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pests Leaf/Pest Problem???

Some of my leaves are "ripped" or look like the are
being checked on.I looked em all over and last night
I saw 1 tiny white bug (an Aphid Larvae is my guess)
which I promptly killed.I can not find any adults or
any other type of pest so any help would be great.
I am thinking of getting some Neem as a precaution
and spraying it on all the plants.Also some of the
"holes" on the leaves are from incoming hail. lol
Heres a few pics (random,all the plants have "chew marks"
but not devastating and all the pods look good)

this 1 I am thinking Leaf Miners

geeeze i have the same problem... i have pruned the leaves with the most damage on them... i was also told they could be due to over watering..or water spot burning.. i am interested in anyone elses opinion as well..
I've had hail damage this year as well, and for sure that's what those rips are from (as you said).

The "bite marks" along the border of the leaves are from leafcutter bees, likely.

I'd definately neem - it won't hurt, and if there's a bug problem there it should take care of it!
Thanks.I think thats it (or 1 of the problems).I saw
a bee today land on a plant (didnt chew or anything)
and sit for about a minute.I thought to myself "thats
an odd looking bee" and I just did a search of bees of
michigan and bingo looked exactly the same yep
Leafcutter bee. And I HATE BEE'S :lol: spiders,no prob
snakes,no prob rodents no prob but BEES YIKES!!:lol:
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Thanks.I think thats it (or 1 of the problems).I saw
a bee today land on a plant (didnt chew or anything)
and sit for about a minute.I thought to myself "thats
an odd looking bee" and I just did a search of bees of
michigan and bingo looked exactly the same yep
Leafcutter bee. And I HATE BEE'S :lol: spiders,no prob
snakes,no prob rodents no prob but BEES YIKES!!:lol:

Spiders yes..give the plants a nice pressure blast with a gardenhose..removes a lot of hangers on and of course neem if needed :)
Well I did a comb over tonight couldnt find any bugs
except a few spiders (which can stay :lol:) I am too
afraid a pressure blast would knock my plants over
given what they all went through this year already :lol:
As for neem well I searched a lowes website and found
a product cheaper but its pet friendly and since
Gunner is always out there with me well I might get that
product :lol:
Unfortunately there isn't much you can do for leafcutter bees unless you can find the nest and kill them all. I just resolved my plants to be bee nests. They went for the bell peppers and anaheims, I guess because the leaves were thicker. Weird, though. All my peppers are in a row and they just attacked those 2. The plants are fine, fruiting and everything, but the leaves are really sad. They're all 1/2 the width they should be, cut up on both sides...
klyth said:
Unfortunately there isn't much you can do for leafcutter bees unless you can find the nest and kill them all. I just resolved my plants to be bee nests. They went for the bell peppers and anaheims, I guess because the leaves were thicker. Weird, though. All my peppers are in a row and they just attacked those 2. The plants are fine, fruiting and everything, but the leaves are really sad. They're all 1/2 the width they should be, cut up on both sides...

sound like a really destructive pest klyth..glad there not here :rolleyes:
Hey, TL bugs for some reason love plants. Most of my plants have some type of minor snack bites out of the leaves. However, with most of them it's only on a couple leaves, or it's so small it's not a big deal. However, I did have my chocolate hab completely anhiliated a couple weeks ago. One day............beautiful lush green leaves and flowers starting. The next......it looked like a whole family of bugs were hungry. Some of the leaves were eaten so bad all that was left were the veins of the leafs!!:shocked: I pulled the bad leaves off and new ones grew in pretty quick. It's getting flowers now and doing alot better. Also, fortunately the only bees I've been seeing on my plants were little sweat bees polinating my flowers (Never seen such a small bee polinate before, but they like my flowers..lol! I've also gladly got a couple regular honey bees hitting them too. Those aren't as common nowadays and good to see.:))
Thanks Everyone!!! Well did a entire check and no sign of Aphids:) Must be bees and some odd bug here an there like Rabbit mentioned.I think I might try that home remidy that Talas mentioned as a preventitive.Thanks Talas and R.B.:)
Oh Btw besides the leaves,my plants are going nuts and
got pods everywhere and even have some Scotch Bonnet pods too
Glad to see you have many pods popping up..Scotch bonnets i love..People always talk about habs but Scotch bonnets taste fantastic :)
I am looking forward to trying the Bonnets.Only chile peppers
I've really had are Jalapenos(and Jala Tams :lol:) Serranos Hot Wax Poblanos and
Habs.Oh and 1 unripe Tabasco I picked:lol:So the Fatallis Nagas
Big Jims and Bonnets all new for me :)opps forgot my
Lowes unknown habs LOL
talas said:
Are big jims will be new to me..as for the Fatalli and nagas well your in for a hot treat indeed. :mouthonfire:
Ive tried some Jims already but I had to pick em early
as the plant was getting overloaded so I didnt get a "real"
Taste of them.As far as the Nagas and Fatallis..I AM SCARED:lol::lol:
I did another check today and tonight,No sign of Aphids but..
a ton of flowers dropped (the good drop).Pods are growing like crazy and some of my Tams are turning red:) and the Bonnet has about 15 pods so all is good:)
Thats great news H.P.F.F you seem to be in the same growing cycle as me..lets hope the weather holds and we have more pods than we need :)