• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Megamoo's 2012/2013 Glog

I'm in a new house with much more space, better sheltered areas for plants and hopefully less disease in the environment. Unless I win the lottery and buy myself a mansion I'm good to stay here for a long time. The landlord knows about and is cool with the fluorescent light grow setups in the garage, and is happy for me to transform the outside into a chilli jungle. All signs point to a good season ahead.

Winter has just begun, and I've got the germinating and growing on stations setup. Chilli seeds are in the post flying to my door.

This is the current seed list I have to choose from, including varieties ordered but yet to arrive.

7 Pot Brainstrain
7 Pot Yellow
Aji Amarillo
Aji Cristal
Aji Lemon
Aji Panca
Aji Pineapple
Antillais Caribbean
Aribibi Gusano
Baccio De Satana
Bahamian Bird Pepper
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Beni Highlands
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia x Habanero White Giant
Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta De Neyde
Big Jim
Bih Jolokia
Bishop's Crown
Black Prince
Brazillian Pumpkin
Brazillian Starfish
Burke's Backyard Thai Chilli
Capsicum Californian Wonder
Capsicum Giant Bell
Capsicum Hungarian Yellow Wax Hot
Capsicum Sweet Banana
CGN 21469
Chihuacle Negro
Chilaca Pasilla
Chilli Cayenne Gold
Chilli Cayenne Red
Chilli Costa Rica
Chilli Habanero Red
Chilli Jalapeno
Chilli Poblano
Congo Brown
Corno Di Torro Rossi
Datil x Lemon
Dorset Naga
Early Jalapeno
Explosive Ember
Filipino Bell Pepper
Giant Jalapeno
Guampinha De Veado
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Peach
Habanero Red
Hot Cherry
Hot Fish
Hot Pepper
Hot Wax
Hungarian Black
Jalapeno Tam
Jamaica Scotch Bonnet
Jimmy Nardello
Joe's Long
Joker's Hat
Limo Blanco
Magnum Habanero
Manzano Amarillo
Mystery Pepper
Naga Jolokia Purple
Naga Morich
Numex Twilight
Orange Habanero
Orange Lantern
Peruvian White Habanero
Peter Pepper Orange
Peter Pepper Red
Pimenta De Neyde
Pimenta Di Bico
Purple Tiger
Pusa Jwala
Red Hot Cherry
Rocoto Peru Bitumi
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Siling Labuyo
Thai Cayenne
Thai Orange
Thai Prik Mann
Thai Yellow
Topaz Chilli
Trinidad 7Pot Jonah
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion (stingerless)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
White Labuyo
Wild Tepin
Zapotec Jalapeno

Many of these are just one or two seeds leftover from old stock and I won't be planting everything. A lot of the ornamentals will be getting just one plant. I'm might still get some more 7pots and superhot varieties.

The garden beds need a little work, and retic needs to be sorted but I've got a few months to do that. I'll post pictures when I have them.
Moo , it seems a few growers in perth are getting exaclly the same thing with the BER, its been eating at me as this is the only year i have seen it on my plants , Ber is lacking calcium and to much water , but one thing i have noticed is that all around this area and iv driven the car around and inspected all the roads around here , there is very bad water marks on the road where peoples sprinklers are going onto the road , its kinda like a rust stain .my house isnt bore water but yet the road is badly stained were the sprinklers are hitting the road.

Take a look around some of the roads in your area to see if you are getting the same kind of stain , Im wondering if the water corp is doing somthing or putting something in the water because we have never had stains on the roads like this before , it just seems funny that everyone is getting the same problem .

I noticed i was getting some leaf deformaties , miss shapen leaves and im sure to correct it you use cal mag , so i bought some and it did help with the new leaves and seemed to stop the miss shapen leaves , but its just getting to me as to why so many pods are getting ber..

maybe there is somthing being put into our water supply that is causing it , who knows .

Any thoughts ppl , could something in the water be causing this? every grower i know around this area is getting BER.
Example a
Is that silk around the hole on the pod on the right or is it just the blurry shot, Kev? :P If it is silk, I reckon caterpillars. The other pods look like they might be suffering a bit of sun damage to me. Is it only happening on the sides of the pods that are exposed to the sun?

One of my Butchies suffering some sun scald....


I dunno, rotting is a different story though. If you Perth lot are all getting rotting pods and haven't seen it before, it definitely sounds like something is up.

The stains you are seeing are weird, Sownseeds. You are not living on an old toxic waste dump are you?? :shocked: Seriously though, I wouldn't put it past the water corp/gov to add who-knows-what to the water! :scared:
Sorry to high jack your glog moo... but the water in Perth is shit! I was just in Melbourne and the tap water there tastes better than my filtered tap water here. They are putting some nasty shit in our water.
Sorry to high jack your glog moo... but the water in Perth is shit! I was just in Melbourne and the tap water there tastes better than my filtered tap water here. They are putting some nasty shit in our water.

