• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

So this is my first year growing hot peppers, sure I had grown some Jalapeno (2) and Cayanne (1) last year but this year is diff. I had bought those plants at the store when they were buy 1 get 2 free deal. They were already about 2 ft tall and were producing peppers. The only knowledge I needed was how to put them in the car, take them out, dig a hole, put the plant in and then put some dirt around it. Whew hard work, but those plants got me started with peppers. From there I met JAG and he gave me a bunch of super hots, Scorpion, Fatalii, Ghost, Douglah and many more.
I got the seeds from them pods and saved them for this year with the thinking I am going to grow my own plants.
Which brings me to my first grow log.
I had started some seeds in a planter back around Thanksgiving but they all grew to about 2 inches tall, never got bigger, never produced leaves and eventually died. So I started some more and started asking questions about what I can do/try etc. needless to say the info has been invaluable.
These first pics show what i started with early this week


this next pic is what I had a day after the above pics and after potting up some seeds I had germinating in a wet paper towel
Time for another update, sorry wasnt able to update for a few days, been sick with a chest/sinus infections.

Have been taking my plants outside during the day and that are loving it. Had been taking about 2/3rds of them out but decided to take all of them out on Wednesday. Would take them out in the early afternoon and bring them in late evening. Left them all outside overnight lastnight as the low was only down to 50 and a high today of 68. Will be bringing them all in tonight as the low is supposed to me in the low 40's.
I topped 3 of them, 2 last week and one yesterday. The 2 from last week have no new growth on them at all. From what I was reading in the topping and prunning thread they should have done something by now. I figured I didnt trim low enough on the stem so I tried with one more plant to see how it goes.
I also have a Brain Strain that for some reason it seems that I am actually trying to kill. I have over watered it, then let it dry out and almost die, gave it more water and let it dry out again. It has lost all of it leaves but started to get some sprouts at the bottom of the stem so there is hope for it yet. LOL That one stays inside underlights in the ICU.
Also started 4 more seeds. 2 7-pot Douglah and 2 Peach Bhut's, Started them on Tuesday so I am guessing I should have some sprouts early next week. Brings my total for the year upto 61 plants.
Ground hog, rabbit, and Dove update:

Critter update 1)Was outside yesterday for a bit and noticed that the Dove nest was empty. Found both mom and dad and the 2 babies down by the shed feeding. One of the babies was stuck inside the fence I have up to keep rabbits away from my peppers. I walked down to move the edge of the fence so it could get out. They all sat there and watched me, pulled the one stake out and moved the edge of the fence. Gently chased the dove inside the fence towards the opening, it ended up flying away. Later that night I was out taking the trash out and noticed that one of the babies was still sitting under the lilac bush and the other 3 were gone. Thinking it was hurt, I grabbed some gloves and tried to pick it up and put it back in the nest. It ended up flying away across the street and landed in a tree over there.

Critter update 2) The other day I noticed a ground hog had decided that it was going to make a home under the shed. I would go down to the shed and hit the side of it with a metal rod to try and scare it out so I could "dispose" of it. It would never come out so I blocked off all but one entry/exit hole. Called the landlord and he was going to bring me a trap. Well I got the trap on Friday and havent seen the groundhog since. I knocked some branches and dirt into the one hole that it can get in and out of, thinking this will give me a sign that it is still there. Checked everyday this weekend for anything, walked around the shed looking for any more holes, found nothing so it looks like the ground hog left. Guess it didnt like my house warming party of banging on the shed.

Critter update 3) with the ground hog gone, the rabbit is back. Has been using my kids jungle gym/slide toy as shade. Noticed it yesterday laying in the yard in the shade of what is left of my tree. Thing was layed out like it was dead. Seen it later that afternoon under the gym/slide in the shade and then again later in the evening feeding. Not going to chase it away as my daughter loves going outside to find the bunny. She will stand there on the path, kneel down and wave at the bunny saying, hi bunny. Cant break her heart to scare it away so I will have to put fencing up around everything LOL.
So had the plants outside pretty much all weekend again. Temps were in the 70's with lows in the 40's. I would put them outside around 1 or 2 and bring them back in after it got dark.
This first pic is of the bigger plants but not the largest.

This next pic is of the largest ones that I have so far. If you look you can see the rubberband around the black pot in the back, this is one that I have topped.

