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tutorial Making some puree today...will post pics of the process....it's easy....

I am looking for about a pound or so of Chocolate Bhutlah's to make some sauce at the moment. Does not seem to be much out there at the moment for those. The very  few I did find were rather expensive, and no where near enough. I would really love to get enough to make a ferment puree! 
Looking like I need to buy seeds and grow some myself. ;)

I made this recipe last year and we liked it.  It is a great way to process the pods for later use.
I got just under 3 pint jars.  I used 900 grams of a mix of Fatalii and Yellow Bhut.
130 Red Peppers went into this puree 90 of them Caribbean Reds. It made one more small jar that is not in the pic.


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Alynne said:
Wow, SR, beautiful! I am drying some goats weed as we speak and have some in the freezer. That is inspiring. What else is in there?
some garlic, pineapple , 4 tomatoes from garden and AC vinegar and salt
So excited and appreciative to try this puree recipe  but im a total noob to this exciting endeavor.  I don't have a lot of time until this evening to read the whole thread and explore the site for my answers to all my concerns but I was curious as to how long this would last in the fridge bottled in small mason jars.. I imagine after the boil I'd proceed to fill jars.. is there a easy way to sterilize the jars..  I don't have any real big pots - could i do it in the oven or microwave?   Thanks so much for any and all help..  I'll be sure to keep you updated on my puree making adventure..  Bummer part is I only have grocery store habs as its pretty hard to find super hots in Wisconsin.. My dad did grow some plants but not a huge harvest but enough for him to dabble with them..
I do have a means to put a little smoke to some of the peppers..maybe i'll try a batch normal and smoked.  any thing one should do different for safety of storing if I'd throw some smoke to them for about an hr..does that sound like enough time exposed to smoke.. I'd hate to over smoke or under fpr that matter.. I wonder what the consistency  or texture of the pepper should be when finished smoking..    Ok - Sorry - enough rambling and overthinking  -  I'm taking the seemingly straight forward directions from AJ and trying my best to complicate things..  Sigh.   Again thanks so much to all for any help and tips..
Happy TGIF
You can wash the jars and hold them in a heated oven around 200 until ready. You can hot fill the jars, place the lids on them and invert them to seal. That method should allow storage in the fridge for a few weeks. Smoke will not hurt the process, enjoy.
Thanks much JHP!   What would be the easiest way for a noob like me to canning and preserving to get this puree to last at least 6 months in the fridge?  I don't have much if anything for canning supplies and money is tight unfortunately  at the moment as im out of work.
I would love to have this puree on hand to add in to marinades, jerky, chili, ect so i was hoping this puree was stable in fridge with minimal preserving technique for some time a little longer than a handful of weeks.   Hmm.
OK, I am know a believer in the AJ recipe.
I have LOTS of pepper at the end of the season and can't dry them all, can't freeze them all.
Never tried fermenting (yet)
Figured this would be my best alternative.
Started out with 200 grams of de-seeded yellow Fatalii as a test run.
Progressed on to a 600 gram mixed, de-seeded Chocolate (Fatalii, 7-pot, Bhut, Jamacian Hot Chocolate, Scotch Bonnet, Scorpion)
Final for today was 600 grams of mixed, de-seeded Red/Orange 
I got 3 - 4 ounce jars of the Yellow Fatalii.  Going to make more of this soon.
I got 10 - 4 ounce jars of the mixed Chocolate and the mixed Red/Orange.
Using the 4 oz jars is a smart choice for this puree.  Especially with superhots, a little goes a looooong way.  When opened and refrigerated, it won't "go bad", but having smaller jars keeps it a bit fresher.  I have jars that are 3-4 years old and they are still just fine. 
Also....the smaller jars are better when someone hits you up for a sample.....;)  Don't want to part with too much goodness~~~