• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MGOLD86's GLOG, of sorts. NEW Billy Boy Douglah Review!


With that being said,
to my grow log.

As a disclaimer, if you came here to learn how to grow peppers the right way, you might as well leave. Also, if you get easily offended, send all hatemail to Romy6. Thx. If you are looking for a pro log …… click http://www.thehotpep...al-discussion/. If you want meticulous notes, and updates like clockwork, click http://www.thehotpep...hot-grow-2012/.

For those of you who are still here, I’m Matt, and you can call me that. That or homie, bro, chief, man, buddy, or Javier. This is season number 2 and last year was a disaster. Somewhere between scouring the web to find out why all my plants couldn’t break the 2 foot mark I ran across this forum, and bam, hooked. I started gathering seeds in June and got them in dirt (or coffee filters) today.

Here is my list:

ButchT- Pepper lover/Chad S 3
Red TScorp-AJ 3
Yellow TScorp-Brian 3
TScorp Marouga-Pepper Lover 3

Red Bhut-Pepper Lover 3
Assam Bhut Indian Carbon- Pepper Lover 3
Giant Red Bhut-PGM 3
Choc Bhut-PGM 3
Peach Bhut-Aji Joe 3
Naga Morich- Brian 3

Yellow 7: THSC 3
White 7: Pepper Lover 3
Jonah: Pepper Lover 3
Primo: Pepper Lover 3
Barrakpore: Pepper Lover 3
Douglah: THSC 3
Brain Strain: CMPMAN 3
Yellow Brain Strain: Pepper Lover 3
Infinity: Wouter 3

Red Savina-Pepper Lover 3
Red Hab- Pepper Lover 3
Orange Hab- Pepper Lover 3

Naga x 7 Pot-Chad 3
Peach Habalokia-Aji Joe 3
Red Scorpanero #2-Aji Joe 3
Yellow Habalokia-Aji Joe 3

Fatalii-Pepper Lover 3
Trinidad Perfume-Pepper Lover 3
Tabago Seasoning-Pepper Lover 3
Aji Yellow-Aji Joe 3
Inca Red Drop-Kevin 3
Maui Purple- Kevin 3


Biker Billy Jal- Burpee 0
Cayenne- Burpee 0


Joe E. Parker- HM 0
Red Bell Orion F1- HM 0
Yellow Bell Catriona- HM 0

For background on my set up with plenty of pics and commentary click http://www.thehotpep...-now-with-pics/ basically, I have a 5x5x7 growtent with a 600w MH.

I am planting via 2 methods, coffee filter and direct sow. I want to eventually plant out 1 of each variety so I sowed 3 seeds. I soaked my seeds last night in water and planted 1 in a tray of Hoffman’s Seed Starter (thanks Ronnie),

and the other two I stuck in coffee filters and plastic bags. So EVERYONE is aware, this method is not a quick one. Consider yourself warned.

When I finished planting/bagging everything, I stuck it in my tent which maintains about 81-84 and we shall keep our fingers crossed.


parting shot

Now it is time to PWN some 12 year olds in MW3. Peace!
Matt Hi there ! Skimming some Glogs today and spent some time on yours a lot of good stuff here especially that little sprout of yours. Good looking peppers and kid! Will check I from time to time.
i actually used some cleanex on my hydro plant, i rinsed the roots with a gallon, and i am going to rinse a couple soil plants to see if there is a difference.
I don't mind the shout out Matt haha, but yeah those really looks great, it's amazing, I notice that my plants (like you have noticed with yours) all of a sudden really start taking off after a few weeks of slower steady growth, it's great when they get to that point.

and I like the beginning of the video.. "Alright, so I'm a liar..." lol

and I'm glad you are deciding to wait on potting up your seedlings, I have some that look close to yours now with a few sets of true leaves on them, but I want to wait until they get a little bigger before potting up, so that they have a better root-ball like you stated, and so that I don't have 1/2 of the cells empty while waiting for the others to catch up.
Matt Hi there ! Skimming some Glogs today and spent some time on yours a lot of good stuff here especially that little sprout of yours. Good looking peppers and kid! Will check I from time to time.

Thanks Spanky! I appreciate you stopping by.

i actually used some cleanex on my hydro plant, i rinsed the roots with a gallon, and i am going to rinse a couple soil plants to see if there is a difference.

Let me know how that goes with your Cleanex. I am thinking about adding it to my regimen if it works well for the soil.

