• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Megamoo's 2012/2013 Glog

I'm in a new house with much more space, better sheltered areas for plants and hopefully less disease in the environment. Unless I win the lottery and buy myself a mansion I'm good to stay here for a long time. The landlord knows about and is cool with the fluorescent light grow setups in the garage, and is happy for me to transform the outside into a chilli jungle. All signs point to a good season ahead.

Winter has just begun, and I've got the germinating and growing on stations setup. Chilli seeds are in the post flying to my door.

This is the current seed list I have to choose from, including varieties ordered but yet to arrive.

7 Pot Brainstrain
7 Pot Yellow
Aji Amarillo
Aji Cristal
Aji Lemon
Aji Panca
Aji Pineapple
Antillais Caribbean
Aribibi Gusano
Baccio De Satana
Bahamian Bird Pepper
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Beni Highlands
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia x Habanero White Giant
Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta De Neyde
Big Jim
Bih Jolokia
Bishop's Crown
Black Prince
Brazillian Pumpkin
Brazillian Starfish
Burke's Backyard Thai Chilli
Capsicum Californian Wonder
Capsicum Giant Bell
Capsicum Hungarian Yellow Wax Hot
Capsicum Sweet Banana
CGN 21469
Chihuacle Negro
Chilaca Pasilla
Chilli Cayenne Gold
Chilli Cayenne Red
Chilli Costa Rica
Chilli Habanero Red
Chilli Jalapeno
Chilli Poblano
Congo Brown
Corno Di Torro Rossi
Datil x Lemon
Dorset Naga
Early Jalapeno
Explosive Ember
Filipino Bell Pepper
Giant Jalapeno
Guampinha De Veado
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Peach
Habanero Red
Hot Cherry
Hot Fish
Hot Pepper
Hot Wax
Hungarian Black
Jalapeno Tam
Jamaica Scotch Bonnet
Jimmy Nardello
Joe's Long
Joker's Hat
Limo Blanco
Magnum Habanero
Manzano Amarillo
Mystery Pepper
Naga Jolokia Purple
Naga Morich
Numex Twilight
Orange Habanero
Orange Lantern
Peruvian White Habanero
Peter Pepper Orange
Peter Pepper Red
Pimenta De Neyde
Pimenta Di Bico
Purple Tiger
Pusa Jwala
Red Hot Cherry
Rocoto Peru Bitumi
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Siling Labuyo
Thai Cayenne
Thai Orange
Thai Prik Mann
Thai Yellow
Topaz Chilli
Trinidad 7Pot Jonah
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion (stingerless)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
White Labuyo
Wild Tepin
Zapotec Jalapeno

Many of these are just one or two seeds leftover from old stock and I won't be planting everything. A lot of the ornamentals will be getting just one plant. I'm might still get some more 7pots and superhot varieties.

The garden beds need a little work, and retic needs to be sorted but I've got a few months to do that. I'll post pictures when I have them.
We want to see a taste test video moo... it's not negotiable. You got to taste that Bhut!

And thise Jonah's look killer hot!
They both sound lethally good to me. I have had a Phaal on the odd occasion and all I can say it is like sitting in a sauna with winter woollies on. You just melt lol
I think my head will turn red and steam shoot out my ears.

Love those Jonah pods.......me can't wait for mine, probably 6 months form now to the 1st bite of a ripened one.............. :rolleyes:
Don't they look awesome. I'm now glad I planted all 4 of my starts and didn't thin them out. :)

Congrats on the chew-free pods, Moo! It is all looking great, and its good to hear that you are already cooking them into meals :)
It looks great but there is some ugliness hiding in there.... see below. I've been starting seeds and planning the grow for so long and at the same time watching all the northerners harvest and eat pods. Been really champing at the bit to get my own pods to eat so not wasting any time now :D

We want to see a taste test video moo... it's not negotiable. You got to taste that Bhut!