This last pic is of all of my plants, well except for the one Brain Strain that is in the ICU right now, thanks to my awesome growing skills LOL

The only plants are not pictured is a Brain Strain, 2 Peach Bhuts,and 2 7-pot Douglah's. Still waiting on the Bhuts and Douglahs to sprout.

Worked on the garden this weekend again, tilled it again and pulled out weeds. Just an FYI. the area is 20' x 3' the other is 10' x 10' (or about that) all done by hand. Bought one of those hand tillers with the tines on it. you jam it into the ground and twist.
Nice work out but really sucks when you are sick with a chest/sinus infection
Thanks, since putting them outside and potting up they have taken off. Cant wait till plant out time. Looking like that will be this coming weekend or the following. I got my fingers crossed for it to be a beast. That is the Carrib Red hab one, If you look at the last pic, right side, top left corner of the tray there is another pot with a rubber band around it, that is the other one that I topped. That one is a 7-pot. The last one I topped, Chocolate Bhut Jalokia is in the bottom row on the last pic (not on a tray) 4th from the left.

Love that table but dont understand why there are 6 chairs to it when only 4 will actually fit under it LOL.
Plants are happy :P

I'm betting your more than ready to get them in the dirt. Don't rush though, this years been weird with cooler weather. I know, it's global warming, yeah , that's it..
Camera will be with me when I plant out. Looking like it will be this weekend. Left all of the plants out over night for the first time lastnight. Did a quick check and all seemed like they made it safe and sound.

Checked on the Brain Strain lastnight and it is a fighter. Has new growth and is looking good. gave it some water lastnight also. Soil was dry all the way to the bottom drain holes. Pulled the 2 Peach Bhuts and 2 7-pot Douglahs out and put them in the living room where I had everything else germinate. Had em sitting under the lights with the Brain Strain. Hopefully they will pop soon.
Was just told that the weather was supposed to be pretty crappy this weekend, rain and a freeze warning for sunday. Checked the extended forecast and they are saying rain on saturday, low of 40 on sunday and 41 on monday. Doesnt look like I will be planting out this weekend.
This is one of the plants that I topped about 2 weeks ago. I was worried that it stalled out but as you can see (sorta) there is some new growth even though it is a little slow

Caribbean Red Hab. Got some browing on the edges of the leaves from hardening off.

Thai Fire going strong

A shot of my larger plants on the left is a yellow 7-pot the rest are Carribean Red Habs

And here he is. Pic is way out of focus but I tried for 5 mins to get a decent shot of this one. This is the Brain Strain that I swear I was trying to kill. I over watered, didnt water enough, over watered, didnt water enough, over watered again and yep you guessed it, didnt water enough. This guy lost all of it leaves, it only had the smallest of new leaves coming up. It looked like a stick in the dirt but with that one tiny new leaf I held out hope. Put it into the ICU and nurtured him. Made sure the water was right, the temp was right. Checked on him every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times. This is my fighter

Was hoping to plant out this weekend but it is supposed to be nasty out with rain and then cold temps. Lows in the upper 30's highs only in the 50's, so it looks like it will be the following weekend when I can finally get these guys in the dirt.
They are looking good!
I can't wait to plant out too :)
Will only take me about a day to plant out though Chris. should take you a few weeks with all those plants. LOL
I am so ready to get these guys in the dirt. I did a quick through of the garden lastnight, pulling any weed straglers and I swear i could hear it begging to have some peppers planted in it. :shh:
Going to get some more potting soil this weekend and pot up some of the smaller ones before they go into the dirt. Need to get that Brain Strain and about 7 or 8 more into bigger pots.
That Brain may be your best producer, Rob: stressed is good to peppers. And ya'll already ARE sending, not rain, PRAISE JAZUZ but cold for Mon. night. 39F. ;) Been in mid-high 50's at night here and then drop . . . but it is supposed to be BACK to the high temps we're having now and dry after Mon. Whew. Normally, am making compost tea, have caged, staked, gone through agony of plant-out by now.

Plants look great! You just think that groundhog is gone. They do go away when frightened, but they tend to come back. Super-territorial jerks: they will eat down a garden. And for your sake, I hope it's gone. Neighbor: "Ain't seen the groundhogs from over yonder." I'm thinking, "Shit, they cold and confused too: let it get normal and they'll come . . . and go." I hate it but .22 is only way. Not letting them eat the garden, even after I put bhut powder on leaves?? Naw. I go drastic on those. They kill dogs, whatever might corner them.