I don't mind the shout out Matt haha, but yeah those really looks great, it's amazing, I notice that my plants (like you have noticed with yours) all of a sudden really start taking off after a few weeks of slower steady growth, it's great when they get to that point.

and I like the beginning of the video.. "Alright, so I'm a liar..." lol

and I'm glad you are deciding to wait on potting up your seedlings, I have some that look close to yours now with a few sets of true leaves on them, but I want to wait until they get a little bigger before potting up, so that they have a better root-ball like you stated, and so that I don't have 1/2 of the cells empty while waiting for the others to catch up.

Lol. It is weird being truthful after a lie....BUT, I am all potted up now. After going through a lot of them and tearing them out of their homes, I really wish I could have waited a bit longer. The reason I did it, although it would have better to get a stronger rootball before moving, was because I couldnt use my lights to their full potential, as well as the soil was drying way to quick. I had plants wilting 10 hours after watering. I bit the bullet and will probably loose a few to shock, but the vast majority that make it will explode in the next week or two. So far, they look like they are loving the new home, so in the end it was a good decision.

I am heading out to pick up baby stuff now and when I get home later I will post a few photos and a mini-update.

New vid is great. Plants look awesome man. Congrats on the recovery!

Thanks! I am very happy with the bounce back and should see some good results since I potted everything up.
yeah, I noticed that the plants tend to shoot up pretty well after being transplanted from the cells, after the first week or 2, even if they are pretty small, but you haven't transplanted the ones that are still on the right side in the cells (the older ones I think that you switched to the Promix after being in the Hoffman's I think.. which ever one is on the right side with your Biker Billys and stuff.. I think I am going to wait another 2 weeks or so, I want to wait until I can stick them outside in the mini greenhouse so the night time weather has to be around 50 most of the time at least.. or if it stays really warm, I will just start putting my larger plants out there in groups so that they can start to harden up.. we will see what the weather does..

but I will find out I guess when you get back with the update!
Alrighty then! I promised some photos, so here are some photos...






There are a total of 88 plants I potted up in the past few days. It was definitely worth it. I swear, overnight there is a noticable difference. I think there are a couple that are having a tough time making the change, but that is like 2 or 3 out of the batch. You really have no idea how good they are doing until you put them in a bigger pot. Going with the 2.5x3.5" (thanks Jeff) was definitley the way to go. It gives them a good amount more room, and I love the fact that I can micromanage them a bit. I decided to bump the lights to full strenght since they have been doing well for the past few days, and hopefully that just puts them into overdrive for the next month.

I could have left them in the flats, or put them in the 3.5x5" pots, but after seeing how they look today, all lined up and green, I am pretty freaking happy.

Now to start figuring out plant out specifics.....
Looks great Matt. I hope you have a big yard!

Lol! Actually, I have about 3/4 of an acre, and about 2k sq ft of just "field". Unfortunately, it is behind my fence and animals and such can get to it. Also, it would be a bitch to clear out to plant in. Right now I have about 400 sq ft of "wife-approved" garden space. It is where the boat WAS supposted to go...but no boat=more garden space.

I am still in the raised beds/in ground inner-debate and I think that in ground is winning. I could do 4 20' rows with 4' space in between. Each row can have 2 rows of plants offset and about 2' on center. I am already hooked up for dripline irrigation, so it is just pulling the trigger and starting to prep it. If I go raised beds, it is gonna cost a whole hell of a lot more. I could use that money on the baby, or booze. So in ground is kinda leading the race. I do that often, have debates inside my head and it can last for days, or even weeks....

But I am really only planning on keeping one of each variety and MAYBE 2 of the ones I REALLY like. I have about 20 containers so I COULD keep that many, but I am shooting for 40, 50 TOPS. I dont know what I am gonna do with the other 50... I plan to give a few away to friends, but not many people are gonna want TS Morougas or Giant Red Bhut Jolokias.....Right now I am just gonna play it by ear. I guess I will post an add on craigslist or offer the plants to members here once they are ready for the outside. Kinda, if you can get here they are yours....I have never thought of shipping them before, but maybe that is an option. I wonder how hard that would be.

Also, there are a dozen plants that I am still waiting for from CCN...I had a few varieties that didn't germ and wanted them, also I REALLY wanted the Datil Sweet, so I ordered a few, and of course, you need to order 12, so that is just what I did! :snooty:

WOW! That was long winded. Sorry, I am trying to catch up with Brandon...
The plants are looking great! Nice work on the move to the pots. I wouldn't be surprised if they all made it. Don't give up on them, even if they look bad. I've had some bounce back from what looked like sure death, and now that you've found you soil mix and they're in a bigger space, I think they'll be in good shape