And thise Jonah's look killer hot!
I will taste it, but not on camera. Maybe one day. The Jonahs look so ferocious. Cut one open below and there are pools of lava in it.

My Indian cooking extravaganza and superhot pod tasting night has been postponed thanks entirely to deadbeat ex not doing what she said she'd do. I'm not surprised after the millionth time but it still pisses me off. :banghead:
So it will happen tomorrow..... hopefully :rolleyes:

We had some rain today after two very hot n humid days. Not good weather for healthy pods, especially in a garden that is incredible densely packed. Usually summer in Perth is hot and dry, and the forecast is some rain tomorrow then back to sunny and heating up all week. I need to sulphur bomb the mites before it gets too hot, but don't want to do it with the kids running around so the window is closing and the clock is ticking.

Picked some pods that didn't look too happy and cut them open for inspection.

Suspicious pods.
On the left I think its a Dorset Naga. After cutting open seemed to be a false alarm.
Center is a Bih Jolokia with an entry wound.
The Jonah was almost ripe, and I can't remember what the littler one is but it had fallen off the plant on its own.

Been watching the extreme fold in the Jonah pod. Water kept getting trapped in there after rain and today saw the damage.


Yep... mold in the fold. It didn't really stand a chance, because I think the lawn sprinklers got it wet every morning. (I don't blame the sprinklers tho, we've all been for a slash in the morning after a night of wild passion and had the stream go sideways... the fellas know what I'm talking about ;) ) The others aren't as foldy so hopefully they'll make it.

Cut the Bih open and saw very obvious signs of a maggot but couldn't find him anywhere.



Cut the small one open and found a passenger, looking similar to one in a post by Blue Flames in the Perth thread. http://thehotpepper....640#entry763238
Couldn't see an entry hole.

He made a break for it......

....... closure :hell:

I have a few chillies with their stems turning white like this.

I'm thinking that this is either the pod starting aborting itself because it's being eaten from the inside... or its damage from mites. I'll have to pick one of these and cut it open for a look.
I hope that these few casualties are the only few you will have. I never noticed the stem turning white thing. I will have to look for that this season.
Moo everything’s looking killer mon, love the look of that new section of shadecloth, great job! Was away so I’ve not visited your glog since 10[sup]th[/sup] of Jan, but you don’t need me here to kick some serious Azz :)

Love the pics:
-Jonah pod with gnarly bumps, looks great!
-Your TS Moruga Yellow, wow!
-Jonah pod is stunning
-Scarlet Lantern is just plain smexy
-Habanero’s almost as nice as mine, lol ;) only joking mon, bet they taste great!
-Bhut Jolokia, excellent photos mon …
Great closure on that passenger, Jamaican crime of passion, chop dem up :D
Love dem pics bro keep up dat great work :)
I feel your pain, Moo. Last season my alma paprikas were rocking, and when I cut into them I found critters inside. When I discovered that the black specks were just poo from those critters I basically tossed the lot and vowed never to grow almas again. It was an overreaction, but I was ticked off.
I think my head will turn red and steam shoot out my ears.

Don't they look awesome. I'm now glad I planted all 4 of my starts and didn't thin them out. :)

It looks great but there is some ugliness hiding in there.... see below. I've been starting seeds and planning the grow for so long and at the same time watching all the northerners harvest and eat pods. Been really champing at the bit to get my own pods to eat so not wasting any time now :D

I will taste it, but not on camera. Maybe one day. The Jonahs look so ferocious. Cut one open below and there are pools of lava in it.

My Indian cooking extravaganza and superhot pod tasting night has been postponed thanks entirely to deadbeat ex not doing what she said she'd do. I'm not surprised after the millionth time but it still pisses me off. :banghead:
So it will happen tomorrow..... hopefully :rolleyes:

We had some rain today after two very hot n humid days. Not good weather for healthy pods, especially in a garden that is incredible densely packed. Usually summer in Perth is hot and dry, and the forecast is some rain tomorrow then back to sunny and heating up all week. I need to sulphur bomb the mites before it gets too hot, but don't want to do it with the kids running around so the window is closing and the clock is ticking.

