chinense MGOLD86 and the Assam Bhut Jolokia

Ok, first off, I have to thank Wayright for growing these beasts, and Romy for thinking about sending me a few. Next, I almost died filming this video, so keep that in mind when you comment. I don't know if it was the fact that I wasn't expecting the heat, because I ate a Douglah earlier (even though it was not as hot as expected) or because this thing is just that hot. With that being said, this kicked my ass. Like I thought I was gonna have to have the wife call an ambulance because I could not use my hands. I rode it out like a trooper, but wanted to die on the inside (and I bet you could see it on the face).

The taste was strange, a bit soapy. However, as soon as I started to think about the taste I got kicked in the jewels and had to hold on and beg it to stop. Going into it, I knew it was going to be hot, but when I saw the placenta I didn't think it was going to be as hot as it was. I figured since there wasn't much of it, it wasn't going to get hit like I did.

The texture was crisp and easy to chew. I got it down pretty quick and easy which is nice. I prefer when I do not have to chew and chew and chew. So it definitely gets a plus in that department.

Ok, I don't know why or how but I had NO USE OF MY HANDS! I was looking at the wife and she didn't know whether to laugh or call someone. I gave her a reassuring nod and waited. For about 4 minutes or so my hands were totally cramped and barely usable. Funny, but that was the only part of my body (aside from my mouth) that was affected.

About 30 minutes later it hit my stomach a bit, and I couldn't tell you if that was just addition on the Douglah from earlier, or the pepper. Today though it definitely hit in the "OUT" department. Funny, but I was at work and the topic of spicy food came up so naturally I had to give a sneak peak of the video. One of the guys said you should do a video of the bathroom trip after that chili and I laughed it off because i was dieing inside a bit... :(

Overall, Awesome heat, enough said.

That was a great vid!!!!!
"It makes me not even want to try anything else!"
Very cool!!!! Those are definitely one of the hotter peppers!
Fun stuff man!! awesome review!!

Excellent review Matt :mouthonfire: . After the Douglah and the Assam the yellow bhut should be gravy. Glad you enjoyed it.
Nice review, you are a natural at describing the flavor and characteristics of the chile. Great job! I also have tasted a soapy flavor before with the Bhuts... glad I'm not going crazy. Looking forward to seeing more of your reviews.
You told it like an "Anchor Man" under fire.....well done.....seriously..... I enjoyed the commentary....that's one of the better reviews!
Well done, man. Great review. Yeah, those are some bad sumbitches. :onfire: I think Kevin put the Hoodoo Voodoo on 'em.

Thanks, I am definitely with you on the Voodoo. There has gotta be eye of newt and shrunken heads in the soil.

That was a great vid!!!!!
"It makes me not even want to try anything else!"
Very cool!!!! Those are definitely one of the hotter peppers!
Fun stuff man!! awesome review!!


Seriously, at one point I was like ENOUGH. I contemplated shutting the screen, getting some milk and laying in a ball in the corner of the room. The only thing stopping me was the fact that I knew that would DO NOTHING! I figured, screw it ill see where this takes me.

Excellent review Matt :mouthonfire: . After the Douglah and the Assam the yellow bhut should be gravy. Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks again. For some reason I don't think it is going to be "Gravy". Unless you talk about the first (at least I think) SHU rated gravy over 750k. But, I'm sure I will have use of my hands.

Nice review, you are a natural at describing the flavor and characteristics of the chile. Great job! I also have tasted a soapy flavor before with the Bhuts... glad I'm not going crazy. Looking forward to seeing more of your reviews.

Thanks man! Coming from the master, thats a great compliment. Yea, the initial taste was strange. It was quickly overshadowed by the heat, but I am looking forward to stacking this one up against the others out there.


Do want to meet god?
Testdrive one of my infinities you'll get to shake his hand!!


You told it like an "Anchor Man" under fire.....well done.....seriously..... I enjoyed the commentary....that's one of the better reviews!

Im Ron Burgandy? Thanks PIC! Maybe next time Ill have to break out my Sex Panther. 70% of the time, it works all the time.

Awesome video :cool:

you said it was part 2. Where is part 1?

Part 1 was kind of a flop. The Douglah was on its last limb, and there really wasn't much to watch. I can post it, but it is not what most would expect.

Hope the infinity doesn't kill your desire to eat them. :rofl:

I will tell you this, it will, until I get another box. Then it is GAME ON! Also, it is exciting (in a terrifying way) to seek a hotter pepper. I know it is gonna be hotter, but how much I shall see...

Aswom man! Adding to the list of things I will never try... You're a trooper.

LOL! You gotta give it a try. Even if it is a tiny piece, it is still a try...

I will say a prayer for you Matt. Your gonna need it :onfire:

Yup, I am sure I will.

Hmm reconsidering my next possible box....maybe some Tucks for the day after the Infinity? :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: Had to google it, but now I totally understand...Probably gonna be a necessity!
^^Those look Soooo stupid hot :shocked:
I was wondering if you were gonna take the bait Matt lol.

Great video once again dude.
And seriously... goood F****n luck with that infinity.

Superhot.. Beautiful pods. You couldn't pay me to eat one of those tho.