• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mezo`s "super hots" Glog including the 'big' solar dehydrator.

The is thread with the humungous solar dehydrator. :D


G-Day, im Mez or Mezo & im new to this part of Australia having come from Perth (Western Australia) where growing chili peppers is so easy (except the heat).

I live in the border ranges in northern New South Wales (bordering Queensland) and its a mixed bag of temperate & tropical conditions, the summers are very hot, wet & humid, the winters are dry & sunny.

Average daily temps.


And average monthly rainfall.


Aussies reading this will already know this, but people in other country's probably paint a picture of Australia as a hot dry/dusty land but this is far from the truth, up north its full blown tropics with a wet season & 100% humidity (yuck). Down south its freezing cold & snow during winter, out west its a dry heat like in the Mediterranean & in the middle of Australia is desert country.

So im now growing for the first time "Super hots" and for a very important reason, whilst working away in Perth i had a double heart attack wich has left me permanently disabled, sadly they are unable to operate on me (bypass/stent) as its to far gone, so having worked all my life (Electrician) im now at the age of 45 claiming a disability pension & i hate not being able to work.

Now i take shovel fulls of dam tablets to keep my heart pumping & id rather not be taking any but right now there no option i have to take them or ill drop dead on the spot. After much reading i found out that cayenne powder has all sort of benefits to your health & well being, especially to your cardio vascular system. I had read that cayenne powder can stop a heart attack in its track & i put this to the test (twice) and yes it does work where the medication (Nitrolingual) had no effect.

So anyone reading this who spots a friend having a heart attack just flick some chili powder in a glass of water as fast as you can & get them to drink in right down, fast. It works within 30 seconds of drinking it & it saved me from two more attacks already.

So there's my life story in a nutshell & some sound advice on how to save a heart attack victims life.
And this ladies & gentlymen is why im growing "Super Hots" to make high heat cayenne powder for cooking to improve my circulation/remove fats & as a "just in case of emergency"

OK on with the first of my "Hots" the Bhut Jolokia, the reason i chose this was simple i just Googled "whats the hottest chili" and up popped the result, however further reading on the interweb i found threads from this forum & names like the Butch T, the Douglah & Brain Strain.

So ive ordered them from pepperlover.com after so many people gave such great reviews, Bhut in the meantime lets look at my Jolokia`s.



Must admit i just love the shape & color of these babies.

More soon,

That Beat-a-bug chilli and garlic spray seems to have worked for the aphids here Mez, although from memory didn't you make your own chilli and garlic spray?

Oh yeah, and never let on to anyone what you are good at!
When we emigrated to Aust it was like a fresh start for us....
Amber has never ever touched a sewing machine, and I'm no good at solving problems with computers.... ;)
Looks like you do have your hands full. Douglah's aren't red but that looks like a superhot nonetheless. The spikey thing isn't a pepper either AFAIK.
Well i just bit in to that pepper, yep its hot for sure & its not one of last years Bhut Jolo`s its a different kind of heat.
All my seeds come from Judy & they are all the hot ones so i guess either me or her could have mixed them up, no worries.

But yep the spiky plant, as soon as i saw the leaf pattern i thought something wasn't quite right as i posted a few pages back.
I have checked & there is one more 7P Brown growing (very slowly) but then i hear Douglah`s are in fact 7P Browns?

Well all i know is ive ordered (on two separate orders) Douglah & 7P Brown, so i dunno. LoL

Yep he`s getting pretty heavy now, i just took him up to the neighbours place to use his rattle gun on this quad, its basically Buddy`s home turf, he half took off across the field next door to the farm where he was born, i tried to coach him back & he just laid down in the field unsure what to do, so Brian (old school farmer & his dog Bill is Buddy`s dad) laid down in the middle of the field face down pretending he was dead or injured & sure enough Buddy came to see if he was OK, it was then Brian grabbed his leg & we got him back in the truck.

He said "in the old days the dog who didn't come when he was called got both barrels"

I will get some pics up when i get some time.

7pot brown and douglah are different I am pretty sure mez. Maybe related but now a little different. Douglah more angular and 7pot/pod brown rounded from what I have seen
7pot brown and douglah are different I am pretty sure mez. Maybe related but now a little different. Douglah more angular and 7pot/pod brown rounded from what I have seen
the differences between those two have always been a mystery to me. Thanks.

Anyway, can't wait for more pics of Buddy, the peppers ;), & your spread (property) when you have the time Mez
OK, just a quick update as ive just been informed by Trish (the land owner) she`s been away in Hospital.

That spiky "chilli plant" is in fact a local weed, Judy had PM`d me suggesting it could have been a stray seed that had gotten in the potting mix, then i remembered the roof letting go & that`s how i think the seed entered the tent.

So i showed Trish my spiky chilli plant i have been lovingly caring for & she said yep its a weed Mez, nice & healthy weed as well.

Well ive only got a single 7P Brown then & that`s tiny (hope its not another spiky weed) i guess ill see in a month.

I feel such a twat, i nurtured & loved that weed, i got it a brand new pot & fresh potting mix & prime position in the tent.

lol :lol: I got some 7pot brown seeds from Judy and the germination rate was pretty low I got 2 seedlings hopefully not weeds :P out of the packet and you know Judy there is usually heaps of seeds. That and the douglahs are the only two types so far that I've had minimal success with germinating and the douglahs were bought from a more local supplier lol can't remember which one
Well ive only got a single 7P Brown then & that`s tiny (hope its not another spiky weed) i guess ill see in a month.

I feel such a twat, i nurtured & loved that weed, i got it a brand new pot & fresh potting mix & prime position in the tent.

Cheer up Mez... at least you made it a very happy weed. I'll bet it really wants to introduce you to its family! Then who knows... maybe it'll start hinting that it'd like you to make an honest weed of it... ;)
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The brown superhots I have grown (douglah and Choc bhuts) have both been my hardest varieties to germinate in my experience and I have also heard that from other people although that could be a coincidence.

Mez the sad thing was it wasn't even a profitable weed ;) :D

Hi Mezo, I've just spent pretty much the entire day reading the 740 odd threads on this topic. That's badly addictive stuff you've got going there. (Lucky my work doesn't start for another week). Always good to hear of a British expat in Auss (I used to be an expat. in Hong Kong but back in UK for PhD) and want to move to Auss in the future with my career and have expat cousins in Perth.

As much of pain as it's been for you this season I do admire your go do it approach to it all. Will be keeping an eye on your grow, turning into a chilli head myself in London, growing 15 varieties (indoors during the long winter obviously), my first ever grow season.

Love the dogs, ducks and peacock you've got and youre fantastic solar drier, (I'm a chem eng. student myself so naturally I love this sort of thing) not to mention the motorbikes (I just bought my first bike 125 YBR only 3 weeks ago) we must have a similar train of thought!

Keep it up. Shine on you crazy diamond!

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