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Magic Mushrooms Can Create New Brain Cells

I love mushrooms of all sorts, including those that bruise blue. And I also enjoy cannabis - ingested not smoked. In my book, if it grows it's not a drug and the bigger problems come out of people turning things into drugs for profit.
These findings don't surprise me in the least. Native Americans have been using fungi and cacti for centuries. Another thing they turn out to be great for is in helping with addiction to things like cigarettes, alcohol, and heavy chemical drugs.
If you don't like it don't do it, no worries -- I don't care, but don't go around telling me what naturally occurring substance I can or can't put into my body. The prohibition of particular plants and fungi is ludicrous. Fear-mongering government propaganda has blinded so many people it makes me sick, nobody thinks for themselves because it's easier to do what you're told.
Drugs are bad. Pffft. When's the last time you popped an aspirin.
And I agree with Pepperjack - there is a lot more going on there than mushrooms.
Buzz said:
Really? Are insults really necessary? Sheesh.... completely uncalled for. I posted a video of a dude acting like a complete mental invalid because of shrooms, and this is your proper response?!?!?! Wow. Just, wow.
Ya that dude was going thru ego death. Which youd know had you been even slightly informed. I saw your response as insulting and I'm Old Testament so....
mx5inpa said:
Ya that dude was going thru ego death. Which youd know had you been even slightly informed. I saw your response as insulting and I'm Old Testament so....
Listen, I was talking about the video. The dude was going through more than "ego death"... that's hippy mumbo jumbo BS. He was having a bad trip. Couldn't find the proper words to use.... I've had a few of my own bad trips, many years ago. I used to do a lot of LSD. I also used to smoke a ton of weed. But..... lucidity is much more refreshing these days.
AaronRiot said:
And I agree with Pepperjack - there is a lot more going on there than mushrooms.
It could be more. It may not be also. Sometimes peoples heads are so fucked up this is the reaction. Dude should have had a sitter though.
I've never had a bad trip, but I also chose to use them very responsibly... Maybe it could cause this but that is pretty volatile.

Never done acid. That is a little too much for me
I've had "unpleasant" trips because a bunch of people not on mushrooms showed up.
Buzz said:
Listen, I was talking about the video. The dude was going through more than "ego death"... that's hippy mumbo jumbo BS. He was having a bad trip. Couldn't find the proper words to use.... I've had a few of my own bad trips, many years ago. I used to do a lot of LSD. I also used to smoke a ton of weed. But..... lucidity is much more refreshing these days.
Well I find the fact that you used the word stupid pretty insulting. If you cant even see why it is then perhaps you need more LSD, or maybe something more organic.
If you think sober = lucid then really you have no idea what youre talking about anyway.
Even your post I just quoted is pretty insulting. You came in insulting people, youre still dong it, and then you act all offended by my one reply.
Maybe your lucidity just isnt good enough for my hippy mumbo jumbo.
Either way, no one forced you to come reply, or stay...in fact, didnt you already say goodbye once?
Possibly. It's not like he was eating Angel's Trumpets though.... Bad trips happen. Hard to plan for them. And yeah, if you're in a bad place psychologically when you go into it, be ready for a bad time like that guy had. Paranoia, anxiety, apologizing for eating meat..... Purely reactions to the dope on top of wherever his mind was. That's not an awakening of any sorts.
Ayahuasca sounds like a better route to go if you're looking for spiritual awakening. But at my age, I no longer feel the need for that. I prefer lucid thought. When I was in my 20s, maybe.
Pepperjack91 said:
I've never had a bad trip, but I also chose to use them very responsibly... Maybe it could cause this but that is pretty volatile.

Never done acid. That is a little too much for me
I've had "unpleasant" trips because a bunch of people not on mushrooms showed up.
My worst acid trip was when I was the only one in the house tripping.
My best acid trip was a handful of sugar cubes and Jimi Hendrix on the stereo, tie-dyed Grateful Dead wall hangings, and a bunch of hippies in the house house..... chillin' and staring.
The old days....
Buzz said:
Ayahuasca sounds like a better route to go if you're looking for spiritual awakening. But at my age, I no longer feel the need for that. I prefer lucid thought. When I was in my 20s, maybe.
I really have no desire to mess with hallucinogens any more either even though I think mushrooms are pretty cool. I've always told myself I would try ayahuasca if I got the opportunity. It would be an experience. Sickness and all
All made very ironic by the name Buzz.
Also on the ego death...you could clearly hear him say several times "*I* (the ego) am dying (death)".
And you posting one example of something that may happen once out of 10000 people who try it is misleading and intellectually dishonest. Just like your feigned indignant response to being insulted after you started it.
And if the ego is hippy nonsense why is it in psychiatric scientific literature along with the id and super ego?
Maybe dont type anything until you can find the right words?