Picked some pods that didn't look too happy and cut them open for inspection.

Suspicious pods.
On the left I think its a Dorset Naga. After cutting open seemed to be a false alarm.
Center is a Bih Jolokia with an entry wound.
The Jonah was almost ripe, and I can't remember what the littler one is but it had fallen off the plant on its own.

Been watching the extreme fold in the Jonah pod. Water kept getting trapped in there after rain and today saw the damage.


Yep... mold in the fold. It didn't really stand a chance, because I think the lawn sprinklers got it wet every morning. (I don't blame the sprinklers tho, we've all been for a slash in the morning after a night of wild passion and had the stream go sideways... the fellas know what I'm talking about ;) ) The others aren't as foldy so hopefully they'll make it.

Cut the Bih open and saw very obvious signs of a maggot but couldn't find him anywhere.



Cut the small one open and found a passenger, looking similar to one in a post by Blue Flames in the Perth thread. http://thehotpepper....640#entry763238
Couldn't see an entry hole.

He made a break for it......

....... closure :hell:

I have a few chillies with their stems turning white like this.

I'm thinking that this is either the pod starting aborting itself because it's being eaten from the inside... or its damage from mites. I'll have to pick one of these and cut it open for a look.
Yeah moo looks similar but mine was red and a bit larger , did u find any entry holes coz I cudnt find a mark. So far only 1 I found and it was in a jalapeño
I hope that these few casualties are the only few you will have. I never noticed the stem turning white thing. I will have to look for that this season.
I hope they don't get out of hand.

Moo everything’s looking killer mon, love the look of that new section of shadecloth, great job! Was away so I’ve not visited your glog since 10[sup]th[/sup] of Jan, but you don’t need me here to kick some serious Azz :)

Love the pics:
-Jonah pod with gnarly bumps, looks great!
-Your TS Moruga Yellow, wow!
-Jonah pod is stunning
-Scarlet Lantern is just plain smexy
-Habanero’s almost as nice as mine, lol ;) only joking mon, bet they taste great!
-Bhut Jolokia, excellent photos mon …
Great closure on that passenger, Jamaican crime of passion, chop dem up :D
Love dem pics bro keep up dat great work :)
Thanks :)

I feel your pain, Moo. Last season my alma paprikas were rocking, and when I cut into them I found critters inside. When I discovered that the black specks were just poo from those critters I basically tossed the lot and vowed never to grow almas again. It was an overreaction, but I was ticked off.
It's disgusting. Makes me think of the ones I chomp into fresh and don't look inside first :shocked: .

That's quite a story in pictures, Moo!
My glog is designed to take you on a mystical journey ;)

Yeah moo looks similar but mine was red and a bit larger , did u find any entry holes coz I cudnt find a mark. So far only 1 I found and it was in a jalapeño
No entry holes at all. I looked carefully for it too. Mine was a small green pod so maybe the little bastard didn't have time to get fat and red like yours?

Have a few more photos.
The little ones are Jonah pods that were mite damaged I guess. The other is a Dorset Naga with what looked like a soft spot, but when I cut it open all looked fine.

Felt in a harvest mood. Had to pull a few Jalapeno pods that weren't red yet because they were dragging the plants down.
Two congo browns that probably didn't reach their proper size because of the mites getting nasty on the plant.
One little Magnum Habanero.
Three Bih Jolokias. The first one ripened fine even though I picked it prematurely. The other two shouldn't have turned yet because they were younger pods, I suspect they might have a worm of something makeing them ripen early.

Whatever it is, I don't think it's mite damage (well, not broad mite anyway). They cause more of a strange corking.




