Logchief's 2011 Grow

Hey logchief great looking plants well done my friend, may want to go lightly on the nutes as that is causeing your plants to grow so fast and flower inside. Also what is probably wrong with the droopy Rocoto just to much nitrogen. Very nice. :dance:
Thanks geeme, I didn/t think damping off was still an issue with plants that size.

It's finally SPRING here, :dance: :dance: :dance: . No more rain in the 10 day forecast and mid 70s to low 80s and low 50s for the next 10 days Taking a 4 day weekend and start potting up. :woohoo:
Yar! At last some sunshine! I just put everybody out this afternoon for a little fun in the wind and sunshine. I'll still bring them in tonight and probably the next couple nights just to get them used to 50 degree evenings. And hopefully there's still time for a little rush germination of some fatalis!
Everybody has beeen out and about all week and to celebrate they got to camp out last night on the patio (low 63). These will be the last picks in the cups as they all get new big boy shoes (#5 pots) this weekend.




These NuMex 6-4s and Jalmundos I think should stay in the #1 pots for a while till the root balls fill out, any thoughts?????



This is more fun than a barrel of monkies
Crap!! :mad: :mad: , weather turned cool, cloudy and windy as hell. Yesterday was 78 and beautiful. We'll gonna blend a big batch of soil anyway and pot them up tomorrow. Supposed to warm back up (80ish) next couple of days.
Just the opposite here LC! Weather warmed and wind stopped blowing! :woohoo:
But tomorrow night calling for severe thunderstorms! Booo!
Your plants are looking so awesome man!
They are growing like crazy!

Beauty! I like your grow reports so I know what my (idaho) Jalmundos are supposed to look like in a month or so.... :cool: (Mine still in the beer cup stage.)
They are looking great. I finally got mine out for a little suntan yesterday. First time they have been out since October. What you see here are the overwintered ones in the 1-gal pots, and the new babies in the flats.


I was amazed to find that some of my overwinters already had pods on them. Like this NM Heritage 6-4

And this NM sunglo

Fortunately, I can just roll this wagon back in the garage, because despite a high of 92 deg. F here today, it is supposed to get down to 31 deg. F tomorrow night! I'm sick of winter!
John, great lookin bunch of plants there. Love those overwinters, mine failed, hopefully next year I can pull that off.

Just finished potting up 25 plants and ran out of mix. So gotta get busy tomorrow and mix up more and finish the job.

Pics tomorrow, time to go make hush puppies to go with the beans.
Thanks, JSNI & logchief. Log, I lost quite a few of my overwintered ones (I had over 70!), but think I made it through with about 40 of them. I think I will scale back next winter and just do chinenses and pubescens. What do you do to mix up your potting mix? I've been thinking about dragging out my concrete mixer, but wasn't going to do it until my plants harden and I can put them out in their 5-gallon buckets. Mmm, hush puppies and beans . . . .