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Mezo`s "super hots" Glog including the 'big' solar dehydrator.

The is thread with the humungous solar dehydrator. :D


G-Day, im Mez or Mezo & im new to this part of Australia having come from Perth (Western Australia) where growing chili peppers is so easy (except the heat).

I live in the border ranges in northern New South Wales (bordering Queensland) and its a mixed bag of temperate & tropical conditions, the summers are very hot, wet & humid, the winters are dry & sunny.

Average daily temps.


And average monthly rainfall.


Aussies reading this will already know this, but people in other country's probably paint a picture of Australia as a hot dry/dusty land but this is far from the truth, up north its full blown tropics with a wet season & 100% humidity (yuck). Down south its freezing cold & snow during winter, out west its a dry heat like in the Mediterranean & in the middle of Australia is desert country.

So im now growing for the first time "Super hots" and for a very important reason, whilst working away in Perth i had a double heart attack wich has left me permanently disabled, sadly they are unable to operate on me (bypass/stent) as its to far gone, so having worked all my life (Electrician) im now at the age of 45 claiming a disability pension & i hate not being able to work.

Now i take shovel fulls of dam tablets to keep my heart pumping & id rather not be taking any but right now there no option i have to take them or ill drop dead on the spot. After much reading i found out that cayenne powder has all sort of benefits to your health & well being, especially to your cardio vascular system. I had read that cayenne powder can stop a heart attack in its track & i put this to the test (twice) and yes it does work where the medication (Nitrolingual) had no effect.

So anyone reading this who spots a friend having a heart attack just flick some chili powder in a glass of water as fast as you can & get them to drink in right down, fast. It works within 30 seconds of drinking it & it saved me from two more attacks already.

So there's my life story in a nutshell & some sound advice on how to save a heart attack victims life.
And this ladies & gentlymen is why im growing "Super Hots" to make high heat cayenne powder for cooking to improve my circulation/remove fats & as a "just in case of emergency"

OK on with the first of my "Hots" the Bhut Jolokia, the reason i chose this was simple i just Googled "whats the hottest chili" and up popped the result, however further reading on the interweb i found threads from this forum & names like the Butch T, the Douglah & Brain Strain.

So ive ordered them from pepperlover.com after so many people gave such great reviews, Bhut in the meantime lets look at my Jolokia`s.



Must admit i just love the shape & color of these babies.

More soon,

Time flies...sucks to hear about the 'puter. Hope you get that squared away. Spring has sprung and now it's time for you to bring on that summer "heat" Mezo!
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OK, just a quckie update.

Ive been working on getting my loaner laptop running with all the programs, bookmarks etc etc.
And all this week ive had guests here from my own forum (motorbikes) but know there gone its back to pepping.

Ive lost a shit load of plants over the winter & ive found part of the cause, yes im battling aphids & ive been nuking them with pesticide & that has killed a few plants.

But if you remember (pages ago) i had put mozzy net in the bottom of my large planters, well that caused the pots to become totally waterloged & the roots had no air to breath.

So today ive been sorting the dead plants & repotting younger plants & removing the netting so they can drain properly. Its going to take days to go through everything but luckily i had some younger plants that have taken there place.

So my dreams of a raised bed packed with Butch T`s, Douglah`s is just that (a dream) i will be lucky to have a handfull of plants & i will kepp them in pots & save the seeds for next year.

My new seedlings Moruga`s (red & yellow) my Brain Strain yellows & brown 7 pods are sprouting & in cups so at least ill get some of the hottest ones around March next year, also my freebies from Judy (White Hab`s) have sprouted.

Also my Florida Wild Conor sent me are sprouting also, no sigh on the Peach Bhut or Indian Carbon though.

And Dave`s "Super Scorp" is doing well, its very small & the Aphids love it but thats my baby & im preying it grows.

I will post some pics when i can afford them expensive lithium batteris my camera needs, phone pics dont do it justice.

A trick for aphids is that they are attracted to the color yellow. If you can find some shallow yellow bowls, fill them about halfway with water or water soap mix and put them under your plants, the aphids will be attracted to them and drown themselves. Supposedly aluminum foil around the stem under the plant will reflect sunlight up under the leaves and the aphids don't like that either. I think the bowl is more reliable, though.
the ball made me chuckle. I would have made every effort to separate his head from his shoulders... Possibly even using rat shot from as close as I dared...
That is a big freaking snake! Glad to hear the Florida Wild popped. I got the Peach Bhut from ajijoe and the Indian Carbon straight from Judy. I'm sure they'll pop up soon.
Problem with that snake is my location & the fact its so venemous & with my dodgy ticker id be dead within minutes.
I live miles from anywhere, I dont have a cellphone & an ambulance couldnt make it up here as its 4x4 only.

I brushed with Tiiger Snakes & Sea Snakes, ive even stepped on a King Brown once but this one scared me a bit.

Ah good to know where you got them seeds Conor, if there from Judy they normally sprout.

Them Florida Wild seedlings are so very tiny eh.

That's the Australian way - find a dangerous snake and try your best to provoke it LOL Wheres the video of you picking it up ;)


Problem with that snake is my location & the fact its so venemous & with my dodgy ticker id be dead within minutes.
I live miles from anywhere, I dont have a cellphone & an ambulance couldnt make it up here as its 4x4 only.

Sheeeet, Meez. You take care out there, brother!
Yep i should get my shotgun licence again, i had a real nice Italian (side by side) hammer action 12 bore in the UK, i should have kept it & brought it over with me, oh but wait these killer snakes are protected right?

What "do good" wanker thought that one up?

Hi Mezo,

Snakes suck. I have mixed feelings about you, guys. Some of you can grow plants in 10 months, but you must share your land with venomous animals.
I guess in the UK you did not have any dangerous animal, did'nt you? :party:

Yep i should get my shotgun licence again, i had a real nice Italian (side by side) hammer action 12 bore in the UK, i should have kept it & brought it over with me, oh but wait these killer snakes are protected right?

What "do good" wanker thought that one up?


That is a good question, but if it comes down to me or Mr. Snake living, law or no guess who's going to live and who's going to become dinner?

Stay safe and live long my friend.

Hey, if you can't kill it, can you safely trap it and relocate the dang thing?
That's the Australian way - find a dangerous snake and try your best to provoke it LOL Wheres the video of you picking it up ;)
LOL Moo, the true australian way is to swing it around like the aboriginals do and then snap the head off like your cracking a whip , then throw it on an open fire .
No sign of Mr Snake since i filmed it the other day, more worried about Tess finding it now, she`s only a puppy & doesnt know the danger & like all kids they just want to sniff around exploring everything.

And the good news,,,were finally connected to the grid, yes im running on electric finally. :party:

Tried to fire up my big desktop but no joy, tested the PSU & as i thought ive toasted it by trying to run it off the petrol generator, so ive ordred a new PSU & ill get that fitted next week some time.

Mezo there is nothing better than the sound of chooks , i used to be right into breeding chickens a few years back , watching this vid brings back memories, how many do you have?