Don't know what yours is like compared to ours but don't expect much better when you move here! Ours tastes and smells like chemical. Mmmmmm.... chloramine, fluoride and who knows what else! :sick: I only drink/cook with bottled water. I was treating the tap water for my plants with ascorbic acid to remove the chloramine but unfortunately it got to be a lot of dicking around that I just don't have time for so now they get it straight out of the tap. I have found somewhere I can go load up on bore water though. I'll have to get onto that soon.
Who knows whats going on with the water , but its just strange as to why so many growers are getting this with the pods, iv tried cal mag , , and the funny thing is my friend down the road is getting the same thing happen to his passion fruit vines , and the leaves as well are all crinkled and miss shapen , the water corp could be adding something to the water to help with algie , who knows but i have a white bath and somtimes when i fill the bath to bath the kids the water is murkey and sometimed its clear , but it has been a little darker colour latley.

Yeh me to moo sorry , i wasnt meaning to High jack your glog as well , but just responding to you haveing the same sort of problem with rotting pods like so many of us .
There is no comparison between heat levels in green bhuts and what happens when you let them ripen. Strap yourself in!

Moving to individual drippers and avoiding sprays is a great idea. I am much lower tech so I just collect my water in rain barrel and water my pepper one watering can at a time. I don't mind it though, because it gives me time to really look at the plants.

I actually started a thread last summer when something was gnawing on my bhuts and causing almost identical damage. You can check it out to see if any of the comments help:
I actually mixed a larger, slightly older, green bhut pod into some food last night and it was seriously hot! Still completely green too.

Everything I've read says not to splash water onto the leaves unless you are trying to foliar feed, but not as a regular thing. So drippers are the way to go.

That thread mentions grasshoppers, mice, beetles, birds. Well there is definite evidence of mice so that's a big possibility. No grasshoppers but I have seen the odd cricket hanging about, sort of the same thing. You hear them at night, doesn't sound like a lot though. I've ruled out birds because of the inaccessibility of the pods. Don't think its beetles either. Thanks for the ideas, thats what this site is really good for.

Moo , it seems a few growers in perth are getting exaclly the same thing with the BER, its been eating at me as this is the only year i have seen it on my plants , Ber is lacking calcium and to much water , but one thing i have noticed is that all around this area and iv driven the car around and inspected all the roads around here , there is very bad water marks on the road where peoples sprinklers are going onto the road , its kinda like a rust stain .my house isnt bore water but yet the road is badly stained were the sprinklers are hitting the road.

Take a look around some of the roads in your area to see if you are getting the same kind of stain , Im wondering if the water corp is doing somthing or putting something in the water because we have never had stains on the roads like this before , only bore water stains it .. but not tap water , it just seems funny that everyone is getting the same problem .

I noticed i was getting some leaf deformaties , miss shapen leaves and im sure to correct it you use cal mag , so i bought some and it did help with the new leaves and seemed to stop the miss shapen leaves , but its just getting to me as to why so many pods are getting ber..

maybe there is somthing being put into our water supply that is causing it , who knows .

Any thoughts ppl , could something in the water be causing this? every grower i know around this area is getting BER.
From what I've read I'm not convinced my problems are BER. A lot of my ripe tomatoes are burrowed into by bugs, and a lot have the blossom end all crusty with corkage like Jalapenos get... but no damage I would call BER. Same for the chillies, the damage doesn't start on the blossom end or is even there on most of the bad ones.

My area isn't big on bore irrigation, not like some of those places you see where everything is rusty brown. There is definitely a white powdery residue left from the bore water droplets that have dried on the plant.

I'm all for conspiracy theories about the powers that be putting additives into the water supply. I wouldn't put anything past them and nothing would surprise me about their purposes in doing so. But I'm inclined to think this is more of a case of fertilizers and chemicals leaching into the aquifer.

It's possible they are adding something to counteract hard water which is too much calcium carbonate?.... Or something to do with that? I'm not too clued up on how it works so don't know.

My tap water tastes like shit, I can't bare to drink it. I use a big filter or bottled water for drinking.
My neighbour has rainwater tanks which is great for getting chemical free water and for sustainability but I also noticed him spraying glyphosate all along the garden bed in his driveway, where he is growing food :P Rainwater tanks are obviously a cost saving measure for most people.

Example a
Yes!!! I'm getting that shit on my chillies and my tomatoes. I thought it was bugs causing it.
Put some pics of your damage up Lavatung.

Is that silk around the hole on the pod on the right or is it just the blurry shot, Kev? :P If it is silk, I reckon caterpillars. The other pods look like they might be suffering a bit of sun damage to me. Is it only happening on the sides of the pods that are exposed to the sun?

