• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Megamoo's 2012/2013 Glog

I'm in a new house with much more space, better sheltered areas for plants and hopefully less disease in the environment. Unless I win the lottery and buy myself a mansion I'm good to stay here for a long time. The landlord knows about and is cool with the fluorescent light grow setups in the garage, and is happy for me to transform the outside into a chilli jungle. All signs point to a good season ahead.

Winter has just begun, and I've got the germinating and growing on stations setup. Chilli seeds are in the post flying to my door.

This is the current seed list I have to choose from, including varieties ordered but yet to arrive.

7 Pot Brainstrain
7 Pot Yellow
Aji Amarillo
Aji Cristal
Aji Lemon
Aji Panca
Aji Pineapple
Antillais Caribbean
Aribibi Gusano
Baccio De Satana
Bahamian Bird Pepper
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Beni Highlands
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia x Habanero White Giant
Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta De Neyde
Big Jim
Bih Jolokia
Bishop's Crown
Black Prince
Brazillian Pumpkin
Brazillian Starfish
Burke's Backyard Thai Chilli
Capsicum Californian Wonder
Capsicum Giant Bell
Capsicum Hungarian Yellow Wax Hot
Capsicum Sweet Banana
CGN 21469
Chihuacle Negro
Chilaca Pasilla
Chilli Cayenne Gold
Chilli Cayenne Red
Chilli Costa Rica
Chilli Habanero Red
Chilli Jalapeno
Chilli Poblano
Congo Brown
Corno Di Torro Rossi
Datil x Lemon
Dorset Naga
Early Jalapeno
Explosive Ember
Filipino Bell Pepper
Giant Jalapeno
Guampinha De Veado
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Peach
Habanero Red
Hot Cherry
Hot Fish
Hot Pepper
Hot Wax
Hungarian Black
Jalapeno Tam
Jamaica Scotch Bonnet
Jimmy Nardello
Joe's Long
Joker's Hat
Limo Blanco
Magnum Habanero
Manzano Amarillo
Mystery Pepper
Naga Jolokia Purple
Naga Morich
Numex Twilight
Orange Habanero
Orange Lantern
Peruvian White Habanero
Peter Pepper Orange
Peter Pepper Red
Pimenta De Neyde
Pimenta Di Bico
Purple Tiger
Pusa Jwala
Red Hot Cherry
Rocoto Peru Bitumi
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Siling Labuyo
Thai Cayenne
Thai Orange
Thai Prik Mann
Thai Yellow
Topaz Chilli
Trinidad 7Pot Jonah
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion (stingerless)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
White Labuyo
Wild Tepin
Zapotec Jalapeno

Many of these are just one or two seeds leftover from old stock and I won't be planting everything. A lot of the ornamentals will be getting just one plant. I'm might still get some more 7pots and superhot varieties.

The garden beds need a little work, and retic needs to be sorted but I've got a few months to do that. I'll post pictures when I have them.
I mentioned I earlier I had mice eating my seedlings but I was wrong. Its RATS! I was sitting very still and quiet yesterday and a freakin rat came running along under my chillies, paused and looked straight at me, but they can't see you if you don't move (learnt this trick from Jurassic Park ;) ). He then proceeded to the tomato vine and climbed up it and retrieved a large piece of tomato then ate it right in front of me. Must have figured I was sitting there watching him for about 5 minutes cos he eventually took off.

He's coming from next door so I poured a big pile of ratsac in the spot under the fence he came from, and then pruned all the tomatoes back, and removed all the fruit. I don't care too much about the tomatoes but some of these were huge, much bigger than an orange. Such a waste :( I'm assuming rats are mammals and get burnt by capsaicin??

I'm extremely tempted to get a cat and I'm not a fan of cats at all. Really don't like vermin running around where I grow food. :evil:

Bull $hit :) ;) :) lol

Moo looking to c sum more pod porn m8, did u get rid of that possible mite issue


I clipped off all the worst affected stuff but still waiting to hear back from the predator mite people.
Us Perthlings absolutely have no plans for world domination, we completely do not intend to start by taking over this site, and there is no truth to claims we are watching you. You have fully nothing to be worried about, and shouldn't be frightened about crossing us at all. :D

You forgot to add one of these to the end: :whistle:

Pod porn :)

Small Trinidad Perfume ripening. I think they stay this colour?

All of the next photos look the same but they aren't supposed to be.

Orange Habanero

Magnum Habanero

They are both what they are supposed to be.

