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Megahots grow log 2011-2012

First sprout was a Bhut on 12-14-2011. Thanks to all that helped me along the way! I am starting to feed them 1 tsp of fert per gallon of water. I have a 2 ft T5 6500K that emits 8,000 lumens, on its way to me. and I am ordering a 4 ft mylar grow tent :) Here's some pics from germination until now. I will update with more pi9cs as time goes on.



Here's some new pics for you guys! The ButchT I transplanted into the 5 gal pot got transplant shock :( But it should bounce back I hope! :) I also am using a new grow light! Its a hooded 400W mh/hps light. I am currently using a 7200K MH grow bulb in it. The plants seem to be loving it! with lots of new growth. The solo shot of a plant is my Y 7 pod plant which is my biggest and best looking plant!


Hey mega, Your plants look "Great".......nice light , I have a few 400's , also with the 7200k lamps. Those really rock the plants, and talk about dark green leaves.....you wait!

I prefer those over my 600's hps.......which I don't have powered up.......yet

Hey mega, Your plants look "Great".......nice light , I have a few 400's , also with the 7200k lamps. Those really rock the plants, and talk about dark green leaves.....you wait!

I prefer those over my 600's hps.......which I don't have powered up.......yet


Thanks Greg! Ya, I love the light!!! ;)
Yes, very healthy and green, Jon - those are nice specimens,
should kick arse under those lights! Can't wait to see pix
of them growing in 30-gallon garbage cans, especially your
yellow seven pot! Good growing!
Yes, very healthy and green, Jon - those are nice specimens,
should kick arse under those lights! Can't wait to see pix
of them growing in 30-gallon garbage cans, especially your
yellow seven pot! Good growing!

Thanks Paul! The Bhuts are already producing some buds! and yes, they will kick my arse lol :) They will all be transplanted into 5 gal pots soon :) I'm particularly proud with my big Y 7 she's a prize to look at! :) Ooops I hope my wife isn't reading this lol :whistle: :halo:
Yeah, definitely a keeper ;)
And the big Y 7, too.

Our ladies deserve awards for putting up
with all this nonsense :clap:
Those are awesome looking plants Jon. It seems inevitable that I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get me one or two of those lamps. What a difference between those and my silly T12s with grow bulbs! Laz almost had me sold, and now you have really gone and done it. We need all the help we can get out here in the Pacific Northwest, and that MH lamp definitely looks like the answer to a great start. Keep up the good work.
Your plants look perfect Mega. Should be an awesome year if mother nature allows it :woohoo:

Thanks! Last summer was crap! It wasnt much of a summer at all! :( I hope this summer will be much better! :) In the PNW it rains too much! :(

Those are awesome looking plants Jon. It seems inevitable that I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get me one or two of those lamps. What a difference between those and my silly T12s with grow bulbs! Laz almost had me sold, and now you have really gone and done it. We need all the help we can get out here in the Pacific Northwest, and that MH lamp definitely looks like the answer to a great start. Keep up the good work.

Thanks my friend! ya, for lighting either a T5 or an MH/HPS light is the way to go! My new light is giving me a whole lot of new growth! You wont be disappointed!!! Ya, the pacific Northwest is certainly not sunny! lol
Great looking plants Megahot. Those are some giant leaves on your yellow 7!

Thank you! Ya some of them are almost the size of my hand! I dont have small hands either.

Your plants look great. Nice compact growth. They will be monsters by the time you plant them out.

Thank you! ya, I dont want them to be gigantic though, since I live in an apt. Thats why I'm not going any bigger then a 5 gal pot.
Wow. You're kinda a dick. Putting beautiful pics like that up making me feel all inferior. DAMN. Fine plants sir, very very fine.

Hahaha thanks! You will get there! Trust me there are a lot of ppl on here that have way better plants then mine! I'm sure yours are very nice too! ;)