• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Megamoo's 2012/2013 Glog

I'm in a new house with much more space, better sheltered areas for plants and hopefully less disease in the environment. Unless I win the lottery and buy myself a mansion I'm good to stay here for a long time. The landlord knows about and is cool with the fluorescent light grow setups in the garage, and is happy for me to transform the outside into a chilli jungle. All signs point to a good season ahead.

Winter has just begun, and I've got the germinating and growing on stations setup. Chilli seeds are in the post flying to my door.

This is the current seed list I have to choose from, including varieties ordered but yet to arrive.

7 Pot Brainstrain
7 Pot Yellow
Aji Amarillo
Aji Cristal
Aji Lemon
Aji Panca
Aji Pineapple
Antillais Caribbean
Aribibi Gusano
Baccio De Satana
Bahamian Bird Pepper
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Beni Highlands
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia x Habanero White Giant
Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta De Neyde
Big Jim
Bih Jolokia
Bishop's Crown
Black Prince
Brazillian Pumpkin
Brazillian Starfish
Burke's Backyard Thai Chilli
Capsicum Californian Wonder
Capsicum Giant Bell
Capsicum Hungarian Yellow Wax Hot
Capsicum Sweet Banana
CGN 21469
Chihuacle Negro
Chilaca Pasilla
Chilli Cayenne Gold
Chilli Cayenne Red
Chilli Costa Rica
Chilli Habanero Red
Chilli Jalapeno
Chilli Poblano
Congo Brown
Corno Di Torro Rossi
Datil x Lemon
Dorset Naga
Early Jalapeno
Explosive Ember
Filipino Bell Pepper
Giant Jalapeno
Guampinha De Veado
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Peach
Habanero Red
Hot Cherry
Hot Fish
Hot Pepper
Hot Wax
Hungarian Black
Jalapeno Tam
Jamaica Scotch Bonnet
Jimmy Nardello
Joe's Long
Joker's Hat
Limo Blanco
Magnum Habanero
Manzano Amarillo
Mystery Pepper
Naga Jolokia Purple
Naga Morich
Numex Twilight
Orange Habanero
Orange Lantern
Peruvian White Habanero
Peter Pepper Orange
Peter Pepper Red
Pimenta De Neyde
Pimenta Di Bico
Purple Tiger
Pusa Jwala
Red Hot Cherry
Rocoto Peru Bitumi
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Siling Labuyo
Thai Cayenne
Thai Orange
Thai Prik Mann
Thai Yellow
Topaz Chilli
Trinidad 7Pot Jonah
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion (stingerless)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
White Labuyo
Wild Tepin
Zapotec Jalapeno

Many of these are just one or two seeds leftover from old stock and I won't be planting everything. A lot of the ornamentals will be getting just one plant. I'm might still get some more 7pots and superhot varieties.

The garden beds need a little work, and retic needs to be sorted but I've got a few months to do that. I'll post pictures when I have them.
Love the porn Mega! I had pack rats in my tomatoes last year too. Tough to get rid of, but I trapped out about a dozen and started dusting the plants with cayenne powder and they finally quit coming around. Good luck with those bastages!
Haven't seen any signs lately. It was coming from next door but with the tomatoes gone there must be better pickings elsewhere.

I definitely want the trinidad perfume for next year, and I love your description of how they play with your head.
Pods are smallish but there's plenty of them.
It's like when your tolerance is right up and you don't quite get the burn you expected.... OK, here it comes, here it comes..... uh, here it comes, here it comes...... uh, here it comes................... awwww, bummmer. :lol:
I wouldn't know :P My tolerance is better than a year ago but there's still a way to go before I can munch on a superhot and not... make a scene ;)

Good stuff, Moo! I liked the hab comparison shot, and the
ripening up gnarl three pics back looks like some sort of devil
spawn - talk about nubbly!
Fearsome isn't it :D

3 beautiful habs, looking wicked mon!!!
Nice looking Hab shots Moo... What do you think you'll cook with them?

Thanks guys. :) Ate the orange ones yesterday. Cut them up into little bits and put the Orange Hab on a chicken roll. It had a nice burn but was far below what I expected, could have been all the mayo crap on it.

I was feeling good about myself, thought I had developed a high tolerance and was impervious to chilli. So I cut up the Magnum Hab and put it in a burger. (Don't normally eat junkfood or that much btw.)

