds starting

More buds on either a Carib red Hab or Fatalli, (cant remember where in the garden I took this one)

Have a few more pics but that is 10 and need a bump before I can upload them.
Thanks Annie
Now the rest
Yellow 7 pot starting to put out some flowers

2 Jalapenos that i pickup at the store

Oh my what is it that I see here, why yes, yes it is the first pod of the season. This is on the Thai Fire that is right next to the sick plant. Maybe that is why it is sick, pod envy LOL

So there you have it. Only thing missing was foodie pics.
Any thoughts on the sick plant. I was checking out the other Thai Fires and I did actually use the river soil in another one but had mixed that in with reg top soil, perlite and peat. That one is showing no signs of anything, as of yet. It will be transplanted this weekend into new top soil, just to be safe
annie57 said:
And after looking it up, on the brown spots, have you sprayed those plants with any copper fungicide? (That can cause it.) Other thought is bacterial leaf spot. Or mites. I'd rather go BLS than mites, frankly. I dunno what it is, but I have some Douglah that seem to have some this. With the leaf puckering too. I slapped bat guano, rock phosphate on those extra heavy, pre-rain (and some bone meal) as could be cal/phos deficiency as well. Just in case, when "they" are sure we NOT gonna get, if that happens today, no more rain from Andrea, gonna hit those and toms with Actinovate/Biotamax spray. Some folks say Biotamax is snake oil, but been good to me, so far. I should have waited to see more pics, but since this is a concern on Douglahs for me . . . and it could be in the soil. Will post some pics later to compare, okay? But I really rec the Biotamax!

Thai fire is HEALTHY! Nice pods and flowers. Think issue was probably in your soil.
I havent hit them with anything other than a little miracle grow the other day. I gave them some only because the sick plant started to lose the leaves. Was thinking that it was nutes when the leaves started falling off.
I have her in some new top soil now but didnt get a chance to add perlite or peat to it so she will get transplanted this weekend.
koskorgul said:
I havent hit them with anything other than a little miracle grow the other day. I gave them some only because the sick plant started to lose the leaves. Was thinking that it was nutes when the leaves started falling off.
I have her in some new top soil now but didnt get a chance to add perlite or peat to it so she will get transplanted this weekend.
Got any compost, Rob? Heck, ya can make compost tea with store-bought--if you can get your hands on some Black Kow or Mushroom compost--just go grab a pump, couple air-stones at Wally World and some tubing. (Investments in gardening.) Before I worked my own compost, mixed BK with ground oatmeal--not instant--some cat/dogfood--wet it in big yogurt or any large plastic cup will work, stick it under sink, dark place for 3 days and you'll see the good fungus growing or mycelium. Slap that in el cheapo paint strainer bag (can suspend it with stick), or just toss in, without bag, water in 5 gal bucket you let sit for 24 hours to evap chlorine, half a Vit C tab if you have chloramine in water, if you have city water, let it bubble and ya got kick-butt AACTea aka plant food, pest control, soil feeder. If you want it to be food, can just let it steep for few days and stir it. Long as you stir, won't go anaerobic--that's more for nutrients--long as it doesn't start stinkin'--long as you stir--pour at base of plants. For good measure, if you pick up some BK or shroom compost, they got MG bone meal--good for bloom. I just think MG--the mix?--invites problems. I've used it. It was fast, to point, but made my plants sick, it seemed, left them wide-a open to pests, diseases, salt build-up in soil.
I know you didn't ask for all this info, but am just passing on what somebody--actually my grandmother used manure tea--they had no choice back then but to go organic. We thought we got smarter, but over time, my grandmother's generation grew better plants for a reason. Do what you want, hon; it's just that I SWEAR by AACTea! Esp. fungal based when plants are putting on flowers and fruits. Peace. ;)
Thanks annie. I was thinking about doing this. Now i have alot of the info in one spot.
Also started a compost pile in the back, sorta kinda, Took all of the weeds that I pulled along with a bunch of bamboo leaves. Wanted to build a proper container but havent had the chance as of yet. it is on my lists of projects for this year.
Not a lot to add from me, Annie’s got the stage and boy can she sing [SIZE=12pt]♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪[/SIZE] ... plus she's smart as a whip! My only added two cents would be to isolate sick plants as far away from others as you can. I don’t believe its bacterial leaf spot because if it was the affected leaves trun yellow before they drop. But still isolation is critical because if I’m not wrong BLS pathogen can be spread through any mechanical means imaginable when plants are wet, including your hands and on garden shears. Good luck with it …
Da rest is looking good great awesome mon, congrats on the first pod \o/ and wish'in you and da family a great weekend brethren!
Thanks Ramon, I will have to seperate it tonight when I get home. Will move it back to the back of the deck away from the other till is starts looking better
Went back and looked at the plant twice, I would isolate it and try some treatments. It's hard to see in a picture versus 1 on 1.
But anyway, good advice on 168 and 170
Good luck!
Seperated the sick Thai Fires last week, repotted into topsoil instead of the river soil, She seems to be doing better, havent had any more leaves fall off and any that were starting to turn brown I pulled off. Looks very odd to literally see half of a plant when you look down on it from the top. It is almost a perfect biffercation of the plant. Very weird. LOL
She is doing a lot better and I have my fingers crossed.
No other updates as of right now, nothing new on the gardens other than something is getting into one of them, has dug up 2 of my green bean plants. I am thinking it is a chipmunk at this point as I had seen one the other day run under the deck and now I have issues in the garden by the deck. I have a fence up around it and nothing that I can see has dug under it. Over the weekend you could see where something was digging/scratching the dirt in the one corner, from the inside of the garden. 
koskorgul said:
… She is doing a lot better and I have my fingers crossed.
She’ll make it, did you feed her too? BTW how about some before and after shots FTW ^_^
koskorgul said:
… other than something is getting into one of them, has dug up 2 of my green bean plants. I am thinking it is a chipmunk at this point as I had seen one the other day run under the deck and now I have issues in the garden by the deck. I have a fence up around it and nothing that I can see has dug under it. Over the weekend you could see where something was digging/scratching the dirt in the one corner, from the inside of the garden.
I’d recommend either gun or trap, kill first and ask questions later, hehehe ... Hope you have a killer day brethren!