If you're really torn on the in ground vs. raised beds you could possibly have your soil tested. I think it's like $20 around here to have a pretty good quality test done. If your ground is severely lacking your choice is made for you. If your soil is good you have more money to buy babies and booze (I think I read that right :) )
Hey, Matt, your plants look great and the little seedlings, and the little sprout, too!
Your firing on all cylinders, bud!
haha, yeah, it would be curious to see how your suppose to ship plants, you should ask Dale @ Baker's Peppers, I might be interested in a few of those varieties that you have extras of and depending on how the shipping works out and cost of shipping would want to give it a shot probably for a few of them if you can't sell them locally . :drooling:

and with that said, you should see if you can get a few random plants planted around the house or past the fence, I don't know about down there but really there is nothing up here that would eat pepper plants, mayyybe deer, but I really am not sure about that.. they usually just eat the other stuff... I will find out this year because I'm planting some of the extras around the house to see how they do on their own.

oh and Matt I was looking at the pics before, those Naga x 7, F2, are those the same seeds you sent to me? if so I will be curious to see what pops out from those if that is the case.
Nice turn Matt. May I suggest getting some cheap pots and soil and do little experiment. I would hate to see all those babies go to waste:)
The plants are looking great! Nice work on the move to the pots. I wouldn't be surprised if they all made it. Don't give up on them, even if they look bad. I've had some bounce back from what looked like sure death, and now that you've found you soil mix and they're in a bigger space, I think they'll be in good shape

If you're really torn on the in ground vs. raised beds you could possibly have your soil tested. I think it's like $20 around here to have a pretty good quality test done. If your ground is severely lacking your choice is made for you. If your soil is good you have more money to buy babies and booze (I think I read that right :) )

I had my soil tested in September, and it came up pretty good. I am not a genius, so I cant read science....but the ph was 5-7 (avg 6) and didn't have too much or too little of any micronute. I am thinking deciding to go in the ground. THAT JUST HAPPENED. I think that it will work out better for me in the long run, as well as be much less stress on the wallet. For some reason, newborns are expensive.... :crazy: And yes, this means more :cheers: although I really can't drink much since I have to wake up every 3 hours.....

Hey, Matt, your plants look great and the little seedlings, and the little sprout, too!
Your firing on all cylinders, bud!

Thanks Paul! I am actually thinking I am gonna double dig the rows. I never heard of it until you posted it in (Andy's??) thread the other day. Been reading and watching videos about it all day. I haven't decided how to ammend it (compost, worm castings, nutes, etc) but I think I can put in a couple good day's work to get it set up nice.

Tell you what...try shipping me about 20 of 'em and I'll let you know if it works. I am always eager to help!

Now Shane, I dont think the wife would like that very much....... :shame:

haha, yeah, it would be curious to see how your suppose to ship plants, you should ask Dale @ Baker's Peppers, I might be interested in a few of those varieties that you have extras of and depending on how the shipping works out and cost of shipping would want to give it a shot probably for a few of them if you can't sell them locally . :drooling:

and with that said, you should see if you can get a few random plants planted around the house or past the fence, I don't know about down there but really there is nothing up here that would eat pepper plants, mayyybe deer, but I really am not sure about that.. they usually just eat the other stuff... I will find out this year because I'm planting some of the extras around the house to see how they do on their own.

oh and Matt I was looking at the pics before, those Naga x 7, F2, are those the same seeds you sent to me? if so I will be curious to see what pops out from those if that is the case.

Yea I may end up doing that. We shall see if I don't kill them before then. But yes, those Naga X 7 pot F2s are the same I sent you. Here is a video:
Disclaimer: there was a party......and I was drunk.
Nice turn Matt. May I suggest getting some cheap pots and soil and do little experiment. I would hate to see all those babies go to waste:)

LOL. I have a dozen #5 pots in the garage. Something tells me nothing is getting trashed......except maybe me.....bwaahahahahahhaah....no really, my wife would kill me if I slept through my alarm. So nothing is getting trashed. :banghead:
ok cool, good to know, can't wait to see what comes out of them, and I remember seeing that video before but didn't realize it was an F2, and missed that part I think the first time I watched it, pretty funny vid.

thanks.. and hopefully in.. maybe 2 months I am hoping the superhots will have some pods on them and I can send you a nice little box of fun to try out lol
Fantastic.... First video I have watched in 6 months.. I was secretly dreading starting up to eat fresh supers again but I am getting excited now..... I have been living off of Chris's Chocolate Thunder Powder all winter. Your plants looks great! Good luck this season!
Man I get a kick out of watching your videos. "Don't judge me, I don't judge you." Still love that line.
Can't believe you kept the head warmer on that long. Had to be warm. Then the explanation of the costume... wonderful.