Confucius say TB stoned harder than penitentiary steeltexas blues said:People don't think tacos be like they are.
But they do.
hogleg said:Ya dun so damm well on those tortillas and peno rings, I'm gonna overlook that hot sauce in the backround
Those tortilla are perfect, lovin them lil black spots
Now we just need to get people to stop comin' on here with tortillas that look like they been microwaved for 10 seconds. C'mon people, the world will be a better place if y'all treat your tortillas like The Count does
FWIW those are white corn tillas, as I am TRYING to minimize my flour tilla intake.texas blues said:
The last coupla' months I've switched to exclusively corn tortillas.
They taste the bestest to me.
Flour torts rule because they hold more product.
mrs. blues and I had a conversation about it.
She's a flour tort girl.
Born in Spokane.
Smarter than me.
Fine as hell.
Makes all the money.
And the bestest breakfast.
I have to go now and clean the kitchen.
And take out the garbage.
Yes honey.