One of my Butchies suffering some sun scald....


I dunno, rotting is a different story though. If you Perth lot are all getting rotting pods and haven't seen it before, it definitely sounds like something is up.

The stains you are seeing are weird, Sownseeds. You are not living on an old toxic waste dump are you?? :shocked: Seriously though, I wouldn't put it past the water corp/gov to add who-knows-what to the water! :scared:
Have to agree with gas, from that pic it looks like different things going on. At least you're still getting good ripe ones Kev.

Even if their intentions are benign the water corp/govt are managing a very large situation and have to take into account the needs of industry, and cost of doing anything. If they even know there is a chance that what they add to the water might have an affect on home vegetable garden output I doubt it ranks very high on their list. Unless people are going to start sprouting antennae and turning green it would be considered irrelevant.

Sorry to high jack your glog moo... but the water in Perth is shit! I was just in Melbourne and the tap water there tastes better than my filtered tap water here. They are putting some nasty shit in our water.
The water down in Esperance is shocking. Apparently it runs through the site of an old dump and so they have to add tons of chemicals to it to make it "drinkable". Rain tanks and bottled water do very well down there. Of course there is lead rain and birds dropping from the sky dead so rainwater might not be the best either!

Don't know what yours is like compared to ours but don't expect much better when you move here! Ours tastes and smells like chemical. Mmmmmm.... chloramine, fluoride and who knows what else! :sick: I only drink/cook with bottled water. I was treating the tap water for my plants with ascorbic acid to remove the chloramine but unfortunately it got to be a lot of dicking around that I just don't have time for so now they get it straight out of the tap. I have found somewhere I can go load up on bore water though. I'll have to get onto that soon.
Because of the chemicals people use and industry dumps I wouldn't drink bore water if there was another choice.

Who knows whats going on with the water , but its just strange as to why so many growers are getting this with the pods, iv tried cal mag , , and the funny thing is my friend down the road is getting the same thing happen to his passion fruit vines , and the leaves as well are all crinkled and miss shapen , the water corp could be adding something to the water to help with algie , who knows but i have a white bath and somtimes when i fill the bath to bath the kids the water is murkey and sometimed its clear , but it has been a little darker colour latley.
When I turn on the hot water it goes all milky sometimes. Not to mention you have no idea the state of the water pipes used in the plumbing. In my old house they had to do some work on the mains metre and after they finished they were supposed to flush anything out of the front garden tap, but they didn't. So I turned on the kitchen tap and very soon it filled up with lots of little bits of crap and was spitting out every which way!

Everything was set up before people worried about dissolved metals in the water, now we have to live with it. I saw a documentary that said Mozart went mad because of lead poisoning. They would powder their wigs with it and use it in medicines. Because it didn't kill instantly they thought it was safe.

What they put in the water for one well intentioned reason, after long term exposure might cause serious damage. I have NO doubt that most of the serious illnesses and behavioural disorders there are nowadays are the the result of long term chemical exposure, that started at the time of the industrial revolution.

Better have me a drink before I rant some more.. :beer:

Yeh me to moo sorry , i wasnt meaning to High jack your glog as well , but just responding to you haveing the same sort of problem with rotting pods like so many of us .

No worries mate that's what forums are for. I want to hear and see what everyone is dealing with. It's all good! :cheers:
Moo , i spent almost 2 years in and out of the fremantle hospital cancer ward with my wife , the cancer she had was caused by exposure to high levels of radiation , the Nuclear physicists at the hospital told me ever since the french tested those nukes at Mururoa , there has been an 80 % increse of the same cancer my wife had, in australia and nz, something our Gov never warned us of the risk , it works out that my wife was a dancer with johnny young at the time and spent 2 weeks in nz dancing , a few other girls all got the same cancer.

What im saying is you just never know , and i dont trust any gov , Australia is one only a few countrys in the world that hasnt banned the use of MDF fibre board, countrys all over the world have banned the use of it because of femaldahide. , NUP not out crap gov because they dont care if australians get cancer , Ohh and as for round up ready soy products , BANNED in alot of countrys , Australia is the biggest importer .

Maybe the water is fine and its normal for the road to stain like it is , but you just never know..
Moo , i spent almost 2 years in and out of the fremantle hospital cancer ward with my wife , the cancer she had was caused by exposure to high levels of radiation , the Nuclear physicists at the hospital told me ever since the french tested those nukes at Mururoa , there has been an 80 % increse of the same cancer my wife had, in australia and nz, something our Gov never warned us of the risk , it works out that my wife was a dancer with johnny young at the time and spent 2 weeks in nz dancing , a few other girls all got the same cancer.