But these...
Habanero Red

Habanero Red. Different plant, same seed stock.

So do they start off orange then ripen red or have I got my first NOT ?

These are the plants I didn't manage to give away. One Scarlet Lantern has a pod when one I planted in the garden bed has yet to produce.


I mentioned I earlier I had mice eating my seedlings but I was wrong. Its RATS! I was sitting very still and quiet yesterday and a freakin rat came running along under my chillies, paused and looked straight at me, but they can't see you if you don't move (learnt this trick from Jurassic Park ;) ). He then proceeded to the tomato vine and climbed up it and retrieved a large piece of tomato then ate it right in front of me. Must have figured I was sitting there watching him for about 5 minutes cos he eventually took off.

He's coming from next door so I poured a big pile of ratsac in the spot under the fence he came from, and then pruned all the tomatoes back, and removed all the fruit. I don't care too much about the tomatoes but some of these were huge, much bigger than an orange. Such a waste :( I'm assuming rats are mammals and get burnt by capsaicin??

I'm extremely tempted to get a cat and I'm not a fan of cats at all. Really don't like vermin running around where I grow food. :evil:

Yeah, rats would feel the burn for sure. I know possums do... not that it ever stopped 'em getting into my pods at my old place. Used to find Fatalii vom all the time around my Fatalii plant after they had gotten into it. Stupid buggers never learned. (But then do we....? :lol:)


I clipped off all the worst affected stuff but still waiting to hear back from the predator mite people.

Who are you ordering from?
Yeah, rats would feel the burn for sure. I know possums do... not that it ever stopped 'em getting into my pods at my old place. Used to find Fatalii vom all the time around my Fatalii plant after they had gotten into it. Stupid buggers never learned. (But then do we....? :lol:)

Who are you ordering from?

I think its the same place you got californicus from... Biological Services in SA. I sent them pictures of my affected plants and asked them what they'd recommend. After resending them cos they didn't work they confirmed they had the pics and that's all I've heard. I'll probably give them a call before the end of the week if I've not heard back.
Just cut up and ate the first good Magnum Habanero pod to ripen. I ate the pod in a wrap and maybe it was the cheese but it really wasn't as hot as I expected.... until I decided to have a drink. :P Even then it wasn't as hot as one of the green Bhut Jolokia pods I ate the other day. I'm going to have to take the plunge and eat a fresh pod next time.

These tea bags I got for isolating haven't worked so far so I thought I'd use them for saving seeds.

Forgot to take photos of the rest of the pod :P
Can't really see but there are a few tiny drops of capsaicin.

If it works I'll string up a line and dry lots at a time.

Rats may be a little too big for any but the most aggressive Cats. What you want is a Terrier.

Kids aren't quite old enough for a dog yet but it's on the horizon. I miss having a dog.
Just cut up and ate the first good Magnum Habanero pod to ripen. I ate the pod in a wrap and maybe it was the cheese but it really wasn't as hot as I expected.... until I decided to have a drink. :P Even then it wasn't as hot as one of the green Bhut Jolokia pods I ate the other day. I'm going to have to take the plunge and eat a fresh pod next time.

These tea bags I got for isolating haven't worked so far so I thought I'd use them for saving seeds.

Forgot to take photos of the rest of the pod :P
Can't really see but there are a few tiny drops of capsaicin.

If it works I'll string up a line and dry lots at a time.

Kids aren't quite old enough for a dog yet but it's on the horizon. I miss having a dog.
I'm hanging for the day my two dogs cark it. They reck your shit man! They were cool until the kids came along now they are just a pain in the ass.
Small Trinidad Perfume ripening. I think they stay this colour?

The ChilePlants.com Trinidad Perfume listing describes the colour when mature as bright yellow. What I have found in the past though is different people have different ideas of what the colour yellow is. Are those pods the same shade as C. Chinense Limón?

These are the plants I didn't manage to give away. One Scarlet Lantern has a pod when one I planted in the garden bed has yet to produce.



Do you have any top down views of the Scarlet Lantern foliage?
Rich smexy vivid colors in all your plants and pods with beautiful growth, what are you feeding them? BTW great pictures, love the plant & pod porn :)
World Domination :rofl:

Your grow is looking fantastic, Moo!

Get that rat! Do you have a pellet pistol?
Love the pics! The perfume looks pretty awesome to me, and now I want one. I can't wait to see how bright the scarlet latern is going to get when the pods mature!
I'm hanging for the day my two dogs cark it. They reck your shit man! They were cool until the kids came along now they are just a pain in the ass.
You remember the good stuff when they're gone.