Buzz said:
Ayahuasca sounds like a better route to go if you're looking for spiritual awakening. But at my age, I no longer feel the need for that. I prefer lucid thought. When I was in my 20s, maybe.
Ayahuasca is interesting because you need to take a MAOI to keep the DMT active orally. And when the natives are asked how they figured out the two different ingredients they say the plants told them.
Buzz said:
Possibly. It's not like he was eating Angel's Trumpets though.... Bad trips happen. Hard to plan for them. And yeah, if you're in a bad place psychologically when you go into it, be ready for a bad time like that guy had. Paranoia, anxiety, apologizing for eating meat..... Purely reactions to the dope on top of wherever his mind was. That's not an awakening of any sorts.
Ayahuasca sounds like a better route to go if you're looking for spiritual awakening. But at my age, I no longer feel the need for that. I prefer lucid thought. When I was in my 20s, maybe.
Angels trumpet is a deliriant (sp?) that was used against one's enemies historically. It is still used as a poison of sorts, like other natural poisons only a good bit more ...mean.
Ayahuasca and several species of cacti are both much stronger than mushrooms. Spirituality comes from set and setting, not necessarily the material itself.
mx5inpa said:
All made very ironic by the name Buzz.
Also on the ego death...you could clearly hear him say several times "*I* (the ego) am dying (death).
And you posting one example of something that may happen once out of 10000 people who try it is misleading and intellectually dishonest. Just like your feigned indignant response to being insulted after you started it.
And if the ego is hippy nonsense why is it in psychiatric scientific literature along with the id and super ego?
Maybe dont type anything until you can find the right words?

Ayahuasca is interesting because you need to take a MAOI to keep the DMT active orally. And when the natives are asked how they figured out the two different ingredients they say the plants told them.
Buzz.... where do you think I got the name?
You can actually clearly hear him say later  "this is going to die", referencing himself, instead of "I"
And No, Ego itself is not hippy nonsense, but to say he's experiencing ego death is. How can you know? Carl Jung made pretty clear what ego is. You need consciousness to kill ego, not stupor.
AaronRiot said:
Angels trumpet is a deliriant (sp?) that was used against one's enemies historically. It is still used as a poison of sorts, like other natural poisons only a good bit more ...mean.
Ayahuasca and several species of cacti are both much stronger than mushrooms. Spirituality comes from set and setting, not necessarily the material itself.
Angel's trumpet is a powerful hallucinogen when the flowers are eaten (agreed on the point of being a poison, however). The drug you're thinking of is devil's breath, which is made from the crushed seeds of the same plant.
In any case, the possibility to regenerate brain cells and also finding something natural to aid in such detrimental disabilities is fantastic news.
This adds to fungi's quickly growing repertoire (most currently in their study's infancy) of curing cancer (Turkey Tails), cleaning nuclear waste and cleaning damage from oil spills. Hooray for mushrooms! Oh and they're great for our peppers and delicious to eat and cook with. I love fungi. 

Buzz. You're wrong.
Buzz said:
Angel's trumpet is a powerful hallucinogen when the flowers are eaten (agreed on the point of being a poison, however). The drug you're thinking of is devil's breath, which is made from the crushed seeds of the same plant.
Not disputing that. I didn't even read the article. I just saw an opportunity to post a funny video of a dude losing his shit. And EVERYONE'S panties got all twisted up... sheesh!

Learn to laugh a little, folks. Seriously. Don't take yourself, or life, so seriously. Have fun at some poor bastard's expense. You just KNOW that guy was the dude in a circle of friends that says "Hey guys! watch me eat this ten strip!"
Ehh my panties aren't twisted. I just thought it resembled something along the lines of cocain psychosis. I could be wrong. It could be both!

And I liked hearing your hippy stories. Lol
Buzz said:
You can actually clearly hear him say later  "this is going to die", referencing himself, instead of "I"
And No, Ego itself is not hippy nonsense, but to say he's experiencing ego death is. How can you know? Carl Jung made pretty clear what ego is. You need consciousness to kill ego, not stupor.

Yup Jung said you need to shine a light on the unconscious to make it conscious which is exactly what mushrooms do. It's covered in the TED video of Jill Taylor. And I dont think shutting off or turning down the left brain makes you any less conscious it just makes you less logical and understandable to others. She was pretty conscious of what what on, she just couldnt explain it until after. And now she, the neuroscientist, tweets "hippy mumbo jumbo".
I have never heard anyone reference themselves as "this" either. It seems like he was referencing something either outside himself like the physical world or something inside himself that wasnt him...ie the ego.
We're all cool, folks. I meant no insult. Choice of wording aside. I intended humor. Maybe I shoulda spelled it "stoopid" .....
AaronRiot said:
In any case, the possibility to regenerate brain cells and also finding something natural to aid in such detrimental disabilities is fantastic news.
This adds to fungi's quickly growing repertoire (most currently in their study's infancy) of curing cancer (Turkey Tails), cleaning nuclear waste and cleaning damage from oil spills. Hooray for mushrooms! Oh and they're great for our peppers and delicious to eat and cook with. I love fungi.
Couldnt agree more.
mx5inpa said:
Be careful living in Louisiana, it also can make you stupid.
Insult an entire state, and make some friends why don't cha?
