• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
Devv said:
Things are looking saaweeet your way Chris!
My "goats" are coming in as well, been so busy I've just chunked them in the freezer, along with a ton of others. So far the freezer monitor (LB) hasn't complained yet ;)
Nice score on those most excellent trees from Gary, he's a stand up kinda guy for sure!
Keep it green!
Thanks Scott. That's what I'm doing with mine as well at the moment. Need to find a good sauce recipe for them. 
Gary definitely is for sure!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Color me green with your ripe bmj..
Everything looking good....hope your tomatoes make for you.
Thanks Jeff. Going to have it with breakfast in the morning. I just need to work out why that plant isn't producing anything else.
I'm sure the tomatoes will bounce back if we don't get any more rain like we had last week. Got a bunch frozen already and my wife made a huge pot of marinara sauce with some others so have plenty to fall back on if not.
Today's updates. Finally have some aji pineapple ripe! I'm ready to get a bunch of these together and make some jelly


Tepin x lemon drop pod. I finally transplanted this plant into a 5 gallon root pouch after having left it in a 6 inch pot for far too long

Red bhut's making a comeback. No idea what was wrong with this plant but it's growing and has flower buds forming so I'm happy

Got some Thai fire pods ripening on the plant that was munched by a hornworm

MoA round 2 is coming along nicely

SB7J all loaded up

F3 nagabrain ready to be harvested again

A couple of Madame Jeanette pods ripening. Looking forward to trying these as I've read the flavour is amazing on these

F3 nagabrain pod. Lots of pain pimples on some of these peppers. 

That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by!
LS929 said:
What's the heat like on the nagabrains?
I haven't tried a whole one yet, only small pieces, but I'd say the heat is slightly above naga/bhut level. 
Couple quick pics before I go see if this thunderstorm that's coming is going to hit here. 
Dragonfly guarding an F3 nagabrain. Wish these things ate aphids and caterpillars!

Baby green anole looking for a snack

I noticed this morning that I've got damn aphids again

So made a trip to the local garden centre to arm myself for aphid war

So glad they carry beneficials, even if it's just ladybugs, mantids and earthworms. Was hoping for lacewing eggs too, but this'll do.
Today's harvest from my plants. I really need to start sending some boxes out as I'm running out of freezer room.
Managed to get a few tomatoes that weren't too badly damaged from all the rain last week

Nagabrains, Congo reds, yellow 7's and Birgit's haul

Also got my first ripe Madame Jeanette. The flavour of this one is very unique. Not very sweet or fruity, but definitely a flavour I enjoyed. Heat level was as I've read, which is around habanero level, was almost instant as well, lingered for a while then a slow fade. 
MeatHead1313 said:
Thanks Scott. That's what I'm doing with mine as well at the moment. Need to find a good sauce recipe for them. 
Gary definitely is for sure!
Thanks Jeff. Going to have it with breakfast in the morning. I just need to work out why that plant isn't producing anything else.
I'm sure the tomatoes will bounce back if we don't get any more rain like we had last week. Got a bunch frozen already and my wife made a huge pot of marinara sauce with some others so have plenty to fall back on if not.

Today's updates. Finally have some aji pineapple ripe! I'm ready to get a bunch of these together and make some jelly

Nice looking pepper.  Looks like it would be quite tasty
Tepin x lemon drop pod. I finally transplanted this plant into a 5 gallon root pouch after having left it in a 6 inch pot for far too long

Just how my pods look too.
Red bhut's making a comeback. No idea what was wrong with this plant but it's growing and has flower buds forming so I'm happy
Got some Thai fire pods ripening on the plant that was munched by a hornworm
MoA round 2 is coming along nicely
SB7J all loaded up
F3 nagabrain ready to be harvested again

Plants are loaded up nicely.
A couple of Madame Jeanette pods ripening. Looking forward to trying these as I've read the flavour is amazing on these

Never heard of this pepper, let me know how you like it.
F3 nagabrain pod. Lots of pain pimples on some of these peppers. 
That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by!
MeatHead1313 said:
I haven't tried a whole one yet, only small pieces, but I'd say the heat is slightly above naga/bhut level. 

Couple quick pics before I go see if this thunderstorm that's coming is going to hit here. 
Dragonfly guarding an F3 nagabrain. Wish these things ate aphids and caterpillars!
Baby green anole looking for a snack
I noticed this morning that I've got damn aphids again

I despise these creatures.
So made a trip to the local garden centre to arm myself for aphid war
So glad they carry beneficials, even if it's just ladybugs, mantids and earthworms. Was hoping for lacewing eggs too, but this'll do.
Today's harvest from my plants. I really need to start sending some boxes out as I'm running out of freezer room.