I hate freaking squirrels. Every night they dig: when do these a-holes sleep? But did try something late yesterday. Now, this is supposed to only work with male urine; maybe because it's just easier for men to "gather" but if you urinate in a quart jar or can REALLY fill some up, MOST, not all, most critters will avoid that area. Theoretically. Let's just say I did a trial around one raised bed--no jar--I have no modesty and it was near dark--but no squirrel digs this morning!! Try it with the rabbit if you want to create uh, a boundary. Lol, don't know if it works or they had a party, got loaded last night, too drunk, hungover to mess with raised beds last night/early early morning. But, gonna do that again late today!

Got one of those tools, the Fisker version. Does great for turning shallow compost, and it sorta loosens soil with some back and leg work. I need to get out in 1 or 2 spots with it but if I can get my bro's baby tiller, will be doing that in few spots that the flood washed last weekend.

I'm bettin' on Mr. Brain, hon! And very adorable about your daughter!! :P
That Brain may be your best producer, Rob: stressed is good to peppers. And ya'll already ARE sending, not rain, PRAISE JAZUZ but cold for Mon. night. 39F. ;) Been in mid-high 50's at night here and then drop . . . but it is supposed to be BACK to the high temps we're having now and dry after Mon. Whew. Normally, am making compost tea, have caged, staked, gone through agony of plant-out by now.

Temps are high of 80 today then they are to drop down to a high on monday of 57 with a low of 39. Then they are supposed to start getting warmer again. Just looked at the extended forecast and wouldnt ya know it. Rain again for next weekend

Plants look great! You just think that groundhog is gone. They do go away when frightened, but they tend to come back. Super-territorial jerks: they will eat down a garden. And for your sake, I hope it's gone. Neighbor: "Ain't seen the groundhogs from over yonder." I'm thinking, "Shit, they cold and confused too: let it get normal and they'll come . . . and go." I hate it but .22 is only way. Not letting them eat the garden, even after I put bhut powder on leaves?? Naw. I go drastic on those. They kill dogs, whatever might corner them.

Same here, I can not stand ground hogs, they do too much damage. Pretty sure this one is gone. I havent seen it around in over a week now. I would go the .22 route but live in a small town and am sure someone would call the cops if I start shooting, LOL. I prefer a bow and arrow. I am a pretty good shot, plus it is quiet. He will never know what hit him
Growing up we had them under the garage that my dad built was not fun going out to there. Never sure if one was in the garage around the corner or not. Always carried a large stick when I went in there.

I hate freaking squirrels. Every night they dig: when do these a-holes sleep? But did try something late yesterday. Now, this is supposed to only work with male urine; maybe because it's just easier for men to "gather" but if you urinate in a quart jar or can REALLY fill some up, MOST, not all, most critters will avoid that area. Theoretically. Let's just say I did a trial around one raised bed--no jar--I have no modesty and it was near dark--but no squirrel digs this morning!! Try it with the rabbit if you want to create uh, a boundary. Lol, don't know if it works or they had a party, got loaded last night, too drunk, hungover to mess with raised beds last night/early early morning. But, gonna do that again late today!

Will have to keep your"trick" in mind next time I am on the deck with the firepit going and drinking a few beers. Much easier to handle things in the back yard instead of having to go inside to the 2nd floor and possibly waking my daughter up.

Got one of those tools, the Fisker version. Does great for turning shallow compost, and it sorta loosens soil with some back and leg work. I need to get out in 1 or 2 spots with it but if I can get my bro's baby tiller, will be doing that in few spots that the flood washed last weekend.

That thing worked like a charm for me. Was alot of work but it feels good to be able to say that I did all the work by hand. Just glad my garden isnt as big as yours. LOL. I do have one more spot that I am going to work, Going to put in some green beans, lettuce etc...
I'm bettin' on Mr. Brain, hon! And very adorable about your daughter!! :P

I am thinking the same thing with it. I just have a feeling it is going to be the biggest producer. He is my fighter LOL.
Daughter is something else. I have 4 boys along with her and she is a handful compared to them.