The Dorset Naga looks suspiciously like fruit fly maggots to me but it's hard to tell! The raised line that the rotting follows, is that a natural crinkle in the pod? If not, it looks like the raised ridges that ff maggots leave when they feed and tunnel near the surface. When they first hatch, they are obviously very tiny and can be easy to miss! I dunno.... hopefully not! But just something to keep an eye on.
Whatever it is, I don't think it's mite damage (well, not broad mite anyway). They cause more of a strange corking.




The Dorset Naga looks suspiciously like fruit fly maggots to me but it's hard to tell! The raised line that the rotting follows, is that a natural crinkle in the pod? If not, it looks like the raised ridges that ff maggots leave when they feed and tunnel near the surface. When they first hatch, they are obviously very tiny and can be easy to miss! I dunno.... hopefully not! But just something to keep an eye on.
Nah doesn't look like that damage.

It's a natural wrinkle. I cut it open and inside it looks perfectly normal, the discolouration is on the surface. Couldn't see any others with marks today, but I'll keep watching for it.

Blossom end rot moo , seems to be doing the rounds
Could be but it's weird, one of them has rot nowhere near the blossom end and it seems to be only on one part of the plant too. There are larger healthy pods on a different branch. The plant is in the back row and closed in on all sides so it could be rotting from humidity.

I've already learnt my lesson about planting too close together but nature is rubbing it in :( I'm thinking about stripping every second plant in the front row to help air flow. Of course don't want to but I might end up losing more pods from excessive humidity.

Got a few really big green pods out there. One massive 7 Pot Yellow, a big Habanero Peach and bigger than usual Dorset Naga. I see a lot of pictures of large 7Pot Yellow pods, the plant seems to like chunking out big ones. :)
Don't think the landlord would appreciate the fence modifications. It's a good idea though I just have to dig a few holes underneath, that should work.

Every time I look at the chat its empty, and last time I went in and asked for a bump in my glog so I could post more pictures I got kicked. I might look in but cooking a curry tonight, trying to and I still haven't got the ingredients.
Hi Moo
for more affordable spices for the curries... buy them whole at an Asian market and grind what you need at the time with a cheap electric coffee grinder. That's what I do. I make my own spice mixtures like Garam masala, Chana masala, etc.
Ah, natural wrinkle. Good news.... I think. Or maybe not. :lol: It's still rot or something, I guess!

Hi Moo
for more affordable spices for the curries... buy them whole at an Asian market and grind what you need at the time with a cheap electric coffee grinder. That's what I do. I make my own spice mixtures like Garam masala, Chana masala, etc.

We got Indian grocers here that sell huge bags of spices/spice blends for only a few clams. :D I don't even get half way through a bag before it hits it's "best before" date.....

On another note, how good is a good channa masala curry?? :drooling: One of the best curries I ever had was a channa masala.
Ah, natural wrinkle. Good news.... I think. Or maybe not. :lol: It's still rot or something, I guess!

We got Indian grocers here that sell huge bags of spices/spice blends for only a few clams. :D I don't even get half way through a bag before it hits it's "best before" date.....

On another note, how good is a good channa masala curry?? :drooling: One of the best curries I ever had was a channa masala.
exactly what I'm talking about... just buy the whole spices, not the ground. Whole spices last much longer. Once you've ground them, the volatile oils inside start to evaporate away and oxidize... in short, they get stale very quickly. Much faster than you can use them.

I be lovin' that tangy Chickpea curry! The thing that makes it tangy is Amchoor powder made from dried, ground, green mangoes. Throw in some Haak (collards cooked in asafoetida and mustard oil), Basmati rice or flat bread, lime pickle and a good chutney and you're in business!

