• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
Penny said:
Great pics and updates......nice looking peppers. ;)

Thanks Penny! Hopefully I'll have some updated photo's of the tomatoes I've got growing from your seeds this weekend. Got everything in to make more potting mix and my wife's extremely eager to get them potted up. She can't wait to try them all.
gnslngr said:
+10 for pic with the feasting Ladybug larvae-good catch ,as the usual aphid pics just show the little demons at work.
The sugar cane dirt is good for pots when mixed with whatever potting soil you like, but its not on the cheap end ,compared to regular topsoil etc.
I've used it straight up on transplant w/no issues, I use it 50/50, 75/25(high side is cane soil) to alleviate the cost a bit, amazing stuff.
Thanks for the info. I'm planning on putting some garden beds in eventually if we ever finalize and get to move, and my wife's already given me the go ahead to get some for that. I wouldn't be able to use any before that as we don't have the space to store 4 cubic yards of soil where we're at now.
windchicken said:
Hey Chris! Very nice grow...You are a true chile head! I just walked through your whole glog...It's fun to see the plants and your photos improve so much from November until now... :P
I have to come see my new nephew in Duson soon....I've got some extra super hot plants I can bring down if you're interested....
Thanks windchicken! And appreciate the offer. Very tempting! What varieties do you have? I've got multiples of a few varieties as well if you'd want to do a trade.

Today's quick updates. 
Not the best pic, but was the best I could get with them constantly moving. Aphidius colemani having a quick rest 

Finally have another couple of my mature plants setting pods. The sun was in a bad spot so could only manage one pic. Hoping they're all different varieties so I can finally label each plant. I know for sure they're either choco scorps, fatalii, yellow bhut or red brain strain


A little hard to see all 3, but the Nardello that I noticed had one pod on it yesterday actually has 3 pods. Nice! 

This is still my best plant out of the new grow. SAFI red hab in Ocean Forest in a 10 gallon root pouch. Hoping I can tweak my own mix to be able to provide this growth

I might be on the right track. This little bhut Indian Carbon was looking downright woeful in Miracle Gro in the solo cup. Not sure if I didn't have enough holes in the cups, or whether something else was affecting it, but after moving it into a 6 inch pot with my own mix it's really perked up and starting to put out new growth

Final pic is an update for thirdcoasttx on my triple coty Primo. Other than some slug damage (baits have finally been set), the leaves on mine are all growing fine
Awesome!!!! Your grow is looking great its awesome to be getting pods already isnt it? My triple coty primo is looking pretty good it got a minor pruning compared to the others. It is still healthy but has been pretty slow growing I'm hoping its just focusing on root growth as it was the first to go in a 5 gal bucket when it was pretty small.
Thanks all! Appreciate the kind words.
It wasn't very long ago I didn't update for two weeks due to no action, now it's something every day thanks to Mother Nature (hopefully) finally letting winter go away.
Today's quick update.
Black Hungarians are definitely looking like they'll be an outstanding producer. My oldest plant is loaded with pods, and I now have another starting to throw out a few. And I still have a couple more that are still a little small to produce! I can see a lot of poppers and maybe even some powder coming up this season.
2 of the new one's in this pic, outside of this there's another 1 or 2 on the same plant as well

I've either missed seeing these completely for at least a week, or they grow like crazy. Found a bunch of these chasing aphids on my (maybe) chocolate scorpion. This is the same plant from the last ladybug larvae photo, so I've either got 2 different hatches on the same plant, or they grow a hell of a lot quicker than I imagined

Non pepper time. My wife picked up her Veronica plant from a local garden centre after I pointed it out for 2 reasons. Number one, that's hername as well, and number 2, the one she picked has blue flowers, which is also her favourite colour. Looks like she's about to get her first round of flowers off it

As usual, we'd picked up another plant a couple of weeks ago thinking it would help without researching beforehand. Got this mosquito plant from Lowe's thinking it was actually citronella, but it wasn't until I got home after and looked i up that I found it's really a scented geranium. Either way, it looks nice, is growing well and when the leaves are brushed it smells great. Still a welcome addition

Another possible soldier for my war on any bugs bad for my plants? I've been having a lot of wasps hanging around my plants lately, and decided to look up yesterday whether they were beneficial or not. Turns out they eat a lot of different bad guys to feed to their young, but do also chew up stems to use to make their nests. Seeing as I haven't noticed any damage yet, I'll let them be and hope they're helping me


It hasn't been all fun and games though, even with all the new pods forming. For some reason this plant just absolutely refuses to even show one flower pod forming. It's supposed to be an aji limon, and despite it growing well the branches it has are still really spindly, and it just does not look like it'll even produce flowers. I'm almost tempted to cull this one and use the pot for something else


Cilantro, oregano and parsley are growing really well in the redneck herb garden. Looks like we'll be cooking with fresh herbs very soon!

