Lee´s 2009 Grow season

you got great looking plants, and your setup indoor, and outdoor are superb. fatalii.net is in my opinion the best chili seed supplier on net. he's very friendly and got the best customer service ive experienced. highly recommended.
Some pics.




Planted another 20 seeds today. 10 Savina's and 10 Jalapeno's (Thx to popper porn thread. Dunno what I'm doing


"Plant more and you will find room later"
I force Biggie to grow it stems more outwards.



My new borns. Jalapeno's left. Habanero Red Savina right.
I already germinated them on RW and have transferred them to soil. Another 18 plants

Looking great Lee. I don't know anything about the Rhomboideums other than they are looking good.

Tying up Biggie like that will make it spread more as opposed to growing straight up correct? Is there a reason for that?

Sorry for all the questions.
patrick said:
Looking great Lee. I don't know anything about the Rhomboideums other than they are looking good.

Tying up Biggie like that will make it spread more as opposed to growing straight up correct? Is there a reason for that?

Sorry for all the questions.

It allows more light to penetrate the other wise hidden internodes, creating more sites for branching. Overall it creates a more bushy plant as oppoosed to "lanky" or "stretchy".
Its called low stress training or LST.
Pepper-Guru said:
It allows more light to penetrate the other wise hidden internodes, creating more sites for branching. Overall it creates a more bushy plant as oppoosed to "lanky" or "stretchy".
Its called low stress training or LST.

Must agree with PG who has translated my thought:).
It works great too when branches tend to grow inwards.
btw, Have bought some 20 Liter (5+ Gallon) today for some of my plants. 5 plants max., some wilds, Aji's and Biggie will get a new home very shortly.
Lee can you explain what you mean "germinated on rockwool then transplanted to soil"

Like you use rockwool til the root pops then yank it and stick it in soil? Kinda like i use a paper towel?

I honestly haven't been too impressed with rockwool for seed starting anyway, next round i'm switching to coco plugs, especially since i'm using coco/hydroton in my system.

Plants look AWESOME btw.