• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
MeatHead1313 said:
Thanks Scott! Yeah the purple flash looks great already. Can't wait to see it covered in pods! The picture for the sangria on the plant tag looks like it'll be a beautiful plant all podded up as well. That's what grabbed my wife's attention with it.
Mine are all staying in pots and bags this year. Don't have the space to put any in the ground where we're at, but most likely going to build some raised beds once we're moved into our new house. 1/2 acre should give me plenty of room to work with. 
The lowest temps on the 10 day forecast is 45 tomorrow night and 41 Monday night, with the rest being in the 50's so I've moved the big plants out of the greenhouse permanently. Still using the greenhouse to help the young plants adjust to life outside for now, but can see me putting it up for the season shortly if the temps stays nice. 
I'm glad I came back. I had 60+ round 2's out there hardening off, and the wind that's coming would have hammered them, thanks for the reminder. I'm really hoping this is the last wind issue...but probably not.
Can't wait to see you in a 1/2 acre plot! That's plenty of yard to take care of. I don't know how much we use of our place for a yard, but it's a lot to take care of. The rest is for the cows, my little mowers..reminding me again. I have cowpies to put in the mulch pile...yet another sticky!
I leave the plants outside during hardening as long as the temps are above 38°, they haven't missed a lick!
Keep it green!
Didn't realise I'd forgot to  add pics of all the big girls enjoying life outside of the greenhouse-
Front shots


Back shots


A little pod porn. Black Hungarian-


Chinese 5 colour-

Also moved 1 of my danko plants into a dollar store eco bag. Pretty sure these equal roughly 5 gallons-

I was going to pot up the rest of the danko's as well but ran out of potting mix. Going to have to make another batch Thursday while I'm off. 
Thanks for reading!
Have some hooks showing from the last lot of seeds planted. So far I have 7 pot Primo, Bahamian goat, barrackpore 7 pot and Scotch bonnet TFM's hooking.
2nd cell Primo, 3rd cell Bahamian goat

Back cell TFM bonnets. Also have a barrackpore in the bottom cell that's not visible in the pic

SAFI red hab potted up into a 10 gallon bag

MoA potted up into a 12 inch pot. 
Devv said:
You should be real close to 100% outside no?
Glad to see the new gals, looking like a round year grow.
Keep it green!
I was very close to being 100% outside until I started some more seeds. As soon as these starts are ready it'll be 100%. No more getting planted after this. 
MeatHead1313 said:
I was very close to being 100% outside until I started some more seeds. As soon as these starts are ready it'll be 100%. No more getting planted after this. 
That's what we all say ;)  I had a Yellow Fatalii sprout yesterday that was set out to germ in January, what's up with that? Of course now I need to find it a home..
Devv said:
That's what we all say ;)  I had a Yellow Fatalii sprout yesterday that was set out to germ in January, what's up with that? Of course now I need to find it a home..
Haha yeah I've been saying it for a while now yet more keep finding there way into the dirt lol. 2 months for germination? Wow. So far the longest for me have been the aji chuncho's for the growdown which took 3 1/2 weeks, though I have tossed most seeds after 3 weeks thinking they were bad. 
Chinense pod is growing well. Still too early to tell which variety it is though

Also noticed this afternoon I have my first Brazilian starfish pod forming. Love these peppers!

Not much else to report on the pepper front. Seedlings are all looking good, and haven't found any more pods yet but plenty of flowers on the older plants so hopefully very soon!
In some non pepper news, have some nice new growth showing up on our blackberry bush

As well as our raspberry bush. Also have our first flower on the raspberry!

Only problem with the raspberry and blackberry is it looks like they probably won't have any ripe fruit before we move, and as these are in the ground I have no idea whether I'd be able to dig them up to bring them with us when we move and still get fruit off them. Might just chalk it up as a loss and pick up a few more for the new place.
Researched a little last night on transplanting the berries but all I could find was that the best time is in the fall after they've finished fruiting. Will probably leave them as is and start some new one's at the new place after we've moved in. 
Douglah's a hooking

One barrackpore up and another hooking

Black naga wearing a helmet

Triple coty Primo. Not sure why but I've loved the looks of the 3 and 4 coty sprouts I've had 