Then came the serious BURN :mouthonfire:

The Magnum hab is supposed to be an improved version of the orange, hotter, bigger pods, more prolific. I think the previous pod had not faded away and so the heat compounded. It was the same sensation as the hottest pod I've ever eaten but I can obviously handle a lot more than I used to because didn't go freaking out for milk and start drooling a river.

They were both really tasty too :D

More photos :)
Because these three were in the back row had to hold the camera at arms length and they're a bit blurry.

TS Moruga Yellow

Primos just starting. Don't look Primo but there's a lot to go yet.


Hot Fish looks like someone spilt a candle on it.

Scarlet Lantern in the ground. Not doing as much as the reject left in its pot, but it looks healthier.

Bhut Jolokia plant is bushing out and really taking up the space!

Just noticed this new Jonah pod with hooks and gnarly bumps. Going to be good one :D

Your plants are going gangbusters, MM. Love the description of the Trinidad Perfume. I'm adding that one to my grow for this year. The pod shots are great. That TS Yellow Moruga looks mean, as does the Jonah. Everything looks very healthy.
That's what I like... bumpy, gnarly and just plain nonstandard in appearance! Do you have a tradition of cooking with chiles in OZ moo, or is it mostly borrowed stuff like curries?
Hey, Moo! Your in-ground plants look great. I bet that
once it spreads its roots out a bit, the Scarlet Lantern will
leave the one inthe pot in the dust!
I'm surprised at how far the bhut plant spread out. Maybe this is just a difference between container growing and putting it in the ground?
Your plants are going gangbusters, MM. Love the description of the Trinidad Perfume. I'm adding that one to my grow for this year. The pod shots are great. That TS Yellow Moruga looks mean, as does the Jonah. Everything looks very healthy.
Thanks Doc. I'm guessing a lot of people don't grow the perfume because they're all going for max heat, but its interesting to taste the flavour with no heat. most superhots are so hot you I don't taste anything before my tongue catches fire.

Most of them are healthy but I don't like to post pictures of the sick ones :P

That's what I like... bumpy, gnarly and just plain nonstandard in appearance! Do you have a tradition of cooking with chiles in OZ moo, or is it mostly borrowed stuff like curries?
Others aussies might disagree with this but traditional Australian food is a bit of a joke. White people have only been here since 1788, and in that time we've gotten meat pies, damper, vegemite, BBQ prawns and beer. :P There is no original food style really. Food ideas are imported. There are a lot of Asian restaurants with chilli dishes, and Indian too. I don't mind a bit of Indian food.

Hey, Moo! Your in-ground plants look great. I bet that
once it spreads its roots out a bit, the Scarlet Lantern will
leave the one inthe pot in the dust!
Thanks Paul.

At the time when I transplanted the Scarlet Lantern I had been overfeeding my other plants. So I pulled back and nothing got any ferts. As a result the overfed ones have stabilised and are looking great and the new transplants have completely stalled. Need to give them a dose this week and kick start some new growth.

I'm surprised at how far the bhut plant spread out. Maybe this is just a difference between container growing and putting it in the ground?
It had a very long period of not doing much, just getting by. Recently its gotten regular water and has really hit its stride.

Wow incredible work here Megamoo. Going to sit and digest this incredible glog. Good luck!
Thanks PeriPeri, I'm trying! I saw your glog a while ago when you first started it. Need to revisit and see the progress.
There are a lot of Asian restaurants with chilli dishes, and Indian too. I don't mind a bit of Indian food.

If you are going separate India from Asia, you might as well mention Thai restaurants too. Chinese (generally what is known as Asian here) and Thai is good but Indian FTW! I swear I've got Indian in me.......
I don't buy Indian anymore ... not being arrogant but my curries from scratch and home made naans and tandoori chicken just have ruined Indian takeaway for me .. actually having a curry night this Friday ...2 curries and 2 tandoori chicken and naan on the menu plus 3 different rice and tandoori prawns ... but again I digress ... sorry moo !!
Not Pavlovas eh? I remember making camp bread in a dutch oven on a campfire when I was in the boy scouts. Southern soldiers during the early years of the American Civil War made something similar they called "Sloosh" Their daily ration was half a pound of bacon or "fatback" and a quart of corn meal. They'd fry out the pork and save the grease, mix it with the corn meal and make a snake of the dough, then wrap it around their ramrods and cook it over a fire.
Not Pavlovas eh? I remember making camp bread in a dutch oven on a campfire when I was in the boy scouts. Southern soldiers during the early years of the American Civil War made something similar they called "Sloosh" Their daily ration was half a pound of bacon or "fatback" and a quart of corn meal. They'd fry out the pork and save the grease, mix it with the corn meal and make a snake of the dough, then wrap it around their ramrods and cook it over a fire.

