food Leftovers Thread!!

The Hot Pepper said:
Thought you hated liquid smoke/smoke flavoring. That sauce has it.
That is you that hates is.  I love that sauce.  I don't make a habit of using liquid smoke, but it is a great sauce, just like I don't love extract sauces, but Defcon makes some great ones.
I hear. Judge the sauce for the sauce. I do that too.
JayT said:
I freakin' LOVE that sauce!  That is one that I always have on hand.  I find very few people know about it.  How do you like it?
If I don't have time to make my own BBQ sauce, theirs is my go to. The hot sauce is great, but only for something you want that smokey taste on. And for the record I have and use liquid smoke. No shame.

Nats game going long, I am the HMFIC this week at work, tired. Same meat different starch.

Yay Nats!
Mmmmmm. Noodles


Damn, sidewise noodles. I hate this.
Does anyone else do this?
.....make a major meal without any intention of eating it now....but simply for the amazing leftovers???
Lamb stew.......with Guiness, peppers, onions......
....gonna make a killer French Onion Soup-type meal later!!!










More to come.....cause it wouldn't be leftovers if I continued right now!!
(pictures not in order....thanks, Photobucket!)
paulky_2000 said:
Does anyone else do this?
.....make a major meal without any intention of eating it now....but simply for the amazing leftovers???
Lamb stew.......with Guiness, peppers, onions......
....gonna make a killer French Onion Soup-type meal later!!!

More to come.....cause it wouldn't be leftovers if I continued right now!!
(pictures not in order....thanks, Photobucket!)
