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tutorial Making some puree today...will post pics of the process....it's easy....

While cast iron would certainly be safe... you would end up with a product that tasted like a bar of IRON. Now as for Aluminum, I have a couple pots left over in AL that i use ..but *NEVER* for anything acidic. It will not kill you ...but it will not do you any favors either. Now if you want a really high end pot, get a copper pot with a stainless cladding. Talk about the best of all worlds! Pricey as all get out... not for the faint of heart! No shame in admitting you used AL... we all learn from "mistakes". As for my CI collection, I have 1 pan that is just over 100 years old, best corn bread skillet ever.

AJ, I am going to definitely try your recipe! Thank you! Some times I will soak my pepper mash in GOOD drinking tequila for about an hour. Brings out a real nice flavor. My favorite tequila to do this with is Jose Cuervo Traditional... note the *Traditional* at the end.. :) Usual price is about $25 a 1/5th ... sale price if you find it on sale about $20. A little goes a good ways however.
Big thanks to the OP, I'm definitely going to give this a try with my harvest. Just one quick question...I have read in this thread about freezing the peppers. Is this ok? As I do not have many plants I was planning on freezing as I harvest until I have enough to make a batch.

Freezing the peppers will make them mushy when they thaw, however, if you want to use them and make puree, that should be OK...I have never done that but I think others have

@diriel...I love CI...and collect odd pieces whenever I can....
The words Erie and Pennsylvania come to mind :) A good friend of mine scored an OLD Erie PA 9" skillet at a yard sale earlier this year. The ones marked only as Erie PA.... those are way old. I think he spent all of $5 for it! Flat bottom and in great shape.

Have a good one!
Must the Ph be below 4.5 if your using a pressure cooker?
I am going to give this a shot tomorrow with about a large shoe box of super hots mix but i don't have a ph tester on hand.
I thought that using a pressure cooker kills any unwanted bad guys, so the ph isn't that important as long as the vacuum / seal takes.?
pH deteremines that type canning you could/should do but you may also use pressure canning for everything you want....some items become mushy, like pickles if they are not cold packed....

the bad guys in this case are clostridium spores which is bad stuff and pressure cooking is supposed to kill them...lower pH also slows their growth, so if you are gonna make a puree that you want to be sure and last, use the recipe as is....

I can't attest to anything on pH level other than what I use...somewhere in the 4 range...
So the only scale I have is this one:


Can I just convert grams to ounces?
That stuff looks awsome AJ. I have been looking for the best way to preserve my peppers maintaining there natural flavor.
I noticed on the first page you have a pic of a preasure cooker. Is that used in the process, maybe I missed something?
I've never jared anything before so I'm not to familiar.

The words Erie and Pennsylvania come to mind :) A good friend of mine scored an OLD Erie PA 9" skillet at a yard sale earlier this year. The ones marked only as Erie PA.... those are way old. I think he spent all of $5 for it! Flat bottom and in great shape.

Have a good one!

That means the piece was made by Griswold :)
That stuff looks awsome AJ. I have been looking for the best way to preserve my peppers maintaining there natural flavor.
I noticed on the first page you have a pic of a preasure cooker. Is that used in the process, maybe I missed something?
I've never jared anything before so I'm not to familiar.

Yes, I only pressure can stuff...there are other ways of canning but for my purposes, pressure canning works best...

If you have never "canned" anything before, you need to get one of these and read it...it will tell you everything that you need to know and more on how to can stuff...

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Nice work AJ.

I messed around a little tonight with some pods. Just wanted to make some room in the fridge. I started with oh, half a pound of peppers maybe?


Brain Strains, TS Butch T's, 7 SR strain, TS Morouga's, you know what ever was in the bag.

Cut'em up and removed seeds. I don't like the bitterness that leaving the seeds in causes.


Fingertips of the gloves were getting sticky, capsaicin was starting to melt them. Evil peppers.

I decided to skip the cooking for now. I added some vinegar, lemon juice and a bit of sugar to offset the sour. Ran them through the mini food processor then poured them into a small container that vacuum seals. It will stay good in the fridge for who knows how long. I have a vacuumed bowl of chocolate Bhuts I sauced almost a year ago that is in the fridge. Looks exactly the way it did when I put it in.

Here's the final look.


Had a little bit end up on a finger. You know I had to lick it off. Stupid idiot me.

Not sure what I'm going to do with this yet. Thinking about using it to add some fire to store bought sauces. Tablespoon or two to a pint of Cookies BBQ sauce should be freaking amazing.

Thanks for the motivation AJ.
To wake up this wonderful thread...

If I smoked all the pods first, would that eliminate the need to cook anything down or should I follow the same procedure? Has anyone tried? I have so many pods currently and not enough equipment to dehydrate them all and would love to enjoy some in different puree forms.

Just made my first batch of this puree with Naga Morich, 7 Pot and Caribbean Reds. For a first time super hot grower and consumer I just have to say Wow!

Do you have any favorite recipes that you make with your puree?

Sorry for the blurry photos, hope to get a new phone soon.





Patrick and Scottie...the stuff looks great...

for those asking about other ways of doing this, I can not attest to anything because I use my recipe as is and never change it...

you really need to pay attention to the pH of your puree if you want a good shelf life....

If I smoked all the pods first, would that eliminate the need to cook anything down or should I follow the same procedure?

you may end up with just ashes if you smoke them first.... (sorry, couldn't resist)

the cook down is for thickness control of your product...it does not kill most of the bacteria...especially botulism...

pressure canning is the only way to ensure a bacteria free product...