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Lee's 2010 WildChilli Grow season

Have 3 C.tovarii plants and some seeds are still germinating but I don't think they will make it.. Very low germ. rate, 20%

Some plants are producing some buds. Of course at this stage I always pinch them off!



A cutting I took from Lance Bonchi.
Plants are growing fast and they actually need some transplanting. Haven't got the space indoors :| ..Weather is great here and I think they can go outside in a few weeks.

I will be traveling to the US next month for a week and have to find someone that can take care of them. I really don't like leaving them at this stage.. :cry: ;) .. We'll see.

Some vars. like C.cardenasii, CAP 1491, C.buforum are very tall!. I moved them from direct light,

They are now in the back
Great photos Lee. Looking forward to watching your progess on the wilds. Also appreciated the link to the growing wilds on the EU website. Good luck with your 2010 growing season ;)
Looks awesome Lee! I'm growing CAP 1144 that I got from Fatalii in 2009. Love the look of the flower more than anything else.

Question for ya'. Is there soil under the hydroton that I see in your pots? Doesn't appear as if you are growing hydro, so interested to know if there is a purpose to the top layer of hydroton.
I have soil underneath.. To prevent the top from drying out

PeteyPepper said:
Looks awesome Lee! I'm growing CAP 1144 that I got from Fatalii in 2009. Love the look of the flower more than anything else.

Question for ya'. Is there soil under the hydroton that I see in your pots? Doesn't appear as if you are growing hydro, so interested to know if there is a purpose to the top layer of hydroton.
Thanks Grant

Most of them will be put outside in a few weeks. I will just keep a few plants like C.tovarii, C.flexuosum.. inside under lights to see how they like my fluorescents
It's gonna be huge.. Those praetermissums are really strong plants and can't wait to see how they look when matured.
Lee is there a reason that the roots are exposed on the C.rhomboideum and C.lanceolatum? How old are those two plants?

Lee, Your wilds are so cool. I think I'm going to grow some next year. I don't know much about them. I have a tepin that I collected wild here in Austin (Travis county). I grew it that year probably 2004.
Thanks for sharing the pics.

Hi Patrick,

Like the master(Jukka)says, too make it look more dramatic ..:)

Those two Bonchi's where sown January 2009. There 15 months old now

patrick said:
Lee is there a reason that the roots are exposed on the C.rhomboideum and C.lanceolatum? How old are those two plants?

You definitely should :D. I have 3 Tepins growing and they are from Travis country as well.
btw: Do you have pictures where you collected that Tepin? or where you can find these? Would be great to see them grow in there "natural" habitat

thanks in advance


capsidadburn said:
Lee, Your wilds are so cool. I think I'm going to grow some next year. I don't know much about them. I have a tepin that I collected wild here in Austin (Travis county). I grew it that year probably 2004.
Thanks for sharing the pics.
