contest March TD, African

What's your pick for March's TD?

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I think I'm going to enter a ramen dish - no matter what the TD ends up being!

In fact, all this ramen-talk has me craving ramen!

Imma go cook ramen for breakfast....with eggs! hahahahahaha
Ela Ramen is a Japanese soup. But what they are referring to is "instant ramen" like this
Ela - instant ramen is very inexpensive - depending upon where you shop, you can get a pack for like ten cents. So it's kind of standard fare for college students, people who don't have time to cook, and other people who are living on a very tight budget. It's edible, but when you're kind of stuck eating it every day, it gets to be almost a joke. People start doing things to try to make it better, and some of those things are more or less successful than others. Still, if you eliminate the high-salt-content seasoning packet that comes with it, at it's core it's just noodles - and pretty much anything you can do with any other noodle goes.

I can see where a ramen TD might have two elements - a real challenge to come up with something great that many have sworn they will never eat again, and just plain silly humor. We'll see how it turns out, if Ramen is chosen!

Thanks guys. Ortoficial flavor on package turned me me off, Not big fan of it.

I would like to throw my 2 cents in POLL discussion. This poll is a public one so every member can vote. Without members votes TD would not have any meaning to it. As in any democratic process we have here a TD “regulars” (hate to use this term) and supporters who follow TDs on regular basis although they don’t participate in actual cooking. In my opinion every member should be allowed to vote.
We all have an option to participate or to wait for next TD that would not take us out of comfort cooking zone. Actually, I would LOVE if some day Boss would give us 5 SURPRISED ingredients to cook with ,that would be reveled after we would signed up for TD. That could be an interesting TD challenge. :D

Imma go cook ramen for breakfast....with eggs! hahahahahaha

Can't wait to see pics :D
Oh but if I took pics of this awesomeness, everybody would get scared by my ramen-prowess and vote for some other TD, pics will have to wait.....for now! ;)
Oh but if I took pics of this awesomeness, everybody would get scared by my ramen-prowess and vote for some other TD, pics will have to wait.....for now! ;)
Good point.We dont want to have more scared regulars than we have now. ;)
One of my instructors lived in different parts of Africa for about 22 years, and she's pulling together some traditional recipes for me. Some could use ramen, so either way works. HA. I got this. Actually, I'd really have it if I could just get her to cook them for me..... LOL
I voted for African. I'd still like to try spiced up French and Jewish as well as soup in the near future. Pretty please with sugar on top.
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