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MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
I've been wanting to buy some, but them taking off is my concern.
A few years ago I turned a shed into a cooler-smoke house. Insulated the cooler part, and mid winter I went in there, there were thousands of ladybugs in there. I guess they went after the warmer insulated area.
Now after taking that down, I want to re-create that!
Something like that would be great for helping to ensure you have some around when spring starts! I read after the ones I ordered left that you can spray them with a 50/50 coke and water mix and that prevents them from flying for a few days. Will definitely try that if I need to order any more. So far I am getting some more appearing every day, though I'm not sure if they're the same one's I released coming back or one's coming in from elsewhere.

Quick pre cook foodie pic. Had boneless thighs and boneless breasts on sale this week so picked some up today. My wife's at a Pampered chef party tonight so cooking for myself. Boneless thighs covered in Texas Creek chipotle bbq sauce, stuffed with some sliced fatalii/red savina, wrapped in bacon and seasoned with some jalapeno seasoning from salsalady.
thirdcoasttx said:
Those look amazing! I think I would probably eat just about anything if it was stuffed and wrapped in BACON!!!
Penny said:
Those look amazing!!! :dance:
Nulle said:
Please send by express express mail ;)
Devv said:
I'm liking the chicken dish!
One just never stops getting good foodie input here @ the THP!
Thanks all! Wish I could say I came up with it myself but just copied something we make at work and changed it to suit myself. 
Didn't get a photo but my order of 500 aphidius colemani came in today. Released them when I got home and was pleasantly surprised to see them head straight for the plants. Hopefully between these, the few ladybugs hanging around and the assassin bugs that showed up yesterday I'll have the aphids under control. 
Day off tomorrow with perfect weather predicted for the morning. High of 73 and light winds, so that means I'll finally have a chance to make up some more potting mix. Already been told I have to wait to pot up til the better half gets home so hopefully I'll get enough mix made early enough so that I can go wet a line before she gets home and pick up a bass or two for dinner. 
JoeFish said:
How do you do Bass? I like to keep a few when I go with a buddy that throws them all back...
I do pretty much all my fish the same way. I'll either scale then fillet or fillet then skin depending on whether I feel like scaling them or not. I usually just dip the fillets in an egg wash, then into breadcrumbs and shallow fry. If I'm feeling like being healthier then I'll just season them with a little salt and some lemon drop powder and bake it. 
I found smoking fish to be easy.  Light on hickory smoke or it over powers.
I fillet and skin all my fish unless I am smoking, then I leave the skin on to hold the fish together during the smoke.  That is the only time I will scale a fish before I fillet it.
On the fish I am just cooking, after I fillet and rib the fish I chill them in the fridge for a little bit.  Then I unzip them.  Then I can freeze them for future use.
When I am breading them to cook, I will just do flour, then milk, then breadcrumbs that I have seasoned with hot pepper powder.  
I flour all the fish and put all the fish into the milk,  Then I just have the left hand in the milk and the right hand in the bread crumbs.  This keeps the right hand clean and the bread crumbs from clumping up.  Well drained fish helps too.
Might have to cook up some fish tomorrow now lol.
maximumcapsicum said:
The pod are really gonna start flowin soon bud! Looks like you're doing everything right! Happy growin!
Thanks Adam. Need to get some updated pod pics tomorrow, including the Nardello that's nearly half as big as the plant lol. 
HillBilly Jeff said:
I found smoking fish to be easy.  Light on hickory smoke or it over powers.
I fillet and skin all my fish unless I am smoking, then I leave the skin on to hold the fish together during the smoke.  That is the only time I will scale a fish before I fillet it.
On the fish I am just cooking, after I fillet and rib the fish I chill them in the fridge for a little bit.  Then I unzip them.  Then I can freeze them for future use.
When I am breading them to cook, I will just do flour, then milk, then breadcrumbs that I have seasoned with hot pepper powder.  
I flour all the fish and put all the fish into the milk,  Then I just have the left hand in the milk and the right hand in the bread crumbs.  This keeps the right hand clean and the bread crumbs from clumping up.  Well drained fish helps too.
Might have to cook up some fish tomorrow now lol.
Sounds very similar to how I do mine, but I skip the flouring step. Have never tried it with the flour first so may have to try that. Generally the only fish I scale are fish being cooked whole, which over here are bream (bluegills, redear sunfish etc). Anything big enough to fillet is filleted then skinned as I find it quicker, easier and less mess if I'm cleaning them at home. 
Would love a 2-2.5 pound bass tomorrow. Perfect size for 2 good fillets for the wife and I. Being limited to bank fishing means it's more pond fishing for me and I've found anything bigger than that can be a bit too fatty. 
I grew up with no boat, so I fished a lot of small streams and the banks of rivers.  Ate what I caught and that usually meant catfish and bass.  Now that I have a boat and have improved on my walleye fishing, I am a bit more selective on what I keep.  I do love getting a mess of gills once a year off the beds.  Last year I got 4 1/2 pounds of gill fillets in one trip and that set me up for the season.
If I had known about the dams an hour south of me when I was growing up, I would have been hitting them hard for walleye, sauger, and silvers.  
HillBilly Jeff said:
I grew up with no boat, so I fished a lot of small streams and the banks of rivers.  Ate what I caught and that usually meant catfish and bass.  Now that I have a boat and have improved on my walleye fishing, I am a bit more selective on what I keep.  I do love getting a mess of gills once a year off the beds.  Last year I got 4 1/2 pounds of gill fillets in one trip and that set me up for the season.
If I had known about the dams an hour south of me when I was growing up, I would have been hitting them hard for walleye, sauger, and silvers.  
I did the same a lot back home. Found some great Australian bass spots off the bank just by walking the rivers and lakes. I'm a bit iffy doing that here with the gators though lol. 
4 1/2 pounds of bluegill fillets is a nice haul! We used to get some nice gills out of my wife's uncle's pond, but it's being overrun by stunted fish now. I have a feeling people have been taking all the bass out of it as it's nearly impossible to catch a bass now. For a small pond he had some nice bass too. Last one I caught went 5 1/2 pounds. Haven't caught one since and that was nearly 2 years ago.
Blackberry bush is flowering like crazy. With how long the process is dragging on for the new house, we may just get to eat some berries off this and the raspberry yet.

Jimmy Nardello pod that's nearly half the size of the plant

One of my Jamaican yellow mushrooms has 2 pods now. Not growing true to form, but that could be due to them being early season pods

Unknown Mexican from seacowboy is starting to put out some pods as well

Black Hungarian is getting loaded with pods. Going to need to stake this one soon as it can't hold itself up with the weight of the pods

Also have a second black Hungarian starting to pod up. Looks like these will be a great producer for me

Tomatoes are growing fast. Really wish my peppers grew this quickly! Thanks again to neoguy and Penny for the seeds

More tomatoes and pepper seedlings

Strawberry plants are starting to get more berries on them again. My wife's already got a few berries off them and absolutely loved them. I may need to expand the strawberry grow for her


Should have some more pics tonight if the predicted storms stay away and let me transplant. 