Thanks for stopping by.
Devv said:
Wow! Still germing. Babies look good!
Thanks Scott. Yeah these were the latest from the current round, still waiting on the Morouga, CAP215 and aji chuncho extras to sprout. In another case of never say never I'll have 1 more variety after these to plant. Took advantage of smileyguy's sasbe offer for tepin x lemondrop seeds so going against what I've said yet again. Every time I say that's it for peppers I end up sowing more. I really need to stop at some stage lol.
thirdcoasttx said:
My 3 coty primo had funky first leaves. Curious to see if yours do the same or if it was a fluke.
Will keep it updated. Will be interesting to see if mine do the same thing as yours did. 
Well I'm flat out of room (except for one row) and still have plants that need to go in the dirt. However I did stop germing after the Aji Chuncho's, I had 9 of those come up, going to grow three, maybe four. Wife's like yeah right!
Devv said:
Well I'm flat out of room (except for one row) and still have plants that need to go in the dirt. However I did stop germing after the Aji Chuncho's, I had 9 of those come up, going to grow three, maybe four. Wife's like yeah right!
Haha sounds like my wife. Every time I plant some she says "no more after this right?". I just say yeah and she rolls her eyes. She's learnt by now that I tend to go crazy with new hobbies then settle down later on. I think she believes next season might be more subdued. With all the varieties I'm yet to try and seeing as we'll have more room I'm not so sure. 
thirdcoasttx said:
My 3 coty primo had funky first leaves. Curious to see if yours do the same or if it was a fluke.
Just wanted to add I've had no problem with any of my triple coty sprouts so far, but my 4 coty black Hungarian almost looks like 2 plants in one

After seeing all the great food pics in other glogs figured I'd add my own. My wife's cooking up a nice boneless centre cut pork loin tonight with some onions and carrots, seasoned with a jalapeno seasoning I got as a bonus from orders from Texas Creek Products. I added in a little extra pepper love with some rainforest, seasoning and Jamaican yellow mushroom powders I purchased from HBJ through his charity auction at the end of last year.
Before shot-
My 3 coty primo seems to be doing alright now, its the one in the 5 gal on my glog. My wife is also baffled by the intensity I put in to my hobbies lol. Poor girl has had to put up with video games, rc helicopters, geocaching, and now growing ridiculously hot peppers. She has however been as supportive as she can bring herself to be.
thirdcoasttx said:
My 3 coty primo seems to be doing alright now, its the one in the 5 gal on my glog. My wife is also baffled by the intensity I put in to my hobbies lol. Poor girl has had to put up with video games, rc helicopters, geocaching, and now growing ridiculously hot peppers. She has however been as supportive as she can bring herself to be.
Video games was my wife's fault for me. I played a little back home but didn't really get into it til I moved here. She's also actually coming around to the growing thing. She helped me pot up the plants we purchased last weekend and actually said it was fun. She got kind of bummed when we ran out of plants to pot up lol. 
Hard to get a clear shot due to the breeze at the moment, but the damn aphids have already found my outside plants! Going to try a neem oil spray to begin with, and if that doesn't work I'm going to order either ladybugs, lacewings or aphid wasps and let them have at it. Not letting them get a foothold this year after they infested the few plants I had last year. After first noticing them I scoured all the plants outside the greenhouse and only found them on 2. Wondering if those 2 are the same variety and they're only focusing on them to begin with? I noticed with my tiny grow last year when they showed up they only hit my cayenne and orange habs, but left the bell and jalapeno's alone. I've also read others say that they'll focus on 1 or 2 varieties and leave others alone so entirely possible. 

These little sap sucking barstards are going to die! 
Everything is looking good, Chris.
Your Blk Hungarians are getting it ON!
How are you're grocery bags working? Any pluses or minuses that you can tell?
Your plant out must be pretty soon. Those new sprouts, if you get them in the ground in 3-4 weeks with mild weather,  may catch those others in size though they still  probably won't fruit until  8-10 weeks. That's just my guess anyways. 
Keep it hot.
JJJessee said:
Everything is looking good, Chris.
Your Blk Hungarians are getting it ON!
How are you're grocery bags working? Any pluses or minuses that you can tell?
Your plant out must be pretty soon. Those new sprouts, if you get them in the ground in 3-4 weeks with mild weather,  may catch those others in size though they still  probably won't fruit until  8-10 weeks. That's just my guess anyways. 
Keep it hot.
Thanks JJJesse! Can't really compare the grocery bags to anything at the moment due to only using what were probably equivalent to 3 gallon pots for my tiny grow last year. I do have some proper root pouches to use this year as well so will be able to get a better comparison at the end of the season. Hoping the dollar store bags compare favourably. One thing I've noticed is water likes to run out the sides before reaching the bottom so it takes a bit more water than regular pots to give them a full watering. 
Could plant out now if I had a garden. Temps have been between the 60's and mid 70's for the highs lately, and lows generally mid-high 50's with the odd nights still dipping to low 40's. All plants will be in containers for the next couple of months at least though due to no decent gardens where we're at. Hoping to get some raised beds up fairly quickly after we move so I can at least get a couple of plants in the ground for the majority of the season. Would love for the new one's to catch up quickly! 