contest March TD, African

What's your pick for March's TD?

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hmmmmm this emoticon doesn't seem to show up on my

It doesn't????????????? That is scary too
Relax Bootsie, the whole point of the vote is we do the winning one! Now everyone stop and get back to voting. Sheesh. Ridiculous. Figured people's choice would be cool but you guys are acting like it's not really people's choice. If African wins, it means it was the people's choice! Same for any of them.

No more bickering or I'll choose something totally different.
I said, OK, I can wait.I was being nice about it and I'm not pissed, I just want to keep everyone happy.In all fairness, I think the African side didn't start the bickering or comments.We replied because it was wrong.If you choose something else, everybody loses. Let Ramen go first, then they'll be more likely to participate when African comes afterwards.My wish is for people to try African food, it's good and uses a lot of chillies. I thought it was perfect for this TD. In fairness, I'm willing to appease the older members if they feel strongly about Ramen and hope they'll be more open to try African in the future. I think if they have the time, they'll do some research, do some pre-preparation dishes, get love
African dishes and I'll be happy. That way, the THP will have more African seeds if things like Kapco Shitto, Bere Bere, Piri Piri, etc become more popular. I feel , we'll put some good cooks- people off of it forever if we force it thru this time.BTW- even with a month , you are still going down on African TD.(lol)
I guess my minute attempt at humour was missed.I said OK, I can wait.I was being nice about it. I'm not pissed, I just want to keep everyone happy.
That's not what you messaged me Bootsie! You said you were really miffed about all this!

Damnitt Ela I am busy trying to stir this pot...and you're just showing off!
Btw, we'd have a blast tiein one on, it's Wheebz that scares the crap out of me! Hahahhahahaa

Sheesh, I spend one night away, one day on the couch, and fights break out, glasses get broken, and drinks get spilt.

Racism, voting, exclusivity?????? Nah nah nah this is FUN!
I dont know who said what or whatever, dont care.
But its for FUN!


FUN..... hear me! FUN!
@ Bootsieb

This is a vote. Right Now it seems to be a vote between Ramen and "African". The majority of the regulars probably voted for Ramen since we've been talking about it for more than a year... and decided it was a good time to do it. African cuisine, with all its merits (and I do have some dishes that I like) came up ~15 days ago. [For some reason I "hear" anger from your posts. Even when you say your not, and I could totally be wrong... and I hope I am.] Let the vote roll, have fun with WHATEVER is decided (that's the point), and suggest African cuisine next time if it doesn't win this time around.

African came up for Feb 2011. Ethiopian came up for Dec 2010. Moroccan came up for Dec 2009.

The continent and it's cuisines have come up many times. Maybe you just like ramen better! :lol: You "assumed" it never came up, because you weren't interested.

And looking at the "regulars" it's about tied!

Bad stats bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you a politician? :D
I have one rockin' African recipe - ONE! And wouldn't ya know it, someone posted a link to the recipe!!!! Just my luck! :) But, as with ALL the TDs, I'm just looking forward to challenging myself with some fun cooking and creating! Or maybe it's really the eatin' part I like so much....

Tru dat SL!!!!!!! :rofl:
I have one rockin' African recipe - ONE! And wouldn't ya know it, someone posted a link to the recipe!!!! Just my luck! :) But, as with ALL the TDs, I'm just looking forward to challenging myself with some fun cooking and creating! Or maybe it's really the eatin' part I like so much....

Tru dat SL!!!!!!! :rofl:

Was it that African Chicken Stew I posted? That's some awesome stuff. If African wins I'm not going to make that though. My brother's gf grew up in Sweden, but she's of Ugandan descent. Her dad has a restaurant in Kampala, so even though she makes a mean swedish meatball, I know she has to have some solid African recipes she can help me out with.

African came up for Feb 2011. Ethiopian came up for Dec 2010. Moroccan came up for Dec 2009.

The continent and it's cuisines have come up many times. Maybe you just like ramen better! :lol: You "assumed" it never came up, because you weren't interested.

And looking at the "regulars" it's about tied!

Bad stats bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you a politician? :D

Ha! Good catch El Jefe. Maybe it's just because I've heard RAMEN RAMEN RAMEN from FD for so long.

You know how WE do it. SoFlo with throwdown on WHATEVER is decided. And we'll kick some @$$.
I'm excited about either of the top 2 entries. There's a bunch of real good gourmet ramen noodle restaurants in NYC that I might hit up for inspiration if it pulls through. If African wins, and Scoville incorporates an ostrich egg into his dish he already has my vote.
I'm all about People's Choice... just to show you...

You can now change your vote until NOON EST!

I had a PM asking to change a vote, if I do that, I need to allow everyone, plus, those in the losing sections can now voice your opinion on the top two! Let's see what happens here!!!

Haha just realized this is SoFlo style.... hanging chads!!! ;)
I'm all about People's Choice... just to show you...

You can now change your vote until NOON EST!

I had a PM asking to change a vote, if I do that, I need to allow everyone, plus, those in the losing sections can now voice your opinion on the top two! Let's see what happens here!!!

Haha just realized this is SoFlo style.... hanging chads!!! ;)
It's the interwebs, no hanging chads!

I was thinking Bald Eagle eggs, Ostrich eggs are too expensive. LOL
Haha, yeah. There's a place in New Mexico that sells them for $55 a pop. How much is that next crown worth to you???
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