We have 2 hummingbird feeders and one songbird feeder hanging right outside our living room window, which causes our cat all sorts of enjoyment. This is the look I got from her when I came back inside after hearing her thump against the window trying to get to the birds
"Why must you tease me so? They look so delicious"
I always have the wasp's working my plants. I've seen any damage so far.
I'd give that Aji some more time, it's so early in the season. If it doesn't work out, well than you know not to bother next season ;)
Devv said:
I always have the wasp's working my plants. I've seen any damage so far.
I'd give that Aji some more time, it's so early in the season. If it doesn't work out, well than you know not to bother next season ;)
Thanks Scott. It was actually my wife that reminded me to research it. She was out checking the plants with me yesterday, noticed them and said we'll have to destroy the nest when we find it. I looked it up, then said not happening lol. As long as they're not causing damage and could possibly be helping they can stay.
The aji has been growing since last year. It was started at the same time as the choco scorp, fatalii, yellow bhut, brain and 5 colour. I'm just finding it strange the supers have been flowering for a few months and are finally setting pods, the 5 colour has had pods for a while, but the aji still hasn't even shown one bud yet. I'll no doubt end up keeping it as I hate to sacrifice plants, which is one reason why I've ended up with nearly 100, instead of culling to only 1 or 2 of some varieties and keeping the total number down. Hopefully it'll just be a late bloomer and will start setting soon.
Getting the pit ready for tonight's dinner

Pork steaks and some smoked chicken sausage we make at work

Time to dig in! Pork steaks seasoned with a mix of Salsalady's jalapeno seasoning and some homemade jalapeno powder. Last 2-3 minutes of cook was hit with some Texas Creek chipotle bbq sauce (I seriously love this stuff!), left to caramelize then pulled off the pit. Delicious! Pork steaks are one of my favourites cooked over charcoal, and the freshly smoked sausage just topped it off great.
Devv said:
Liking that plate Chris!
Thanks Scott. I haven't mastered low and slow yet, but fast grilling I can do no problem!
JoeFish said:
Cool pictures as usual and nice looking grub to.  You sir are Winning!!!
Thanks Joe!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Loving it
Thanks Jeff!
windchicken said:
I sent you a PM.
Thanks Gary. PM replied to.
Another quick little update today. I was getting worried I'd severely messed something up with my older plants.A lot of the older leaves were starting to to turn brown, get crinkly and just plain look like crap

However after noticing the new growth coming in looking like this-

I realized it was (hopefully) just sunburn from not used to seeing as much sunlight as they're getting now. Note to self, don't move plants from partial sunlight to full sunlight straight away!
Couple pics of some more garden helpers that turned up all of a sudden.


I have absolutely no idea what type of fly this is. I saw it on one of my plants this afternoon, and it was roughly an inch long. Definitely the biggest fly I've ever seen

Possible lemon drop setting pods. I don't remember having 2 of these plants last year, so either I messed up on remembering how many I had, or one of my seeds isn't growing true. Either way, it has Baccatum flowers so calling it a lemon drop til the pods tell me otherwise

Now that the aphids are under control, my older plants are starting to really get the pod production going. I'm really liking having no idea which plant is which as it keeps me guessing 


Even in a 6 inch pot I can't stop the tomatoes. One of the black seaman tomato plants from Penny's seeds has flower buds forming already

One of my red bhut's has buds forming as well
Hmm... I'm the same boat. Somehow I managed to mess up record keeping. So it will be fun to figure out what's what.
All those plants are going to lose the nice big (pretty) leaves and put on smaller summer leaves. That's normal. They get kind of ugly for a few weeks and then kick in and make you happy.
Haven't seen the lizards yet, but I'm sure they will show. Dang Road Runners have moved in, we don't want them here. They kill Quail, lizards, and other good animals. I have a recipe for them...it includes lead ;) 
Devv said:
Hmm... I'm the same boat. Somehow I managed to mess up record keeping. So it will be fun to figure out what's what.
All those plants are going to lose the nice big (pretty) leaves and put on smaller summer leaves. That's normal. They get kind of ugly for a few weeks and then kick in and make you happy.
Haven't seen the lizards yet, but I'm sure they will show. Dang Road Runners have moved in, we don't want them here. They kill Quail, lizards, and other good animals. I have a recipe for them...it includes lead ;)
I'm just glad it's only a few plants I'm not sure on. It's definitely a rookie mistake I've been trying not to repeat.
Yeah I realized that once the new growth started to come in. I thought I'd had them hardened off enough while still in the greenhouse as they'd been getting some sunlight, and had the vents open so were getting some wind as well. Could either be they're getting more sun than they're used to, or more wind as we've had some pretty windy days here lately. Either way, they're starting to look better now so all's good.
I love the anole's. I'm a little worried they'll eat some of the good bugs, but hopeful they'll take out more bad bugs than good. Love the way they can change colours. I never knew road runners were carnivorous, though all I really knew of them before was from the old cartoons lol. 
Figured it's time I update my grow list in here. 
Lemon Drop
Yellow Bhut
Red brain strain
Chocolate scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour
Jimmy Nardello
What's now being labelled as NOT Brazilian starfish
MoA Jamaican Scotch boonet
Aji amarillo
Red bhut jolokia
Bishop's crown
Scotch bonnet TFM
Yellow Scorpion
Yellow 7 pot
SAFI red habanero
Jamaican yellow mushroom
Aji pineapple
Thai fire
Bhut Indian carbon
Purple flash
7 pot barrackpore
Bahamian goat
7 pot Primo
Tepin x lemondrop
Kracken scorpion
Black pearl
Lime green salad
Coastal pride orange
Manx marvel
Black seaman
Pink queen
Flat leaf parsley