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tutorial Making some puree today...will post pics of the process....it's easy....

winland said:
OK, I am know a believer in the AJ recipe.
I have LOTS of pepper at the end of the season and can't dry them all, can't freeze them all.
Never tried fermenting (yet)
Figured this would be my best alternative.
Started out with 200 grams of de-seeded yellow Fatalii as a test run.
Progressed on to a 600 gram mixed, de-seeded Chocolate (Fatalii, 7-pot, Bhut, Jamacian Hot Chocolate, Scotch Bonnet, Scorpion)
Final for today was 600 grams of mixed, de-seeded Red/Orange 
I got 3 - 4 ounce jars of the Yellow Fatalii.  Going to make more of this soon.
I got 10 - 4 ounce jars of the mixed Chocolate and the mixed Red/Orange.
looks amazing and love the color!  Could you share how your process to well process your amazing looking finished product  went in to the 4oz jars..  I'm finally getting around to trying to duplicate the results of others but im still gun shy and unsure how to proceed with making it as shelf stable in the fridge for as long as possible with minimal canning methods as i don't have a lot of tools for that.     Thanks much for all the help so far from all...   Hope you all had a great weekend/
rocky2298 said:
Could you share how your process to well process your amazing looking finished product  went in to the 4oz jars..  I'm finally getting around to trying to duplicate the results of others but im still gun shy and unsure how to proceed with making it as shelf stable in the fridge for as long as possible with minimal canning methods as i don't have a lot of tools for that.     
I am also a novice at making sauces and purees.  
I followed AJ's recipe and just multiplied the ingredients per 100 grams of de-seeded peppers.
100 grams fresh peppers
60 ml 5% White Distilled Vinegar
1 tsp agave nectar
1/4 tsp sea salt
I do all my pepper work outside or in my garage and I have dedicated tools for working with peppers.
Earlier this year I purchased this Ninja 1500 set up just for working with peppers.

My first batch of puree was the 200 grams of fatalii's
I made the mistake of using the bowl attachment to puree the fatalii.
That did not work out very well, so I read the manual (yes, I am a man and only revert to reading the manuals as a last resort).
I had to finish off the fataliis with a submersion blender to get it to a "puree" consistency instead of chunks.
I used the tall pitcher attachment for the other two purees and that was MUCH better.
I use the single serve attachment to make all my powders.
My propane grill has a side burner, just like a gas stove.
I used that to heat up reduce my puree.
It was a bit too hot and I could not turn the flame down very low, so I had to get another, taller grate to lift my pan higher from the flame. 
Once the puree was reduced by about 25%, it went into the sterilized 4 oz. jars and into a hot water bath for about 20 minutes.
AJ's instructions on the first page of this thread are very good.
Hope this helps you, Rocky.
TY for the warm welcome SL!    I love and greatly appreciate all your priceless post I've come across on the forum - truly invaluable to noobs like me
ty so so much windland for graciously  taking the time to share your detailed full puree making process..  Such a huge help..  I think I have the puree making process steps and directions down..  I've taken the advice from all in this thread and hopefully put it all together that will come together to like the amazing products shown in this thread..   
It's just I'm a little worried about the preserving the product part as to not make anybody sick that I give some bottled up jars to..   Im thinking if i make sure jars are sterile as possible  - I think (and hopefully I could get 6 months of fridge storage out of this way) I'll go with the 200 degrees in the oven and pour the hot puree into the jars and invert them when filled as JHP suggested as an option..  The hot water bath you did sounds like a pretty simple process and would add piece of mind..  I just would need to get the propper tools for the job and money is very tight at the moment as I'm off of work due to work injury..   Anyways enough rambling!    Thanks again all.


One more question..  probably a silly one but - would the 100 grams of peppers in the recipe be after I seeded, de-stemmed and cut them in half?  Also could I add some roasted garlic to the puree before i cook it down or do you think it might overpower it or make it bitter?   I could maybe add it in a little bit before the reduction is finished?
rocky2298 said:
One more question..  probably a silly one but - would the 100 grams of peppers in the recipe be after I seeded, de-stemmed and cut them in half?  Also could I add some roasted garlic to the puree before i cook it down or do you think it might overpower it or make it bitter?   I could maybe add it in a little bit before the reduction is finished?
The weight is after de-seeding.
My puree will be added, in the future, to some other sauce or salsa that will have the fresh garlic in it.
thanks much!   I'll let you all know how my puree making turns out.  I'll also try and figure out how to add a pic of finished product if i can.
I did a triple batch of the puree last night..  wasn't too bad, and didn't cross contaminate any of the puree to any body parts - yet.   I thought i might get more than 3 four ounce jelly jars but that's it.   Maybe I let it cook down too much.. very time consuming but I know it was well worth it and I'm already excited to try another batch.   I put the jars in the oven at 225 for 30 mins and then turned oven off..  when the puree was finished being cooked down I immediately transferred to the jelly jars - sealed them and turned upside down.. hopefully that was enough to keep them in the fridge for hopefully 6 months?  I still have them on counter, i reckon i should have them in fridge already.
Thanks much again to all who helped me along and made this a success!
The jars are probably sealed enough, but since they weren't boiling water bathed or pressure cooked, they probably should go in the fridge.  They'll be good for year or more in the fridge. 
I wouldn't add anything else to the puree like garlic as that will change the pH.  The original recipe is pretty bullet proof and tons of people have followed it, did a BWB and the jars are shelf stable.  Able to stay in the pantry until opened. 
For the BWB you only need a rack or some thing to keep the jars off the bottom of the pot (several knives, chop sticks, popsickle sticks) and a decent size pot.  Any stock pot or pan that is deep enough to cover the jars with an inch of water with room to bring to a full rolling boil will work for a BWB. 
TY so much -SL!
Awesome info on the BWB and sounds very simple to accomplish as I can piece together a pot and object to keep the jars off bottom. I was overthinking things as usual - sigh. 
I'm going to try another batch today I think.   Just to be sure but as far as I know..  60ml of vinegar would be equivalent to a 1/4 cup right?  Just triple checking as I mentioned earlier I thought I would get closer to 5 jars instead of the 3 I did.  Maybe i filled the jars a tad to much and let it cook down a little thicker.   Next time I'll try and follow the 25% reduction closer.   I had it going on the stove for close to 2 hrs.  a lot of that time it wasnt even at a slow boil as i was afraid of scorching it.
Don't over-think. You don't have to cook down if you want a thinner puree.

The critical things are to cook it a bit or a lot, put into sterilized jars with appropriate lids. BWB or pressure can.

Works great!
Over the weekend i decided to give this recipe a shot, been reading and drooling over it for awhile so it was time.  I had a some red bhuts in the freezer (about 300 grams) and the pics below, turned out great i thought.  This year i grew a bunch of varieties and not many of each plant so i don't really have enough of any one pepper other than the ghosts to do many, but since i had those i gave it a shot.
JohnsMyName said:
Looking good Parker!

If you don't have many of one kind, why not just mix them up? :)
Thanks and definitely will in the future, but for the first time i did it i really wanted to get the taste of one pepper just to see how the recipe preserved the pepper taste, and it did quite well i might add  :dance:
The last 3 bags of peppers I have from the season.  Guess what I'm making this week?  Didn't have any white vinegar in the house today.....  So made some Jalapeno Jelly

"WERE" ????  Guess I've lost it~~~~  :(  

Oh no salsalady, you are the sauce/salsa wizard and will always be as far as I'm concerned