What im saying is you just never know , and i dont trust any gov , Australia is one only a few countrys in the world that hasnt banned the use of MDF fibre board, countrys all over the world have banned the use of it because of femaldahide. , NUP not out crap gov because they dont care if australians get cancer , Ohh and as for round up ready soy products , BANNED in alot of countrys , Australia is the biggest importer .

Maybe the water is fine and its normal for the road to stain like it is , but you just never know..
I assume your wife beat it, seeing as you were talking about an unintended burning experience in another thread ;)

Had no idea MDF was dangerous in any way, been using it all the time. Routed a few channels out of some MDF to make the light array I used to grow all my seedlings in this thread. That sure makes a lot of dust! I tried not to inhale didn't wear a mask though.

F#*K that roundup ready crap. Nothing but a seriously wrong idea. Is going to turn out badly for everyone.

With all these chemicals and cancer causing stuff... we are just dicking around in the dark hoping there aren't any bear traps. I can't help but think about pictures of people being bathed in clouds of DDT for a good cause. That sums up where we are as people.

Whilst on the bad news I took some pics of what I dread is mite damage :(

Orange Lantern with the bad kind of gnarly


All the plants are growing into each other and the two plants on either side have started to show a few affected leaves too.
I could top this plant but I don't think mites can be controlled that way?

The two annuums in this section have some leaves which look definitely miteish


I'll cut the tops off these plants and see if they manage to grow healthier stuff.
If the damage spreads I might have to get some of those californicus fellas that went to mite war for Gas.

Different type of problem on this one. Only got one Datil seed to sprout and it was never the healthiest seedling. Now the plant looks as though it is majorly overwatered, with big cupping leaves despite getting the same ration as everything else.

The seeds were freebies and I was warned they might be an unintentional cross. So I think this is a cross which didn't work. Not a keeper but I'll grow it out and see what happens unless it starts harbouring disease.

On a better note the Mystery Pepper (possibly red savina) that I got from Lavatung has spit out a pod. The first seedling I planted was crushed early on and took a while to recover, its flowering now. This is the other plant which was planted in the second round and was just out of the shadecloth so it stayed small.

Douglah from second round, in the second row finally setting a pod.

Douglah, third round and late planting right at the end of the whole row is deciding its had enough growing and its bud time.

Overall shot. Don't know what the ones to the far left are on but they are reaching up high. Never thought they'd make it to the shade cloth. The dip in height in the middle is solely because four plants in a row got crushed when they were first transplanted.


Next time I'll set them more than twice the distance apart. So take out every second plant from this row, and then a bit more.

Got more photos.
Very nice looking garden :-D
Thanks Matt. Thanks for stopping by :)

More pictures

Bih Jolokia. These are very productive plants. I like the long pointy pod shape.



Jamaica Scotch Bonnet.


I've seen comments that many Scotch Bonnet seeds being sold are actually Habaneros. These seem to have the right shape though.

Yellow 7 Pot.
I am growing these from two different seed sources and the pods are shaping up different too. Although I actually thought these two were supposed to be from the same place. I will have to go and double check.
Plant 1

Plant 2


Moruga Red

Moruga Yellow
I hate being the bearer of bad news but definitely looks like you got the mite, moo. :( Drop a load of Californicus on their ass! :hell: (I really should do the same as I've had a few reinfestations popping up here and there.)

Sheeeet, I just realized I got no Bihs going this season... WTH!?!? How in the fudge did I forget 'em??? They are a great chilli... you'll 'em, moo! Thems some nice looking pods you got too!

(You know, I'm sure I got one going this season.... :confused: someone must have stole it or something!)
Yeah looks like mites sorry mega :( interestingly enough orange lanterns I believe are very susceptible to mites and the damage is very quick and severe to show. (Based on my past two seasons)

I also noticed that annums seem to be effected worse and quicker in general then Chinense var.
I have been using sulphur (lime sulphur although you can use a stronger sulphur solution or dust but you shouldn't use it in temps above 30c ) to control my worst effected plants still early days but my plants are already shooting out new shoots and no sign of any live mites.

Bonus with lime sulphur is there is no withholding period and it helps control fungal issues as a plus. Worst part is it kills a good portion of your good bugs as well hence I only use it on my plants as a final resort
Man, MM, for the most part, it's taking off! Sorry to see the probable mite damage. The retaining wall garden looks full and lush. I remember when you first planted the young plants it looked like plenty of space between them. Really puts perspective onto how much they have grown. Those pods look oh so bumpy. Very nice. Really liking the Yellow 7s and the Bih Jolokia. Keep on keepin' on. Looking forward to your ripe pod shots!
Both of those yellow 7s could be legit moo. Funny some of my yellow 7s start off much smoother then others and get bumpy later and others are bumpy from the off. All on the same plant. So two different plants could easily do the same thing