Those of you who have followed this thread for a while know just how happy I was when I finished building my shed earlier this Spring...
(cut to about 2 months ago) Then, Tropical Storm *Isais* tore up the entire East coast of the country, wrecking a ton of shit in its path. My neighborhood had trees coming down left and right, like there was no tomorrow. Not gonna lie, it was pretty tough to keep calm and not look nervous in front of my kids. The sound of 2 foot diameter oak trees snapping in half like toothpicks and crashing to the ground making houses and windows shake was enough to make anybody*s hair on the back of their neck stand up...
Although I am complaining a little bit, I definitely understand that many other people got hit MUCH harder than I did, and my family and I are extremely grateful that we made it through the storm, relatively unscathed, and were very happy that everybody we know is/was safe.
Later reports indicated that *Isais* had the strength equivalent to *Superstorm Sandy* from a few years ago. During *Isais*, we lost power for about 5 or 6 days, and one of the loudest *crashes* that I heard was right in my own backyard...
You*ve gotta be fucking kidding me...
(from my bedroom window)
Oak tree, probably about 24 inches in diameter at the base
Snapped the 2x8 ridge in half
Couple of OSHA planks landed right on the trailer smoker

Thank God it*s made of 1/4 inch rolled steel! It*s a tank!

Only things that were damaged were the temp gauge and the exhaust damper. Could have been a LOT worse!
Got the tree cleaned up, had to rip the entire roof off the shed (even the rafters), and got it all put back together:
I finally got around to splitting all the logs yesterday, and if there*s a silver lining in any of this, it*s that I*ll have a shitload of oak splits for next year, lol

(some maple too, from a tree that came down in my neighbor*s yard

My back is freakin killing me