Geez Nate what did I ever do to you? Ok, why the heck not.
1. Why did you choose your screen name? What is your real name? (optional).............................It is my real name and it's cooler than saying Bond, James Bond. Patrick, James Patrick. See.
2. Why did you join THP?................................I wanted to communicate with aliens and I got my wish with the Aussies.
3. What's your favorite hot pepper plant?................................... Used to be Red Savina but Cappy's 7 Pod is getting close to the front.
4. One thing people don't know about me is................................. I believe in werewolves.
5. My hobbies are.....Peppers and Tarantulas!
6. Show a peek of yourself as a child (optional)...........................
7. My favorite food is................................... Yes
8. My zodiac sign is..........................................Taurus the Bull
9. One thing I really hate is............................Liars
10. One of my surprising talents is.........................................I understand and can speak gibberish--fluently.
11. One thing I do everyday is............................................Bark at the cats
12. If I had a million dollars, I'd........................................Wave goodbye.
13. One place I'd love to go is..........................................Jennifer Aniston's bedroom.
14. One thing I would want people to say about me when I am 6 feet under is.............................Son of a bitch never did pay me the money he owed.
15. Two things I really love are..........................................Kids and grandkids. that's 7 things though.
16. One book I enjoyed was.....................................Stephen King's "The Stand"
I choose to put in the spotlight next........................................JohnBurfurkle.
1. Why did you choose your screen name? What is your real name? (optional).............................It is my real name and it's cooler than saying Bond, James Bond. Patrick, James Patrick. See.
2. Why did you join THP?................................I wanted to communicate with aliens and I got my wish with the Aussies.
3. What's your favorite hot pepper plant?................................... Used to be Red Savina but Cappy's 7 Pod is getting close to the front.
4. One thing people don't know about me is................................. I believe in werewolves.
5. My hobbies are.....Peppers and Tarantulas!
6. Show a peek of yourself as a child (optional)...........................

7. My favorite food is................................... Yes
8. My zodiac sign is..........................................Taurus the Bull
9. One thing I really hate is............................Liars
10. One of my surprising talents is.........................................I understand and can speak gibberish--fluently.
11. One thing I do everyday is............................................Bark at the cats
12. If I had a million dollars, I'd........................................Wave goodbye.
13. One place I'd love to go is..........................................Jennifer Aniston's bedroom.
14. One thing I would want people to say about me when I am 6 feet under is.............................Son of a bitch never did pay me the money he owed.
15. Two things I really love are..........................................Kids and grandkids. that's 7 things though.
16. One book I enjoyed was.....................................Stephen King's "The Stand"
I choose to put in the spotlight next........................................JohnBurfurkle.