Hey pavlovas are a New Zealand invention not Australian ;) :D. Geez those rations sound extreme basically fat and cornmeal ... I wonder how there stamina was on those sort of meals ??
I don't buy Indian anymore ... not being arrogant but my curries from scratch and home made naans and tandoori chicken just have ruined Indian takeaway for me .. actually having a curry night this Friday ...2 curries and 2 tandoori chicken and naan on the menu plus 3 different rice and tandoori prawns ... but again I digress ... sorry moo !!

Or, you could just be like me and have Indians living next door that cook real food and bring it over. :D

There are a lot of westernized (tasteless food serving) Indian joints around IMO but then there are also some good ones. Most of the places I find to be good ones turn out to also attract a lot of Indian diners. OK, some bad Indian restaurants will still have their Indian diners, but I'm talking about a large number of diners. One thing I have learned.... if you step into an Indian joint and see no Indian diners, get the hell out! Unless of course you don't mind spending your money on tasteless crap..... :lol:
Hey pavlovas are a New Zealand invention not Australian ;) :D.

Heh... I'd heard there was a little controversy over that one...

Geez those rations sound extreme basically fat and cornmeal ... I wonder how there stamina was on those sort of meals ??

You'd be amazed... check out Stonewall Jackson's Shenandoah campaign where his "Foot Cavalry" stymied 2 Union armies at once. The main problem with that sort of diet (high fat/protein/starch and low fiber) was constipation. The troops countered it by drinking lots of strong coffee. One soldier of the time said it had to be strong enough to "float an iron wedge".
Always thought lamingtons were international. I was going to mention pavlovas, didn't know they were controversially kiwi, just heard they were Aussie. Named after a Russian ballerina. :P Don't really care for them either, not big on eggy things.

I've always been a bit picky about my food. I don't like a lot of stuff that people really talk up and love. Don't lose sleep over it though ;)

Was going to say Thai as well but haven't had any for ages. The only really good Thai restaurant I know of isn't close to me, and its not cheap!

Nothing worse than bad Indian takeaway, really pisses me off. I'm not joking, its like road rage, They always forget to put something in too. I'm lucky there is a really good one close to me. I've only tried a few times to make curry totally from scratch and it didn't end well. Need to find a good recipe. I have to cook for three little ones all the time so I tend to cook bland food and put chilli on mine.
Always thought lamingtons were international. I was going to mention pavlovas, didn't know they were controversially kiwi, just heard they were Aussie. Named after a Russian ballerina. :P Don't really care for them either, not big on eggy things.

I've always been a bit picky about my food. I don't like a lot of stuff that people really talk up and love. Don't lose sleep over it though ;)

Was going to say Thai as well but haven't had any for ages. The only really good Thai restaurant I know of isn't close to me, and its not cheap!

Nothing worse than bad Indian takeaway, really pisses me off. I'm not joking, its like road rage, They always forget to put something in too. I'm lucky there is a really good one close to me. I've only tried a few times to make curry totally from scratch and it didn't end well. Need to find a good recipe. I have to cook for three little ones all the time so I tend to cook bland food and put chilli on mine.
That's too bad Moo... I'll have to start a curry thread in cooking with fire for your delectation...
I'm in full agreement about all things Indian food recently said above. I love good, HOT, Indian food. Most places are a joke. The food is sweet instead of spicy. Like Gassy said, if you walk in and the majority of the patrons are Indian, chances are it's going to be good. I recently found a little take out place that is great. Their menu gives the choice of five different heat levels. I ordered lamb vindaloo. When I ordered it as a five on the heat scale, the guy asked me if I was sure, as there are no refunds. It was really good, and fairly hot. A couple of minutes into my lunch the guy came out to check on me, lol. He asked me if it was too hot. I told him it could be hotter. He just smiled and walked away. Good stuff.
Having a good Indian place in your area is an essential part of leading a happy life. We found a tiny hole-in-the-wall mom and pop Indian restaraunt that the local Indian community uses heavily. That is always a good sign. We had to keep going there for three years before the cook (the dad) agreed to let me order something that was a 10 on their heat scale. It was well worth the wait.