• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

So this is my first year growing hot peppers, sure I had grown some Jalapeno (2) and Cayanne (1) last year but this year is diff. I had bought those plants at the store when they were buy 1 get 2 free deal. They were already about 2 ft tall and were producing peppers. The only knowledge I needed was how to put them in the car, take them out, dig a hole, put the plant in and then put some dirt around it. Whew hard work, but those plants got me started with peppers. From there I met JAG and he gave me a bunch of super hots, Scorpion, Fatalii, Ghost, Douglah and many more.
I got the seeds from them pods and saved them for this year with the thinking I am going to grow my own plants.
Which brings me to my first grow log.
I had started some seeds in a planter back around Thanksgiving but they all grew to about 2 inches tall, never got bigger, never produced leaves and eventually died. So I started some more and started asking questions about what I can do/try etc. needless to say the info has been invaluable.
These first pics show what i started with early this week


this next pic is what I had a day after the above pics and after potting up some seeds I had germinating in a wet paper towel
Sweet!! Looking awesome!
I forget how green everywhere else looks compared to here...LOL
Plants look nice and happy :)
Super score on the smoker! I need to find one too, and a dehydrator.... I dried everything the old fashioned way last year....stringing em up and letting the dry desert air do its thing. (way too slow!!)
DesertChris said:
Sweet!! Looking awesome!
I forget how green everywhere else looks compared to here...LOL
Plants look nice and happy :)
Super score on the smoker! I need to find one too, and a dehydrator.... I dried everything the old fashioned way last year....stringing em up and letting the dry desert air do its thing. (way too slow!!)
When I seen the smoker there I damn near knocked and 80 yr old man down trying to get to it. just kidding. I seen it sitting there and made a bee line for it. Looked it over, seen the price, and knew I had to get it. Cant wait to try it out. Now to find some good wood chips to use
Random thoughts off WG lappy ...
  • Cool maters in topsy turvey, I tried that once and epic fail for me but I’ve seen some great grows in dem. I’m sure you’ll do great! Currently the only maters I’m growing are the local Florida Wild Everglades tomato. It’s a cherry-type heirloom and sweet, IMHO it really does well cooked with meals or sauces, very tasty but low yields till I get them going stronger, luckily I have time ...
  • I like the look of your Thai Fires but man that Scorpion patch is awesome, don’t let dem rabbits get them or I’ll call Annie get your shotgun, lols. I also love that 20x3 patch, man there is some super heat there \o/
  • Ok, all dem pics are great and I’m glad you finally put them up, superb job on everything … cept I hope you don’t work for direct tv, that last shot could be an ad ;) lolz …
Have a great week mon and hope you enjoy dat soup over the weekend ^_^
WalkGood said:
Random thoughts off WG lappy ...
  • Cool maters in topsy turvey, I tried that once and epic fail for me but I’ve seen some great grows in dem. I’m sure you’ll do great! Currently the only maters I’m growing are the local Florida Wild Everglades tomato. It’s a cherry-type heirloom and sweet, IMHO it really does well cooked with meals or sauces, very tasty but low yields till I get them going stronger, luckily I have time ...
  • I like the look of your Thai Fires but man that Scorpion patch is awesome, don’t let dem rabbits get them or I’ll call Annie get your shotgun, lols. I also love that 20x3 patch, man there is some super heat there \o/
  • Ok, all dem pics are great and I’m glad you finally put them up, superb job on everything … cept I hope you don’t work for direct tv, that last shot could be an ad ;) lolz …
Have a great week mon and hope you enjoy dat soup over the weekend ^_^
Hoping the maters take off for me, use them in my sauces and getting from store just isnt the same. Going to try the cherry maters in some sauces as well. Main reason I got that one was because my gf's oldest daughter loves em. Told her to be ready for a lot of maters as they produce like wildfire LOL.
Cant wait for the Thai Fires and Scorpions to start producing. As for the rabbits, if they get into the pepper patch Annie will be the least of their worries. Would be time for a wrist rocket and some steel ball bearings.
No dont work for direct tv. I used to work for their main compition (comcast). Main reason i went with Directv was for the NFL Sunday ticket, Go Steelers
Devv said:
Glad you have everything in the dirt, and I hope the weather hangs in the right direction.
A ton of work to get things ready and in the dirt, looks great!
Keep us updated!
Will do Scott and thanks. Was alot of work, still a bit sore but not like I was on Sunday and Monday. Now I get to come home, check on the peppers, pull a few weeds here and there. I had to water lastnight, temps got to about 90. Today is supposed to be about the same. Not sure if I want to water again or wait another day.
Thanks for stopping in. More updates coming soon
Checked the gardens lastnight before it rained and noticed something has been eating the leaves. Found a few stink bugs, disposed of them so hopefully they were the culprit and it stops. Getting some Neem oil this weekend, just so I have it on hand.
Also found the beginning of some flowers on my Thai Fires and yellow7-pot. They were too small to take any decent pics with my phone, plus it was very overcast and cloudy so lighting was poor. Will try and get some pics this weekend to post up.
romy6 said:
 Stink bugs do not eat leaves. Most likely  some type of snail or caterpillar. 
Now get some pics we love lots of pics !!!  ;)
Thanks for that info. Not sure what it is at this point then, but I will find out and eradicate. LOL
They havent done a whole lot of damage, maybe a spot here and there. Will be applying neem oil this weekend. Getting some tomorrow after work.
Yes yes will get the pics. feel like a voyeur though taking all of these pepper pr0n pics LOL
Rob, sad to read about the damage but on the plus side, you're catching it early. I tried oil on first signs of leaf damage and that didn't do the trick, check for snails, I've found some in my garden and have been hand picking and crushing. Yea I know it's gross but I can't use sluggo snail bait during rainy season, it just floats away and at $15 per 2lb bag I'm not putting it out till rains subside. Good luck with catching the culprit and have a memorial weekend mon!
Thanks, will have to keep a lookout for any snails. I havent seen any around the area since I lived here, but wont rule out anything till I know for sure.
It isnt much damage only a few small holes couldnt even fit a pencil through but it is enough to get my quard up.
Have a great weekend also. Anything special cooking this weekend?
 Now when you start to get pods stink bugs will put tiny holes in them and quite often ruin the pod . Worst thing is a stink bug can live may years. I have some the size of a silver dollar . :rolleyes:
 Should be some nice pics of BBQ on may Glogs next week. Don't forget the grilled poppers!!!!
Will deff keep that in mind. We had a boat load of them last year along with box elders. Been reading on them and they seem to want the young leaves and such from trees. Since the huge sugar maple was cut back and ultimately killed last year, I am hoping that the bugs find another place to go. We were inundated last year. Havent seen a single one yet this year and should have seen a few at the min.
Time for another update, something is still going after my plants, and still havent found out what yet. I did stop for a bit but I think that was because of the rain and wind we had here.
This is the Thai Fire, you can see some of the flowers starting to bud

