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pics Mango Habanero Sauce

Hey all!

I grew my first peppers this year and I thought I'd try something simple. I made a mango habanero sauce. It made the house smell pretty intense 😄 The finished product came out pretty good too. I have some tweaking to do on the next batch because it's missing a tad bit of sweetness. Now I just have to figure out how to keep it for a long period of time. Anyway here's the finished goods!

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Can you please give a quick review of your process? Color looks beautiful, but i see different bottles and jars. Just cook and putting in the bottles hot? Refrigerate after bottling?
Can you please give a quick review of your process? Color looks beautiful, but i see different bottles and jars. Just cook and putting in the bottles hot? Refrigerate after bottling?
Close. I cooked, let it cool, used an immersion blender, then threw it in jars that I had. I'll be using this sauce right away. This was just my first batch ever. I have a lot of reading to do going further.
Mango is great with blackened fish! Or even fried, man I love that whole red snapper with mango sauce from Thai joints!
Reverse. Hot sauce on mango sorbet.