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Meet the Man/Woman behind the screen: Post your pic thread

Negril? Did you go to a joint called Chicken Lavish? Best curry in all of Jamaica I hear. I actually called and talked to the owner "Doc" for advice for our Curry Throwdown.

Oh yeah, nice form jumpmaster. LOL
Scoville DeVille said:
Negril? Did you go to a joint called Chicken Lavish? Best curry in all of Jamaica I hear. I actually called and talked to the owner "Doc" for advice for our Curry Throwdown.

Oh yeah, nice form jumpmaster. LOL
Scovie I didn't go there.  If I would have known to tho I sure would have.  It's pretty sketchy off any of the resorts to be honest.  Walked to a couple flee markets and obviously some Jerk stands.  That is where my first taste of Scotch Bonnets were and instantly became an obsession!  Of course I scored some amazing Ganj too!
You can't dig my cliff jumpin skills :rofl:
dash 2 said:
     You catch that Northern back in 'sconnie?
Oh you betcha eh!  Moving down south was the best thing I've ever done in my life not only for me but my wife and kids as well.  Sconnie will always be home to me tho.  I now hate the way that snow and ice looks, lol!  Def don't miss that part of it AT ALL!
sicman said:
nice beard.
this is just funny stuff none of you smooth face cuties get mad :rofl: all in jest!
Thanks.  I've been working on this beast for about a year and a half now, and I've only touched a razor to my face twice during that time.  The most I ever do anymore is trim up some of the wild hairs with scissors to even everything out.  The wife definitely loves it too, which is a plus.  She's a bit of a beard enabler and prefers it over me being clean shaven.  I think that makes her a keeper.  :rofl:
Oh, and as for beard memes, here's another good one:
