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Mezo`s "super hots" Glog including the 'big' solar dehydrator.

The is thread with the humungous solar dehydrator. :D


G-Day, im Mez or Mezo & im new to this part of Australia having come from Perth (Western Australia) where growing chili peppers is so easy (except the heat).

I live in the border ranges in northern New South Wales (bordering Queensland) and its a mixed bag of temperate & tropical conditions, the summers are very hot, wet & humid, the winters are dry & sunny.

Average daily temps.


And average monthly rainfall.


Aussies reading this will already know this, but people in other country's probably paint a picture of Australia as a hot dry/dusty land but this is far from the truth, up north its full blown tropics with a wet season & 100% humidity (yuck). Down south its freezing cold & snow during winter, out west its a dry heat like in the Mediterranean & in the middle of Australia is desert country.

So im now growing for the first time "Super hots" and for a very important reason, whilst working away in Perth i had a double heart attack wich has left me permanently disabled, sadly they are unable to operate on me (bypass/stent) as its to far gone, so having worked all my life (Electrician) im now at the age of 45 claiming a disability pension & i hate not being able to work.

Now i take shovel fulls of dam tablets to keep my heart pumping & id rather not be taking any but right now there no option i have to take them or ill drop dead on the spot. After much reading i found out that cayenne powder has all sort of benefits to your health & well being, especially to your cardio vascular system. I had read that cayenne powder can stop a heart attack in its track & i put this to the test (twice) and yes it does work where the medication (Nitrolingual) had no effect.

So anyone reading this who spots a friend having a heart attack just flick some chili powder in a glass of water as fast as you can & get them to drink in right down, fast. It works within 30 seconds of drinking it & it saved me from two more attacks already.

So there's my life story in a nutshell & some sound advice on how to save a heart attack victims life.
And this ladies & gentlymen is why im growing "Super Hots" to make high heat cayenne powder for cooking to improve my circulation/remove fats & as a "just in case of emergency"

OK on with the first of my "Hots" the Bhut Jolokia, the reason i chose this was simple i just Googled "whats the hottest chili" and up popped the result, however further reading on the interweb i found threads from this forum & names like the Butch T, the Douglah & Brain Strain.

So ive ordered them from pepperlover.com after so many people gave such great reviews, Bhut in the meantime lets look at my Jolokia`s.



Must admit i just love the shape & color of these babies.

More soon,

Well the storm cooled things off nice, rained a fair bit last night with no damaging winds this time.

Chitin was the word i was looking for, its found in the exoskeletons of prawns & stuff.

And this morning i noticed the smaller plant that`s in with the prawn shells has started to bud, the other (the more mature plant) has no signs of budding at all.


Interestingly you can buy Chitin flakes & powder derived from shrimps, here.

Damn- Mezo, I shag off for a month , and look what you go off and do!Glad to see your constitution was up for it- sick and dehydrated will drill you go and hard.Me ,I f'king hate hospitals- longest ride was 42 days on morphine drip(which was the only reason it didn't drive me completely sane!)w/more hoses and pumps then most ever see in several lifetimes.But while it makes no impression at the time-the old"you'll be stronger for it" is true none the less.I still have a page or 2 to catch up , but
you seemed to have put "Damn it Man" in his place and persevered. You know how I feel about f'kin aphids and ants. Next year I'm get all predatory fungal with with em-with something I can't pronounce but Indochili sent me labeled "organic fertilizer", hehe- with instructions.The name I can't recall , but its supposed pretty much deal with insects pretty vigorously-leaving them dead white powdery husks.

"7pot brown and douglah are different I am pretty sure mez. Maybe related but now a little different. Douglah more angular and 7pot/pod brown rounded from what I have seen"

Quite right they are different, and Judy's 7-pot Browns are beastly indeed, got a few in my log if you take a gander. They don't have that strange funk Douglahs are known for...I've 4 big mean bastards sittin in the hotel fridge right now because I'm an idiot, and couldn't leave em on the plants when Ieft for some "orifice"(ok-office) time in Houston to do procedures for a job in Ghana(surprise!) thats coming up.Most of the day I spend swearing at the computer.....anyway -time go have a whiskey.Keep on keepin on Mezo-I'll have have a toast to you shortly!
Have a good one-
Mezo, very nice glog and love the dehydrator, I'm only thru page 13 so far but plan to catch up soon, enjoying the read and pics very much :)
Glad to hear you came through the storm with just some wet stuff and no wind or other set backs. Looking forward to seeing your grow season there Mez.​
Thanks lads,

Its all happening now pods are ripening day by day & just like last time some have been eaten by grubs so i just pulled them off the plant & lobbed them away, I found a new roof for the dryer & it was just a fluke that an old caravan skylight which was laying around fitted on top like a glove, even has breather holes built in.

So ive just got to fit a new axle on the dryer, then refit the wheel that was snapped off & she`s good to go again & just in time.
I will get some pics up later but ripe pods so far are Bhut Jolokia, Douglah & Dorset Naga`s.

Glad to hear it mez!! Nice to know from near total destruction you now have pods ripening and all within a few weeks! Way to go bro!!

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you

Thanks lads,

Its all happening now pods are ripening day by day & just like last time some have been eaten by grubs so i just pulled them off the plant & lobbed them away, I found a new roof for the dryer & it was just a fluke that an old caravan skylight which was laying around fitted on top like a glove, even has breather holes built in.

So ive just got to fit a new axle on the dryer, then refit the wheel that was snapped off & she`s good to go again & just in time.
I will get some pics up later but ripe pods so far are Bhut Jolokia, Douglah & Dorset Naga`s.


I've never been able to grow Douglahs to maturity. On my 4th go at it right now (under grow lights up here ;) )
Well the pot says Douglah but they are red, do they slowly turn brown then? ive taken some snaps & soon as i finish repairing the dryer ill post them, made a new axle & just about to refit the wheels back on.

Well the pot says Douglah but they are red, do they slowly turn brown then? ive taken some snaps & soon as i finish repairing the dryer ill post them, made a new axle & just about to refit the wheels back on.

i think there is an unstable gene in the Douglas that sometimes produces plants that throw out red pods.(these pods stay red)
That`s interesting, ill go back & check my order with Judy earlier in the year, well here is what i have grown & have labelled as Douglah.


And here below is Naga Morich (i thought it was Dorset Naga) then i looked again at the label.


And below some Bhut Jolokia`s, ive got so many of these growing, this particular plant is one i overwintered.


Below is St Helena Island Yellow (not very yellow yet) :P


And finally the solar dryer is back together (on two wheels) with its new axle & caravan skylight for a roof. :party:

I gave it a lick of paint (spry can) then noticed lots of cracks in the timber from where it got blown over, so i used some liquid nails to fill the cracks & sprayed over that & it came out looking like new again, and just in time.


It has perforated holes under the lip so it should let the hot air rise out, fingers crossed.

Lucky you or you might have been cleaning up again. Its pretty rough here right now heavy rain and gusty winds but it looks like it is tracking from the north-west hence why it must have missed you and it has been raining now heavily for a good 15 minutes without relenting ...
Its great, we was at 30ºC and that front has cooled things down to 20ºC & totally knocked the humidity down as well, i went & had an afternoon kip mate, forecast is like this for a couple more days then it looks pretty good for the new year.

Thanks, so you think i should pull them Douglah`s as well then or wait a while longer to see if they go brown? or is that them done?

ITs up to you Mezo, i would pull one each of the bhuts, nagas and the douglahs just to give em a taste then go from there...