food Make your best taco.

stettoman said:
Yep, but it'll take time. Clients off right now are "nonessential" retail and bars without offsale. We're going to try and pick up some PPP & EIDL work, lots of folks looking for help with those.

So we'll be good, but are tight for now...
good luck with getting through with this. i`m unaffected so far but my daughter and her BF were both laid off. she lives with us but shouldn`t cause too much trauma. we will survive!!!
luvmesump3pp3rz said:
good luck with getting through with this. i`m unaffected so far but my daughter and her BF were both laid off. she lives with us but shouldn`t cause too much trauma. we will survive!!!

Thanks much, at least we're in a bidnez we can count on to bounce back! If ya got a spare roll of the Charmin Ultra, we were pretty attached to that before it all went away!.

texas blues said:
I am so sorry.
This BS is out of control.
Take care of yourself.
And take care of your family.
Thats all that matters.
Yessir TB, and agreed. Family is ALL that matters right now.

I knew I liked you, even besides having the best avatar on the planet. Unknown, baby, what a picker!
Fist taco with spicy lime crema, pickled red onions, cilantro, black beans and jasmine rice 


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The other day.
I was at HEB.
Shopping for dear sweet ma.
Because she's in her 80's.
And I don't want her walking around with the masses.
Saw that Steakummm was on sale.
In one of the frozen bunkers.
I've never tried it.
I 'member that SoFloPosse.
Were big fans.
So I got a box.
And tacos tonight.
Scheeit could be strange.
Or teh kine.
I dunno'.
I onliest know.
I need a taco.
Black Bettyfication.
Texas sweet onion.
Green bell.
Red xalapa from dear sweet ma's garden.
Fresh pina'.

I didn't know what to expect.
3 slabs of frozen super thin meat from parts unknown.

I broke up the slabs into pieces.
And cast ironed them over medium.
They cooked in about 45 seconds.

Flour tortillah'd.
With swiss.

I'd say not bad.
Even decent.
But then.
I like SPAM.
Those red xalapas from mom's casa.
Lit me up.
I don't know if it was because she grew them next to a t-scorp plant or what.
But they are the hottest I've ever had.
Even hotter than my chiletepins and pequins.
I sure do like to be liking them.
I'd do the steakummm 'thang again.
texas blues said:
Black Bettyfication.
Texas sweet onion.
Green bell.
Red xalapa from dear sweet ma's garden.
Fresh pina'.
I didn't know what to expect.
3 slabs of frozen super thin meat from parts unknown.
I broke up the slabs into pieces.
And cast ironed them over medium.
They cooked in about 45 seconds.
Flour tortillah'd.
With swiss.
I'd say not bad.
Even decent.
But then.
I like SPAM.
Those red xalapas from mom's casa.
Lit me up.
I don't know if it was because she grew them next to a t-scorp plant or what.  
But they are the hottest I've ever had.
Even hotter than my chiletepins and pequins.
I sure do like to be liking them.
I'd do the steakummm 'thang again.
:doh: !!
on another note, steakuummms thang sounds better than spam, and now that we are out of bacon, i would take some thinly sliced griddled, :hot: Pan,  black-betty'd,SPAM bama lama spam spam from the can to the pan in a pinch with the right meal about now  :drunk:
The Hot Pepper said:
Jay'T's gonna send you some hoagie rolls in a hermetically sealed condom.
My amigo JayT has been MIA for a long time.
We ate and drank like 'kangs.
Back in the day.
I 'member when I picked him up on strip in LV.
We went straight to Mr. Lee's Discount Liquor.
The amount of booze we bought and drank that day.
Hunter S. Thompson would have said WTF?