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Megahots grow log 2011-2012

First sprout was a Bhut on 12-14-2011. Thanks to all that helped me along the way! I am starting to feed them 1 tsp of fert per gallon of water. I have a 2 ft T5 6500K that emits 8,000 lumens, on its way to me. and I am ordering a 4 ft mylar grow tent :) Here's some pics from germination until now. I will update with more pi9cs as time goes on.



Your plants can't look that good naturally! You must be doping...no other explanation! Going to follow this one...

Your plants can't look that good naturally! You must be doping...no other explanation! Going to follow this one...

Lol! Ya, I give em a little boost of my special stuff, that Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire used! :lol: JK lol. Ya, I give my babies lots of goodies but not too much :)
Here is some more picture updates, one of the pics is the things I use or I'm planning to use on my plants this yr! half of my plants the leaves are yellowing and a few plants have leaf curl/ maybe a bit of fert burn! uhggg. still have to straighten them out some how, any help would be great!!! :) Also, in one of the pics you can see the buds and the plant starting to branch out :)


Thanks Pash!

+1 Yeah, let's hear it!

P.S. Pretty plants!

What are the two bottles on the far left (front and back row)?

2 bottles in front and back 2 front are cal mag and worm tea, 2 back are liquid seaweed, and Ph down formula

Transplanted my yellow 7 into a 5gal pot today heres a pic of the roots
Now that's a root ball! Should take off like a rocket!

Still want to hear your fertilizer recipe, or regimen, if you have time!

What is your climate like where you are? Are you ready to
plant out if they are going into 5-gal containers?
That's a heck of a smorgasboard of nutes mega you're going to spoil those beauties.

I've got a bit of over fert yellowing going on myself. They look like they're going to pull out of it, hope yours do to.
Now that's a root ball! Should take off like a rocket!

Still want to hear your fertilizer recipe, or regimen, if you have time!

What is your climate like where you are? Are you ready to
plant out if they are going into 5-gal containers?

no recipes here lol. I just use my blue moon 3 parts grow one part bloom fert. usually once every other week. I also use a foliar spray worm juice one week, then liquid seaweed the next. I've also used epsom spray once as well. I'm in the process of transplanting them all now potting up into 3 and 5 gal pots. My plants are grown indoors they did catch some slight sun when the weather hit 65 and sunny a few weeks back. But lately its been typical NW weather for winter cold and rain!~

That's a heck of a smorgasboard of nutes mega you're going to spoil those beauties.

I've got a bit of over fert yellowing going on myself. They look like they're going to pull out of it, hope yours do to.

Thanks Patrick! I try to give them the best! actually, Upon doing further research, I dont think they are fert burn! I think its quite the opposite in fact! I looked up fert burn and fert burn pics online, and it was saying/showing a brownish color on the leaves, not yellow. Not to mention, the plants that are in soil with nutes look much healthier and they all get watered and fed the same way and same amount! So I'm 99.99% sure they are indeed under fed!

That's a heck of a smorgasboard of nutes mega you're going to spoil those beauties.

I've got a bit of over fert yellowing going on myself. They look like they're going to pull out of it, hope yours do to.

as far as your yellowing, how much N is in your fert? I would hit em with some fish fert, which is 5-1-1, 5% N, maybe I'm wrong here, its up to you, unless you know your over feeding them, I'd try it:)

Like the sticky paper, DIE gnats! I thought about using a flamethrower for mine, lol

Good solid roots!

Lol yup! havent really even seen any! they are there just in case! It's true unless you give them a reason to invite them in, you wont really see them around! and gnats are bad around these parts due to all the rain/ moisture we get!

Looking great. Thanks for the seeds!

Thanks, glad they made it to ya! :)
no recipes here lol. I just use my blue moon 3 parts grow one part bloom fert. usually once every other week. I also use a foliar spray worm juice one week, then liquid seaweed the next. I've also used epsom spray once as well.
the blue moon combo sounds a lot like the Alaska 'grow team' - I use it every other watering at low strength at this point - 3-4 week old plants - about 3 to 4 days between waterings. I haven't tried the worm juice or liq. seaweed, but they sound interesting. What strength epsom did you use? As I understand it you do it at flowering and at fruit set?
But lately its been typical NW weather for winter cold and rain!~
Yes, it has. Yuk. But we love the challenge, right! I'm feeling all team NWesty :cool:

Thanks for sharing your fert. info, Megahot!
You are welcome Paul! The Epsom I used one tbsp per gal of water. As far as using it, most people give it a few sprays here and there as needed, ie, a few times when they are young and around fruit setting stage.
My first flower on my Bhut Jolokia pepper plant AKA Ghost pepper! Soon it will be time to eat peppers, make salsa, hot sauce etc!!! :)