• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
Thanks Balazs! Hoping the black Hungarian does good. Really loved the flavour of it. The soil issue was really something I should've noticed earlier. Rookie mistake there. No problem with the miragle gro or fax farm soil so loving that. Thanks for reminding me of the snails. I need to put some more snail bait out. Noticed a few had snuck into the greenhouse today.

Devv said:
Oh, the T5's are just like the sun, maybe better, I have a 4 bulb 4' 6400k unit. I actually pulled some of the lighter green plants out because the lights were turning the leaves a bronze color, and the greener ones...they look like they're over fertilized..when they have had none. I run them 13 hours a day.
Get ready!
Awesome! Can't wait to set it up and get some seedlings under them! What would be the best schedule? I was thinking of doing 12 hours on and 12 hours off, depending on my work schedule.

Final seeds planted today into some Light Warrior mix. No more seeds to be planted after these otherwise I'll have absolutely no room lol. 

My brain didn't want to work properly when counting out the available spaces. Ended up with 1 slot left empty so added a Bonda ma Jacques as well. Not sure how that one will do as I just grabbed it out of the packet and didn't soak it. 
HillBilly Jeff said:
You are suppose to have slightly more peppers than you have room for....you need to go plant another tray!!!
Hope your Jaques makes it for you. The flavor is strong with that one.
Haha. I am tempted. Still have seeds for some varieties I haven't planted yet. Need to keep some room for a few vegetables as well. My wife wants tomatoes and some okra, so might sneak another pepper or 2 in when I do the seeds for those. 
I'm hoping it sprouts too. Definitely love the flavour of that one. 
HillBilly Jeff said:
Seen okra, and then looked where you are at....had visions of jaques with some okra in a crawfish bisque!!!  Considering my temperatures here, I might make something like that this weekend.
That sounds mighty fine! I'm not a fan of okra, but my wife loves it.
Ghetto grow light setup is up! Got my lights in today. Set them up in the spare bedroom, turned them on and wow! You all weren't kidding about how bright they are! Got them set up on a little shelving unit I got from Home Depot for $20. Have 1 seed tray under 1, hoping the steady warmth in there helps with germination. Only have 2 seedlings under the other for now, waiting to see how they respond before adding more. Don't want to take the risk of killing them all if i mess up somehow. 
Lights I got- 2ft T5HO Sunblasters

All set up

Red bhut and SB7J under one light

Seed tray under the other

Covered with a mylar survival blanket to help with light reflection/retention

Left one end open to help let some heat out
Devv said:
You will love the lights!
Thanks Devv! Already loving them. Temps are looking pretty good in there too. Was sitting around 78 on top of the tray earlier. Need to double check it again though. Should I add some mylar on the floor to reflect some light back up? 
HabaneroHead said:
Nice setup!
Enough room for many plants :P
Thanks HabaneroHead! 
Might have to add a sheet or blanket on top. Checked the temps again and it had dropped down to 74. If I can get it at 80-85 I'll be happy. 
I put foil on the bottom of my grow shelf, and I noticed a difference
in the amount of light illuminating the bottoms of the leaves.  I figure
the more light bouncing around, the better.  Every photon counts!
Your new light set-up/shelf is way cool, brother!
PaulG said:
I put foil on the bottom of my grow shelf, and I noticed a difference
in the amount of light illuminating the bottoms of the leaves.  I figure
the more light bouncing around, the better.  Every photon counts!
Your new light set-up/shelf is way cool, brother!
Thanks Paul. Looks like I need to make some adjustments in the morning then. May lower the light over the seedlings too. Have it about 3-4 inches above them at the moment. Would 2 inches be too close? Appreciate the info.
Great setup meathead. I just put mine together as well, but used a ton of cfl's. One day I'll pick up some T5s, but I like the versatility of the CFLs for now.

Anyway, wanted to let you know I found this stuff called "reflectix" from Home Depot. 10 bucks for a pretty big roll. I think it's basically the same as the Mylar blanket but maybe a little better at retaining the heat. Will post some picks soon.

Already envious of your smart lights setup. Happy growing!
The older plants are still happy and growing strong. May have to top some soon so they still fit in the greenhouse







Black Hungarian still putting out flowers. All have dropped so far though


A few Chinense plants are starting to put out a lot of small buds. I really can't wait for these to set pods so I can label them correctly

Not sure if it's my imagination or not, but it looks like my SB7J seedling under the T5 has shown a little growth overnight

maximumcapsicum said:
Great setup meathead. I just put mine together as well, but used a ton of cfl's. One day I'll pick up some T5s, but I like the versatility of the CFLs for now.

Anyway, wanted to let you know I found this stuff called "reflectix" from Home Depot. 10 bucks for a pretty big roll. I think it's basically the same as the Mylar blanket but maybe a little better at retaining the heat. Will post some picks soon.

Already envious of your smart lights setup. Happy growing!
Thanks maxcap! The cfl setup looks good too. I'm tempted to try it as well, need to find a new house though first. Maybe next season. 
Thanks for the info on the reflectix. Might have to check it out. At the moment I'm thinking of taking the mylar blankets off and attaching them to some cardboard to put around the shelf. The mylar's not sitting perfectly flat at the moment and I don't want to risk hotspots from uneven reflection. Just need to get some boxes from work.
"Would 2 inches be too close? Appreciate the info."
The suggestions I read said 4-10 cm from the plants.
That's about 1.5-4 inches.  I've got my starts at about 3".
I'm a little wary of crisping the tender seedlings.  The
larger plants I had, I kept at about 2".
"it looks like my SB7J seedling under the T5 has shown a little growth overnight"
Your are not imagining things, Chris.  Peppers are day neutral,
so they do their growing at night.
I always look for new growth/differences in the morning.
PaulG said:
"Would 2 inches be too close? Appreciate the info."
The suggestions I read said 4-10 cm from the plants.
That's about 1.5-4 inches.  I've got my starts at about 3".
I'm a little wary of crisping the tender seedlings.  The
larger plants I had, I kept at about 2".
"it looks like my SB7J seedling under the T5 has shown a little growth overnight"
Your are not imagining things, Chris.  Peppers are day neutral,
so they do their growing at night.
I always look for new growth/differences in the morning.
Thanks Paul. Going by that I'll leave the lights where they are then. Didn't know they grew at night instead of during the day. Thanks for the info!
Sure did look like a great price, and a great setup overall. Can't wait to see it filled with plants!
Most plants do indeed do their growing at night. They build their cell walls during the day and then pump the new cells, which are there when the sun goes down, full of water at night, which is why the growth is perceptible. One of the reasons dusk watering can be a good idea... you don't want them to want for water at night.