Nice pull
MeatHead1313 said:
Managed to get a few tomatoes that weren't too badly damaged from all the rain last week

Even if parts are bad, you can still pull enough off them to make something.
Nagabrains, Congo reds, yellow 7's and Birgit's haul

Nice pull
Also got my first ripe Madame Jeanette. The flavour of this one is very unique. Not very sweet or fruity, but definitely a flavour I enjoyed. Heat level was as I've read, which is around habanero level, was almost instant as well, lingered for a while then a slow fade. 
Thanks Jeff. The aji pineapple's are delicious! The Madame Jeanette had a unique flavour. Not a lot of sweetness or fruitiness that I noticed, but tasted great. Seems (to me at least) like it'd pair well with savory dishes or making a savory sauce.
I'm with you on the aphids. As soon as I saw them I knew I was going that day to get some ladybugs. Good thing is this lot stayed around well into the next day, and I still have some hanging around now. Hopefully they all got busy and have laid some eggs. My last aphid outbreak was wiped out extremely quickly once the ladybug nymphs hatched out.
My A3W Kraken scorpion has some freaking huge leaves! Easily the largest leaves out of any of my plants

Ladybugs generating the next wave of attack in the aphid war

Decided to try my hand at infusing some vodka last night. 



3 aji pineapple and 1 fatalii all sliced in half and added to the bottle. Need to let it sit for a while to really get the flavours and oils out of the peppers. Gave it a good shaking a few times last night and tried some. No pepper flavour yet, and just a very slight burn after swallowing. Should be better next weekend
Trinidad Congo red showing some nice colours while ripening

Lemon drop really needs to be harvested today

Aji amarillo is finally podding up

My first ripe CGN 21500

Couple of yellow 7's. The one on the left is from my plant, and the one on the right is off the plant I received from Gary. 

That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by.
Got a decent harvest after work today. Roma tomatoes off my in laws plants

Tomatoes off our plants

Decent haul of peppers

Chocolate scorpion

Our cat attempting to be cute

Getting some more bhut Indian carbons ripening, but all are smaller than they should be. Unsure if it's a cross or not, as I can't detect any other flavours other than the typical bhut flavour.

A3W kraken scorpion is budding up. Can't wait to see what these pods are going to look like

Aji pineapple is really loading up, and still putting out loads of flowers
aji pine.jpg

Red bhut looks to be making an effort to provide me with some pods late in the season
red bhut.jpg

Found this little guy on the red bhut this afternoon. Is it a good guy or a bad guy? Will try to get a better pic if I can

Think I answered my own question. I think it's a mealybug destroyer. Found more on my Bahamian goat that looked like they were munching on some aphids.
Couple more pics of them

HillBilly Jeff said:
Great update.  Not sure on the vodka thing though lol.
My tomatoes are running behind schedule a bit.
Thanks Jeff. I'll find out if the vodka was a good idea or not this weekend.
Hope your tomatoes catch up. Mine are doing better than they did last year. Once the heat hit last year that was pretty much it.
Not much to report here at the moment. Too damn hot and humid to spend much time outside. Good news though, our house is finished being built and is ready to be moved onto our property! After that it's just wait for water, power and septic to be installed and hooked up and then we can finally move in! Been a long, hard and stressful time (especially for my wife as she has to do most of the talking as no one can understand me lol), but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 
And being so close to having our own land, naturally I've already started planning out next year's grow! Haha. At the moment I'm thinking of building 2 raised beds to give them a try, and the rest will be in containers again. Tomatoes have already been designated a garden only plant, as I feel I'm limiting their potential far too much having them in the bags, and number of plants will be reduced a bit as well. Peppers will be a mix of whatever I can fit into the rest of the beds with the rest in root pouches. Grow list is yet to be decided, though I will be attempting to OW the plants I got from Gary, along with my MoA's for sure. Not sure if I'll be OW'ing any others yet. Also thinking of cutting back on the amount of supers grown and focusing more on sweet-hab heat level peppers. 
Update time. First ripe Thai's!

A nice wrinkly yellow 7. Absolutely love the flavour of these, and the heat levels right up there too.

Plant number 2 of the tepin x lemon drop is starting to put out some pods. Really wish I hadn't neglected these for so long

Today's harvest. Nagabrains, yellow 7's birgit's locoto, congo red, SAFI red hab (though I have read it's actually a bonnet variety), yellow mushroom, aji pineapple, aji lemon drop, black Hungarian, Bishop's crowns and a few small nards. My fatalii's and yellow bhut's have slowed right down since the influx of pods earlier. Not sure if that's heat related or not.