Kids wreck you stuff more!.... and you can't just bury them in the backyard without people noticing and asking questions ;)

The ChilePlants.com Trinidad Perfume listing describes the colour when mature as bright yellow. What I have found in the past though is different people have different ideas of what the colour yellow is. Are those pods the same shade as C. Chinense Limón?

Do you have any top down views of the Scarlet Lantern foliage?
Yes I've noticed that descriptions of chilli colour can be `creative`. The Trinidad Perfume pods were only that colour for a day or two before I picked them today. So I suppose they weren't fully mature.
I've posted pictures below.

Rich smexy vivid colors in all your plants and pods with beautiful growth, what are you feeding them? BTW great pictures, love the plant & pod porn :)
Thanks WalkGood. :)
I filled the bed with sheep manure and mushroom compost before transplanting and have since given them a few foliar feeds with worm juice, seasol and powerfeed, plus some epsom salts and trace elements. They've had nothing for a month or two now though and I've noticed some yellowing of the older lower leaves. The soil is probably getting exhausted, so they are due for something this week.

So many cool varieties and limited space. That Scarlet Lantern looks incredible. So does the Trinidad Perfume.
To be honest its too many and too closely packed. I have more space to expand the grow into but haven't used it yet. Maybe next season.

World Domination :rofl:

Your grow is looking fantastic, Moo!

Get that rat! Do you have a pellet pistol?
Thanks Paul. As soon as I saw the vermin I wished I had a gun! A whole lot of the rat poison was gone today so it must have eaten some. I'm just going to have to be content knowing its slowly bleeding to death internally somewhere. :D

Love the pics! The perfume looks pretty awesome to me, and now I want one. I can't wait to see how bright the scarlet latern is going to get when the pods mature!
Thanks Stefan.

Took some pictures today.

Here is the Scarlet Lantern from above for harry.

There is another smaller pod too.

It was one of the leftover Scarlet Lanterns. I planted the best one into the garden and I've forgotten where, but it was just before a long heat wave and most have gone yellow and stalled.
There are no nutrients in the sand/soil so I've going to have to start feeding them or nothing will happen.

This is the massive overgrown tomato that has been reset to start again.

The last of my seedlings this for season were potted up mid December and have had no food except for the worm castings in their soil mix. Despite the intense heat wave we just had they are doing perfectly fine. Ready for transplant this anytime in the next week or so.

These ones only get watered when I remember to and so haven't settled in yet. I'm planning on putting the new ones in a row next to these and putting in drippers for all. Might have to elevate the pots somehow for drainage and airflow.

This one is finally ripening and I can't see any marks. :)

The Trinidad Perfume is loaded with pods so I ate the larger of these two. My daughter had the smaller one.

It's so trippy getting all the flavour and aroma of a superhot.... but no heat. I kept thinking my mouth was about to explode because that smell and taste has such memories attached to it but nothing happens. The pod was intensely flavouful as well. Right at the end I thought I could taste 0.5 out of 10 heat. I would recommend it just for the way it messes with your head. :crazy:

Harvest photo :D
Left to right - Red Hab - Orange Hab - Magnum Hab

I could have let the red hab ripen some more cos it was still changing to a deeper red. I'm going to eat each one of these pods as part of my resolution to eat at least one fresh pod of everything I grow.

It's a big test for me because unlike a lot of people on here I don't routinely knock back scorpions and bhuts for fun, in fact the hottest pod I've ever eaten was an orange habanero, which housed the seeds that grew the one pictured above. But you never get anywhere if you don't push your limits. I'm not filming it either so don't ask :P
Love the porn Mega! I had pack rats in my tomatoes last year too. Tough to get rid of, but I trapped out about a dozen and started dusting the plants with cayenne powder and they finally quit coming around. Good luck with those bastages!
It's so trippy getting all the flavour and aroma of a superhot.... but no heat. I kept thinking my mouth was about to explode because that smell and taste has such memories attached to it but nothing happens. The pod was intensely flavouful as well. Right at the end I thought I could taste 0.5 out of 10 heat. I would recommend it just for the way it messes with your head. :crazy:

It's like when your tolerance is right up and you don't quite get the burn you expected.... OK, here it comes, here it comes..... uh, here it comes, here it comes...... uh, here it comes................... awwww, bummmer. :lol:
Good stuff, Moo! I liked the hab comparison shot, and the
ripening up gnarl three pics back looks like some sort of devil
spawn - talk about nubbly!