contest March TD, African

What's your pick for March's TD?

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Stewed Cane Rat

Skin and eviscerate the rat and split it lengthwise.
Fry until brown in a mixture of butter and peanut oil.
Cover with water, add tomatoes or tomato puree, chillies and salt
to taste.
Simmer the rat until tender.
Serve with rice.

Now where can I get one of these?

Mopane worms in peanut butter - lovely- don't knock it!!! Africans eat food just like you. I hope no Africans have read some of these semi- racist posts. I'm out of this TDs forever. Don't like racism, sorry.
lol, none of these posts are racist, i just hate the mixed jumbled together flavors of african food, if I was racist, i would be blatantly racist, not beat around the bush by saying their food sucks

I spent time living and working there and in poorer countries eg Liberia in the war.If you think mass starvation and dietary preferences are funny, then I'm sorry. I was there.Keep your jokes for the bar. This is an international forum. I don't want to see these kind of sad jokes about Africans on any forum.
I spent time living and working there and in poorer countries eg Liberia in the war.If you think mass starvation and dietary preferences are funny, then I'm sorry. I was there.Keep your jokes for the bar. This is an international forum. I don't want to see these kind of sad jokes about Africans on any forum.

I would like you to, quote SPECIFICALLY "Racist Jokes" you've read here. I'd like to know what SPECIFICALLY you are talking about,
and get this "racist" shit cleared up immediately.

And lighten up

Bootsieb...while I agree that openly mocking such an afflicted region is in poor taste, you shoul understand something about us here on THP.

If the TD was:

Canadian...we'd make moose in maple syrup stew and flannel jokes
Syberian...we'd make ice cube jokes
Chilean...we'd make as many puns as possible
American...we'd all take pictures of fast food joints and grotesquely obese people that constantly whine about how tough life is
Australian...we'd grill everything in sight while calling it a "bar-b" and swill beer until we passed out, leaving the grill unattended until it burns out early the next morning (there's a story behind that...)
English...we'd fry a bunch of shit in a smokey pub and guzzle piss-warm beer while making fun of their teeth

Nobody here harbors any ill feelings toward Africanians. They are jokes. Some are a bit more crude than others...but it is what it is. Now...if someone comes out and calls it "f'in n(word) cooking"...then yeah...I'll pound the drum with you. But...people that stupid rarely hold a position in life that allows them the finances to own a working computer...much less be on a forum.
Yeah I think everyone needs to lighten up a bit. Wheebz if it is African and you don't like African cuisine, then don't enter. Personally, I think you might want to do some research there are literally thousands of totally different kinds of food that come from Africa. Next, I re-read this whole thread and only found one comment that could possibly be considered racist, and it was a joke. Bottseib you posted a pic of a dead woman. Is THAT in good taste? These things are supposed to be fun. Not bickering and arguing. Lets just let it be fun and if you can't do that then don't enter. If you don't like the way we do these things then don't enter. If you don't like this months category/theme then don't enter. If you don't like the smacktalk that goes on in this thread then don't read the thread. That has always been part of the thread. Play nice and carry on.
Yeah I think everyone needs to lighten up a bit. Wheebz if it is African and you don't like African cuisine, then don't enter. Personally, I think you might want to do some research there are literally thousands of totally different kinds of food that come from Africa. Next, I re-read this whole thread and only found one comment that could possibly be considered racist, and it was a joke. Bottseib you posted a pic of a dead woman. Is THAT in good taste? These things are supposed to be fun. Not bickering and arguing. Lets just let it be fun and if you can't do that then don't enter. If you don't like the way we do these things then don't enter. If you don't like this months category/theme then don't enter. If you don't like the smacktalk that goes on in this thread then don't read the thread. That has always been part of the thread. Play nice and carry on.

Discount Double Checked!!
Hell...we could move to the State level:

Arkansas - you have to use 3 items in the cooking that are related to each other...
Texas - proof of life in pesos
Rhode island - has to be served in thimble
Wisconsin - must have a combo of 54 beers and cheeses total
California - must not contain meat, and have a tofu scuplture of the president...
Hell...we could move to the State level:

Arkansas - you have to use 3 items in the cooking that are related to each other...
Texas - proof of life in pesos
Rhode island - has to be served in thimble
Wisconsin - must have a combo of 54 beers and cheeses total
California - must not contain meat, and have a tofu scuplture of the president...

tsk. tsk. tsk. That's all you got on Texas? As a native Texan son, I find it insulting to not be insulted better than that.
Ok, but I gotta draw the line at Arkansas Road kill, and Portland OR. Rice crackers topped with sea water.
Heck, I thought the smack talk has been pretty light considering the smack talk that went on before the (unofficial) noobies-vs-veterans TD last year. There are quite a few new folks who weren't around back then. Do I need to get out The Corrector again?


AH! here it is!


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