Lee´s 2009 Grow season

Some aphids on a CAP217 leave. Inspect my plants every day and do pinch some aphid regularly . No problems with it or what so ever but sure gotta keep an eye on them.
Those are some lazy ones just sitting there on top

Lol.. my wife was a bit worried that I was going nuts just stroking my plants in the sunshine when I was doing that the other day!! I've found that it does work on the 3 indoor plants I've got though (well, that and the occasional visit from a ladybird or parasitic wasp)

Cool wild varieties - I love the flowers on the rhomboideum & the new types look fun too
peppermanbaha said:
lee where do you buy the wilds from .

I don't buy my wilds. I sure do want to pay for them but I have some good friends and relations who are willing to trade and exchange seeds/experiences.. just pure CH.
alistair said:
Lol.. my wife was a bit worried that I was going nuts just stroking my plants in the sunshine when I was doing that the other day!! I've found that it does work on the 3 indoor plants I've got though (well, that and the occasional visit from a ladybird or parasitic wasp)

Cool wild varieties - I love the flowers on the rhomboideum & the new types look fun too

Don't worry man :), My neighbors must think I'm nuts, hmm maybe I am
you have some of the healthiest plants i have seen on this site Lee...

i would love a step by step formula from you... i would be willing to pay for it as well...

what do you think ?
Thx man, appreciate it. As a regular visitor :D I really enjoy reading all posts (as much as I can) here on THP and just love the grow/pod/whatever pics. I've seen a lot of plants here that are absolutely amazing and it sure does encourage me :D



Some Cristal's ripening. Have to taste them ripe as well
Biggie's stem growth


Pic. taken underneith (Bolivian Rainbow in the back).

CAP217. some pods are getting pretty fat. Great plant!
Plants looking terrific buddy my b+t seeds are in to plus some unclassified s that you might be interested in ;)