Been checking for anymore damage every morning before work and again after. Havent seen anything new yet. Although I did have some corn husks that i threw along side of the garden so I can turn them into the soil. Found one of them about 10-12 feet up the tree. So my thinking changed from a chipmunk to a squirrel. No gun in the house, yet, but do have a wrist rocket sling shot with about 250 bearings for ammo. I am a pretty good shot with one so squirrel might be on the menu here soon LOL.
+1 to all on the AACT, I've put it on once, during a rain storm and within a couple of days I was was pulling ripe peppers where there were only green ones before and I swear I could see their leaves form a smile :) second batch going on tonight.
Glad to hear that she's doing better.
 I must agree with Annie it looks more bacterial than Mite damage. Lots of rain will do that. Leaves never never get a chance to really dry out and so on. They will bounce back. All of my plants have similar symptoms every once in awhile. The puckering of the leaves is usually a indicator of too much ferts. Best and cheapest remedy for BLS is a 1/2 skim milk 1/2 water foliar spray. Remove all damaged leaves careful not to touch and spread  bacteria,
 Keep an eye out for the mailman manana:) 
Thanks Rocket Man. I did a quick check on her lastnight and no more leaves are falling off and nothing turning brown. She did put out a flower but thining I am going to pinch it off so it concentrates more on getting better. Will try and get a pic of her from the side so you can see how much she lost. It was literally half of the leaves.  Hard to explain as I have never seen anything like it before. It is almost like I put it into a guillotine and cut it in half.
The other Thai Fires are doing great, very healthy, nice deep green. All have started putting out flowers and some have pods now. I am getting 3-5 new flowers each day. The Yellow 7-pot put out its first flower the other and I am hoping that it produces a pod. Should know here in the next day or so. Carrib Red Habs are starting to put out flower pods now. Have  had a few bloom but no pods yet. I do have to say that i am really impressed with the Scorpion plants I have, althugh 1 did not make it and looks like another 2 are going to give up the ghost. They were too small to be planted out but I had my fingers crossed. All the other Scorpions are doing well. At first plant out they started to turn yellow and lost a leaf or 2. Chalked that up to the transition form inside to outside even after hardening off. They are now all nice and green, not as much as the Thai Fires, but getting better every day. I am most impressed with a Brain Strain that I planted. When I planted out, it was one of the smallest plants, It is now catching up to the 7 pot and pushing a foot tall now. Cant wait for everything to start producing. Looking at the other pics from other glogs I can see that I am in for as far as the amounts. Might need a bigger kitchen table to show everything LOL 

Wanted to add that the maters are starting to come in also. Have about 5-7 Romas on each plant. Plus the cherry tomato is starting to produce. It did get knocked over the other day in a sever storm. Didnt use any cages as I plan on having this thing grow across the top railing of the deck. Past cherry mater plant was over 20' tall so it should easily make it the 6' to the deck railing LOL
romy6 said:
 I must agree with Annie it looks more bacterial than Mite damage. Lots of rain will do that. Leaves never never get a chance to really dry out and so on. They will bounce back. All of my plants have similar symptoms every once in awhile. The puckering of the leaves is usually a indicator of too much ferts. Best and cheapest remedy for BLS is a 1/2 skim milk 1/2 water foliar spray. Remove all damaged leaves careful not to touch and spread  bacteria,
 Keep an eye out for the mailman manana:) 
I didnt do anything to her other than pull leaves off and pinch some stems that look sick as well. Did that after I was done checking everything else out so as not to spread anything to the other plants. We have had a boat load of rain the past few days. So much the other day that my sump pump was coming on every 30 secs and it has a 5 gal container. tried to catch some of the water but where the landlord put the drain it is impossible.
Sounds good on the mailman. I did check the USPS site earlier today and have a package to be delivered today from bakers peppers, if he delivers yours today, well, what can I say other than bonus LOL. Looking forward to trying some of the madballz pods. Want to get some seedsin the ground also.