That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!

Can't wait til these change colour so I can try to work out what they are. Not SB7J.


Also have a couple more CGN 21500's ripening. This hasn't been a very productive plant, but I'll probably keep growing them as they taste amazing.
Absolutely love these birds. Such a beautiful colour, and their song is nice and relaxing. Really wish I had my camera on me at the time so I could get a better photo

This plant has been keeping me busy come harvesting time. I've got absolutely no idea how many pods I've picked off it already since I got it, and it's still absolutely loaded!

This explains why I haven't found any ripe CAP 215 pods yet. Something's been eating them. Unsure if this is bird or slug/snail damage

MoA round 2 is nicely under way, and looking similar to round 1. First batch of pods have an off shape, and some smaller one's not pictured seem to be heading towards A grade or close to it

Since realizing I may have been in desperate need of fertilizing my plants, I hit a bunch when they needed water with a mix of fish hydrolysate and liquid kelp. Also picked up some Dr Earth liquid tomato fertilizer yesterday and gave them a dose of that. Plants are looking much healthier now, and are starting to put out a bunch of new pods as well. Note to self for next season-fertilize more often, especially after a lot of rain.
Some new pods. Fatalii-

Unlabelled so not sure if this is a fatalii or yellow bhut

This one's yellow bhut, and looks like some of the pods may be pretty mean looking


2nd round Bahamian goats are looking the same as round 1. Love these peppers!

That's all for now. Thanks for watching!
First off congrats on the new house, that's always exciting! My son is about where you're at in that department.
Nice hauls! I expect the plants will slow down due to the heat some, and pick up again in September. Mine did last year.
Can't wait to see pics of the new place!
Devv said:
First off congrats on the new house, that's always exciting! My son is about where you're at in that department.
Nice hauls! I expect the plants will slow down due to the heat some, and pick up again in September. Mine did last year.
Can't wait to see pics of the new place!
Thanks Scott. I'm ready to be able to post pics of the house! Haha. Heard today that it'll be moved onto our property on Monday (it's a brand new mobile home), so hopefully the water, power and septic can all get done quickly and we'll be in in a couple of weeks.
I know my orange habs slowed down a bit in the heat last year, cayenne and jals kept going though. This year's grow might have been a bit over ambitious for only my 2nd year and only having 8 plants including tomatoes last year, but I've learned a hell of a lot from it thanks to you and everyone else on here, and I'm sure the last half of this season and then next season will be bigger and better!
Still looking good man. The heat is definitely slowing things down here on the coast. I've only got two pods left on the bhut and managed to kill my primo. The grocery store has been carrying some naga jolokias lately so im not completely screwed.
Mine are slowing down too, still a bunch of pods out there but no new ones setting. Hell it's August ;)
At the end of August I'm tearing everything down for next seasons prep. Can't just keep growing without doing some "homework".
Chris, this is my second year growing from seed, and growing anything hotter than a Jal. I will admit to many years of growing tomatoes, good training for peppers ;)
Enjoy the weekend!
Thanks guys. Mature pods have slowed right down here lately, but getting a ton of new flowers and pods on all my plants. Looks like it'll be a crazy end of the season here. Going to let everything grow until frost is predicted, then it'll be time to trim back the plants I'm going to OW, and the rest will be stripped and put in the compost bin. 
Bonda ma Jacques has some new buds forming

A3W kraken scorpion has some pods set

Japanese eggplant. This is my 2nd year trying to grow eggplant in pots, and I have had no luck at all. My plants have stayed small both years, while my in laws plants in the ground just explode. Next year, mine will be in ground as well

Quick pic of yesterday's harvest. If it wasn't for the nagabrains, that bowl would probably be only half full

Bhut Indian carbon ripening a few more pods I ordered a few different varities of seeds from pepperlover yesterday for next year's grow, including these. Hoping to get better shapes from her seed than I've got so far this year from saved seeds

Primo flowers

MoA is really loading up now. My other plant is also putting out a bunch of flowers in isolation, so hopefully I'll get a bunch of isolated seed off that one in a month or 2



7 pot barrackpore has it's first flowers forming as well. This is another plant that was neglected for too long

That's all for now. Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go.
Dude awesome glog man..I hope my hydro glog comes out this good...

I'm excited to get some of your pods to enjoy on my camping trip this weekend...
Chris your grow is CRAZY!!
I really wish I could of met up at the festival now. I've been looking at the CGN 21500's you have growing and definitely want to get some of those now. They look incredible.
Care to describe the flavor and heat?