Black Thai

Another Thai Fire showing flower buds

Thai Fire showing growth inside platn at the stem

If you look at the 9 o'clock you can see the flower bud on my Yellow 7-pot

Carribean red looking mighty fine

Anothe Carribean red not looking so fine

This is my Choco bhut showing the leaf in the lower left corner, something ate almost completely straight acrossed it

Another shot of the Choco Bhut

Need to get a bump and will then post some foodie pics.
Thank you and thanks for the bump, now some foodie pics
Ingredients for the peppers
Oregano, black pepper, salt, Basil Leaves, tyme, Bell pepper, Onions, minced garlic
added all ingredients along with some butter, sauteed on low heat till they got soft

Ingredients for home made BBQ
Soy sauce, whorchestershire, sauce, Ketchup, spicy brown mustard, light brown sugar, minced garlic

Boiled some chicken thighs, got grill nice and hot. Added chicken to grill, skin side up. Brushed some of the sauce on and let sit for a bit, flipped chicken over and brushed with some sauce, Repeated till chicken was done. Added Pepper mix to top of chicken and served
Not the best pic

here is a better shot

and the end result
Everything's looking Excellent K. A lot of work but well worth it. I had one of those Bonnie cabbages too lol. Grew it for my nephew last year for a school project. I've got pics in last year's glog. Hope it beasts out for you!
3/5King said:
Everything's looking Excellent K. A lot of work but well worth it. I had one of those Bonnie cabbages too lol. Grew it for my nephew last year for a school project. I've got pics in last year's glog. Hope it beasts out for you!
Thanks, funny thing is that cabbage is for a school project also.
Got everything line up for it to be huge. have a spot all picked out for it when it gets to big for the pot, mircale grow is ready to go also. LOL
Ding, ding, ding ... you are hearing me sounding the cow bell for awesome foodie mon! And the plants look nice, I wouldn't be too concerned on a little leaf damage, all of mine have a little of that. I look at it like this, the price we pay to grow outdoors. But do yourself a favor and start prepairing for anything worse like I currently have. Maybe do what Al recommended and spray neem once every other week before anything bad comes along and it might help keep little leaf biters away too. Mites suck and I wouldn’t wish dem on my worst enemy … well IDK bout dat ;)