A good recipe for the Chana Masala powder is as follows:

In a dry frying pan, toast the following...
1 tbsp coriander seed
1 tsp cardamom seed
2 tbsp cumin seed
1 and 2/3 tsp black peppercorns
2-3 dried red chiles

Let them get browned and aromatic, but not blackened. Cool to room temperature and grind together with...

a pinch of ground ginger
a pinch of grated nutmeg
a pinch of ground mace
a third of a tsp ground cinnamon
a third of a tsp amchoor powder

Grind to a fine powder and transfer to an airtight jar. Store in a cool, dry place out of the sun and use within a month.

Sorry for the hijack Moo... hope you don't mind...
Hi Moo
for more affordable spices for the curries... buy them whole at an Asian market and grind what you need at the time with a cheap electric coffee grinder. That's what I do. I make my own spice mixtures like Garam masala, Chana masala, etc.
There are a couple of Asian markets but they only have Chinese type stuff. Nothing Indian except the same old stuff they have in the supermarket.
I've actually got two spice grinders, one for spices and one for dried chillies. Haven't used them for over a year though, didn't get any pods to dry and grind last season and have been grinding up herbs and spices with a mortar and pestle.

I'm going to try this recipe that says to sprinkle with Chat Masala at the end, no suprises didn't see it in the supermarket but its optional.

We got Indian grocers here that sell huge bags of spices/spice blends for only a few clams. :D I don't even get half way through a bag before it hits it's "best before" date.....
That's what I need, an Indian grocer. No idea where to find one in Perth though.

I do know of a cheap spice stall in some markets but its miles away from me, and I don't recall it being Indian specific. I might try the freo markets if I can be bothered.

There is something to be said about always carrying a pocket knife or even a buck knife :D
I am checking every pod, inside and out now!

Check out do u h8 bugs moo ull love it
Nice one. :D I need to take a vid of the caterpillars when I feed them to the ants so you can see them squirm as they are slowly eaten alive :hell:

this is a really good Indian food thread except where are the recipes?
Moo, i don't know why your posting pod pics in the Indian cooking thready, but some of them do look tasty :P
exactly what I'm talking about... just buy the whole spices, not the ground. Whole spices last much longer. Once you've ground them, the volatile oils inside start to evaporate away and oxidize... in short, they get stale very quickly. Much faster than you can use them.

I be lovin' that tangy Chickpea curry! The thing that makes it tangy is Amchoor powder made from dried, ground, green mangoes. Throw in some Haak (collards cooked in asafoetida and mustard oil), Basmati rice or flat bread, lime pickle and a good chutney and you're in business!

A good recipe for the Chana Masala powder is as follows:

In a dry frying pan, toast the following...
1 tbsp coriander seed
1 tsp cardamom seed
2 tbsp cumin seed
1 and 2/3 tsp black peppercorns
2-3 dried red chiles

Let them get browned and aromatic, but not blackened. Cool to room temperature and grind together with...

a pinch of ground ginger
a pinch of grated nutmeg
a pinch of ground mace
a third of a tsp ground cinnamon
a third of a tsp amchoor powder

Grind to a fine powder and transfer to an airtight jar. Store in a cool, dry place out of the sun and use within a month.

Sorry for the hijack Moo... hope you don't mind...
That recipe seems very similar to ingredients described as in Chaat Masala on wikipedia, except for black salt. Maybe they are the same thing?? There seems to be a bunch of different names, none of which I understand. :P

This food talk is all welcome because I just resorted to using chemicals and probably killed off a bunch of good bugs :(

First went to use the agricultural sulphur that I already had. Put it in the pump sprayer and after the thing clogged up. I looked and realised it was was sitting at the bottom still in granule form. Then did what I should have done first up and read the back of the box more carefully..... "not soluble in water" :rolleyes:

So got the same one that trippa mentioned and filled the washed out and cleaned sprayer with it. Sprayed the plants down. Had to unclog the spray nozzle several times because its still full of worm juice particles from when I last used it months ago, but got the job done. Now I smell like rotten eggs.

Have to respray in one week then later I'll release the mite predators. F&*%$^(@# mites :surprised: