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Let's See Your Nagas!

Petey...mine are not near as nice as yours but here are 24 of them I transplanted today to their new homes for 2009...

thanks baha

most of these were planted 9 January, so three months from seed...

by the way...I am gonna be picky...these are not Bhut Jolokia, they are Naga Morich...my bhuts will be transplanted within the next week, along with my Bih Jolokia and Dorset Nagas...I also have Naga Jolokia (thats what the guy called it down in Key West). Last year, I told myself I was going to grow all five of the Bhut/Naga peppers and by gosh, I am dang sure doing it this year...I want to see the differences for myself...I wonder if number of peppers per node is really a discriminator...
AlabamaJack said:
Petey...mine are not near as nice as yours but here are 24 of them I transplanted today to their new homes for 2009...


They look super AJ! I don't have a lot of room to grow a lot of plants (believe me, I would if I could) since I live in the city. I just have a couple (2 or 3) of each variety and pamper the crap out of them. Lotsa fun.

I suspect that once my indoor plants hit the outside, they will show some wear and tear until they get established in their containers. Whole different world growing outside with too many variables to control...

That Naga is perhaps my best plant this year...we'll see how it goes.

The nagas are also said to contain some C. frutescens, and I haven't heard confirmation on whether the bhutts or Trinni varieties also contain these genes but I've always said that nowing this would clear up a lot of questions.

According to an article that I have read I think form Harold Zoschke in Germany for the fiery foods and bbq website, Dr Paul Bosland was quoted as saying that the Bhut Jolokia did have some frutescens genes in it. I don't think it was a lot but enough to say that there were some.
I love the look of a ripening Naga...they are so pretty but yet so deadly...great looking plants Nova
How are them Naga's doin?

I have two that have been outdoors now for 2 weeks. This one is a monster...


Gotta cut my grass but with all the rain we've been having...
PeteyPepper said:
How are them Naga's doin?

I have two that have been outdoors now for 2 weeks. This one is a monster...


Gotta cut my grass but with all the rain we've been having...

I am jealous. I need to get mine hardened off already and out in the sun.
Yea the rain is getting annoying and there is more on the way.
Great looking Naga's Petey, or I should say they're still looking great. You have the "naga" touch.

Nova, man oh man I'm sorry I'm just now seeing the photos of your Dorset. That thing is awesome!
PeteyPepper said:
How long before these things ripen?

it seems like forever Petey...needless to say from my experience, a long time...

I was just reading an article that said the maximum capsaicinoid content in three different varieties of peppers (habanero, deArbol, and Pequin) happened at 45-50 days from fruit set...
AlabamaJack said:
it seems like forever Petey...needless to say from my experience, a long time...

I was just reading an article that said the maximum capsaicinoid content in three different varieties of peppers (habanero, deArbol, and Pequin) happened at 45-50 days from fruit set...

Curses. I'm growing impatient to try some of my first time varieties. How do green lemon drops taste?? ;)
here is a vid only showed a few, all 4 naga's all 2 yrs old,, 2 Of each(well 4 bhuts as hoping get a decent 1) so every thing Same Same..

Marcels Plants at thechillifactory are Bih's as sold the seeds to him and the reason Why recommended the Bih, have a look.

http://s304.photobucket.com/albums/...ant pics/dunno/?action=view&current=nagas.flv

hate Bhuts and try to discourage people from Buying them, Not even on my site AS THEY SUCK AND DIDNT PRODUCE AGAIN, the Most Overated plant Ever.. its not as though i can't grow, they just suck.. got 3 lots from UK at start, 1st lot broken, 2nd lot were sort of Black ? 3rd lot 2 grew and was so excited put out early and the snails ate them (had the shits that day, i can tell ya) so got some from NMSU and the 4 in the Vid are those hahahahahaha Have 5 ripe Pods on Now Whoooooooo Hooooooooooo

Nova and Chilliman are popping over tomorrow so can have a sus at them all in relation to each other and Everything else..

Bihs Rock.....
That's fantastic Petey, naga pods in May. Man I need to move south.

Wow Neil, tell us how you really feel about B. jolokia why don't ya?:P