Several years ago, on a cold January night on another forum, We had a big discussion about what utensils wouldn't retain the "cap" after cooking sauces in them, Stainless Steel was #1, porcelain coated was #2, glass #3, Aluminum #4 and CI #5. (with #1 being the least retentive and #5 the most)Yep either send them out or you go outside. Probably not as hygienic outside though. My 4 yr old coughs uncontrollably when I do it even with all the fans and windows on/open, but I can tell him to go play outside, you can't really tell a baby to deal with it. I am going to have the same problem soon with the next one due next month so will be making as much stuff as I can now.
Otherwise borrow someone else's kitchen. I remember when I did that at my mum's house and I used one of her pots. She said that for the next 3 months whenever she cooked in that pot everything was extremely spicy! So just take your own utensils.
Don't want to side-track too much here,
in Washington State, porcelain isn't allowed for commercial processing as it can chip and then the chipped area can retain nasties. Personally, it's only SS for our processing as I haven't found a 10 gallon glass pot yet. I've had the same problem as others with plastic blenders and bowls retaining the heat.
A long time ago, I used one of those church-social coffee pots to bottle some hot sauce, and then used it later to serve some hot apple cider.....the cider was "hot" in more ways than C/Fahrenheit!
Good Luck with your dilemma, Blackseed, it's a good dilemma to have ~
Yeah I use s/s for my sauces I sell. Never use aluminium because it reacts with the vinegar. My mum's pot was just for a small batch for a recipe I was experimenting with.
Were there any funny words coming out from the church? That would've been funny.